Bible Review Flashcards
Elijah and PRophets of Baal
I kings 18
Jerusalem Council
Acts 15
David and Goliath
I Sam. 17
Conversion of Saul
Acts 9
The Trasnfiguration
Matt. 17, Luke 9, Mark 9
Judges 4,5
Lions Den
Daniel 6
Abraham offering of Isaac on the Altar
Genesis 22
Vision of Cherubim and Wheels
Ezekiel 10
Joshua encounters Lord of Host
Joshua 5
Giving of ten
Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5
God’s Covenant with Abraham
Genesis 15
The promise of a Redeemer given in the curse
Gen 3:15
Pauls Sermon on Mars Hill
Acts 17
Cov. with David
2 Samuel 7
Peters confession of Christ
Matt. 16
Parable of the GOod Samaratin
Luke 10
Sermon on the Mount
Matt 5,7
parable of the sower
Matt 13, Luke 9
Christ’s Messages to churches of Asia Minor
Rev. 2-3
Bible’s teaching conerning itself
2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is God breathed
Luke 24 - Road to Emmaus - Beginning with the law and the prophets
The Trinity
Gen. 1:27 Let US make man
Matthew 28 Father/Son and Holy Spirit
John 6 - I am in the father and will be sedning the the spirit
The person of Christ
John 1:1,14 In the beginning was the word, and it became flesh
Work of Christ
Prophet - Hebrews 1 - Previously God spoke through the prophets but now speaks through his son.
Priest - hebrews 9 Great High Pries II Cor. 5:21 He who new no sin became sin so that.
King. Matthew 27 Herod asks Jesus is he is the King of the Jews, Herod said he was.
Deity of the H.S.
Genesis 1:2 - Spirit hovered over the water
2 Cor. 2 - Spirit of God knows the mind of God
Ephesians 1 - We have been chosen
Romans 9 - Jacob I have loved/Esau God makes some for noble and some for common purposes
Total Depravity
Ephesians 2 - Dead in Tres
Romans 1 - hear of man is wicked.
II Cor. 5:17 THerefore if anyone is in Christ they are a new creation
Ephesians 2 - Made alive in Christ
Romans 6 - Been brought from death to life
Romans 8 - Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus for the law of the Spirit of life has set us free from the law of sin and death
Romans 5 - We have been Justified with Christ we have peace with God
Ephesians 1 Predestined to be adopted
Romans 8 Given us the spirit of adoption /sonship
Faith and works
James 2 - Show me faith without works and I will show you my faith by my works.
Ephesians 2:8,9
John 10 - I am the good shepherd, I know my sheep and the know me.
I John 5, He who has the son has life
Perseverance of the Saints
John 10 - No one can snatch them out of my hand
John 8 - all that the father has called will come to him.
Purpose of the church
I Peter 2 - That you might be a chosen people, a royal priesthood and a holy nation
Work of the church
Evangelism/Discipleship Matt. 28
Equipping of the saints - Ephesians 4
Church Discipline
Matthew 18
Lord’s Prayer - matthew 6
Lords Supper
I Cor. 11 Words of Institution.
Nature of civil govt.
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar and God what is Gods.
Romans 13 - All Authority has been given to me.