(OLD) €h 01 - Principles Of Transmission Flashcards
1–2 electrical conductors
Common electrical conductor =
Except fiber or silver alloy (does not belong)
1-1 Metallica media – general
Volts, amp, ohm =
V, A, (ohm)
1–2 description of conductors
Copper =
100% conductivity
1–2 description of conductors
Alloy Copper =
Adverse conductivity
1–3 solid conductor properties
Aluminum corrosion resistance =
Aluminum oxidation resistance =
- Good
* poor
1–4 solid vs stranded conductors
Advantages solid conductors =
Better transmission
1–4 solid vs stranded conductors
Advantages stranded conductors =
(2). ^
- more flexible
* except better transmission (does not belong)
1–5 AWG intro
- American wire gauge
* accepted in North America
1–5 insulation intro
PE =
- Inside
1–6 insulation intro
Teflon trademark =
du Pont
1–6 insulation intro
FEP trademark =
1–6 insulation intro
Halar trademark =
1–7 insulation electrical characteristics
Dielectric strength =
Measures maximum voltage
1–8 balance twisted pair cable
Twisting pairs =
Minimize Crosstalk
1–8 balance twisted-pair cable
Capacitance =
Electrical field
1–8 balance twisted-pair cable
Mutual inductance =
Measure magnetic field
1-8 balance twisted-pair cable
Pair twists =
1–8 balance twisted-pair cable
Tight twists =
Preserves cable shape
1–9 environmental considerations – temperature
Balance twisted-pair cable =
Increased attenuation above 68°F
1–9 environmental considerations – temperature
High temperatures in =
- Exterior
- ceilings
- mechanical rooms
1-14 types of shields
Shields =
Except fiber related, does not belong
1-14 types of shields
Solid wall metal tubes (conduit) =
Best possible shield
1–15 types of cable
Braid shield =
- audio = good
* magnetic field = poor
1–15 types of
Foil shield =
1–15 shield effectiveness
Poor =
Excellent =
- Less than 20 dB
* more than 60 dB
1–15 shield effectiveness
Permeability =
Magnetic substance
1-16 drain wires
Shield not properly grounded =
Effectiveness reduced
1-16 drain wire applications
Drain wire =
One – 17 analog signal intro
Analog =
- wave
* example - sinusoid
1-18 sinusoidal signal
Human hearing =
20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
1-18 sinusoidal signal
Voice circuits =
300 to 3400 Hz
1-18 sinusoidal signal
Kilohertz =
1000 Hz
1-19 sinusoidal signal
Phase =
1-19 sinusoidal signal
One cycle =
360 degrees
1-20 sinusoidal signal
Sinusoidal theorem =
Joseph Fourier
1-21 decibel (dB)
If you have one watt of power on your input and one watt on your output, what is the total amount lost in dB?
1000 500 = 3 250 = 3 125 = 3 62.5 = 3 31.25 = 3 15.625 = 3 7.8125 = 3 3.90 = 3 1.95 = 3 .97 = 3 = 30dB ^
1-22 decibel dB
Doubling power =
1-22 decibel dB
1/2 power =
Phenomenon =
1-23 telephony
Telecom transmission system =
- source energy
- medium to carry
- receiving
1-23 telephony
Same load =
Same impedance
1-24 telephony
600 ohm impedance
Private line circuits
1-24 telephony
900 ohm impedance
Central office circuits
1-24 telephony echo
Speed of light =
186,000 mi/s
1-24 telephony echo
Speed of light in cable =
Or EM radiation slows
.56c to .74c
1-24 telephony echo
Satellite delay =
1/4 (0.25) second
1-25 telephony distortion
D loading =
H loading =
- 4495ft
* 6004ft
1-28 IP telephony
VIOP power source =
Except bridge, does not belong
1-29 digital signals
Digital signals =
Discrete steps
1-29 digital signals
Analog to digital =
4th step - companding
1-30 analog-to-digital
Analog sampling theorem =
Harry Nyquist
1-30 analog-to-digital
Companding =
- A-law - Europe
* Mu-law - United States, Canada, Japan
1-30 digital signal
- pulse code modulation
* 256 levels
1-30 PCM
8000 samples/s x 8 bits / sample =
How many levels?
64,000 b/s
1-31 PCM
Codecs =
Conversion of speech
1-34 encoding
Encoding methods =
- AMI = alternate mark inversion; bipolar
* Manchester = +- equal intervals; biphase
1-35 digital data to digital signal
Baud (rate) =
1-36 digital data to digital signal
Coding method
STS-1 =
51.8 Mb/s
1-36 digital data to digital signal
Coding method
STS-3 =
155 Mb/s
1-41 types of transmission circuits
Transmission circuits =
- Simplex = one direction
- Half-duplex = both directions one at a time
- full-duplex = both directions at the same time
1-42 asynchronous and synchronous transmissions
Asynchronous =
Start and stop
1-42 asynchronous and synchronous transmission
Synchronous =
1-43 digital hierarchy
Combine multiple data streams
1-43 digital hierarchy
Basic ISDN =
1-43 digital hierarchy
Primary ISDN North America =
- large business
- 1.544 Mb/s
- 23 B channels
- 1 D channel
1-43 digital hierarchy
Primary ISDN Europe =
- large business
- 2.048 Mb/s
- 30 B channels
- 1 D channel
1-49 video transmission
Baseband signaling =
Composite and component
1-50 video transmission
Component format RGB =
Red, green, blue
1-51 broadband video
RF carrier=
Represents a TV channel
1-53 transmission line concepts
Conductance (G) =
Represents leakage
1-59 transmission line concepts
Crosstalk =
Signal interference
1-59 transmission line concept
- percentage of the speed of light
* .62c
1-59 transmission line concept
Balance twisted-pair cables =
.56c to .74c
1-60 transmission line concept
Delay skew =
- difference in propagation delay
* not to exceed 45ns
1-61 signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
Q= 10mW signal input lead and 10 microwatts of noise 1 dB of loss per 100ft in a 1000ft run. What is rage SNR?
SNR (dB) = 20 log ( Vo / Vn) = 20 log (Vi / Vo)
Vo = received signal voltage level Vn = noise signal voltage level at the receiver Vi = transmitted signal voltage level
1-61 transmission line concepts
- Attenuation to Crosstalk ratio
* minimum NEXT loss - maximum attenuation
1-63 balance twisted-pair performance
Balance twisted pair cables =
Impedance of 100 ohms
1-72 balance twisted-pair applications
1-72 balance twisted-pair applications
DS1 rate =
2 twisted-pair
1-72 balance twisted-pair applications
100BASE – T4 =
4 twisted-pair
1-72 balanced twisted-pair applications
4 twisted-pair
1-76 balanced twisted pair applications
Baluns =
- impedance matching device
- twisted-pair to coaxial and coaxial to twisted-pair
- UTP to coaxial
1-79 optical fiber intro
Simple model of telecom systems =
- transmitter
- receiver
- medium
1-80 optical fiber transmitters
850 nm
1300 nm
Multimode (mm)
1-80 optical fiber transmitter
1310 nm
1550 nm
Singlemode (sm)
1-86 optical fiber transmitters
Vertical cavity surface emitting laser
1-86 optical fiber transmitters
VSCEL advantages =
- cost-effective mm transmitter for gigabit ethernet and fibre channel
- 10Gigabit and fibre channel
1-91 optical fiber medium
Type. Bandwidth OM1 = OM2 = OM3 =
- 62.5um MM 200 & 500MHz*km
- 50um MM 500 & 500MHz*km
- 50um laser, VSCEL 2000 &500MHz*km
1-91. Optical fiber media
OS2 =
Low-water peak
1-92 balance twisted-pair channel performance
ISO Class C =
ISO Class D =
Cat3, 16MHz
Cat5e, 100MHz
1-98 optical fiber bandwidth
Dispersion =
- bandwidth limitations
* light pulse to broaden
1-98 optical fiber bandwidth
Measure maximum optical fiber dispersion =
Picoseconds (psec)
1-99 optical fiber bandwidth
Chromatic dispersion =
1-102 Optical fiber bandwidth
Classifications of fiber =
1-102 optical fiber bandwidth
MM 1Gb/s =
1-106 optical fiber bandwidth
Visible light wavelengths =
400nm to 700nm
1-106 optical fiber bandwidth
wavelength =
1-107 optical fiber bandwidth
SM loss value =
- outside cable .5dB
* inside cable 1.0dB
1-109 optical fiber application support
12 connectors x 0.75dB =
6 connectors x 0.75dB =
- 9.3
* 4.8
1-109 optical fiber application support info
Maximum attenuation for
50um mm
62.5um mm
Singlemode (OSP)
- 3.5dB & 1.5dB
- 3.5dB & 1.5dB
- 0.5dB & 0.5dB
1-116 verifying optical fiber performance and electronics compatibility
Power penalty for:
- 2dB
* 3dB
1-116 verifying optical fiber performance electronics compatibility
Power penalty for repair margin =
Two repair splices
1-118 verifying optical fiber performance and electronics compatibility
Temperature changes =
1-118 verifying optical fiber performance and electronics compatibility
Maximum connection loss =
1-118 verifying optical fiber performance and electronics compatibility
Splice loss =
1-118 verifying optical fiber performance and electronics compatibility
Slice loss for fusion:
MM & SM =
Max 0.3dB
1-118 verifying optical fiber performance and electronics compatibility
Splice loss of mechanical:
MM & SM =
Max 0.3dB
1-122 optical fiber SONET & SDH concepts
Synchronous optical network
1-122 optical fiber SONET & SDH concepts
Synchronous digital hierarchy
1-122 optical fiber SONET & SDH concepts
STS-1/OC-1 =
51.84 MB/s
672 voice channel
1-122 optical fiber SONET & SDH concepts
STS-3/OC-3 =
155.52 MB/s
2016 voice channels
1-122 optical fiber SONET & SDH concepts
STS-12/OC-12 =
622.08 Mb/s
8064 voice channels
1-123 optical fiber SONET & SDH concepts
Multiplexing design =
(A) mux
1-124 optical fiber SONET & SDH concepts
- wavelength division multiplexing
* uses lenses
1-124 optical fiber SONET & SDH concepts
WDM lenses =
Refract and direct light
1-36 digital data to digital signals
Coding method
ISDN (basic) =
ISDN (primary) =
- 160 Kb/s
* 1.544 Mb/s
1-90 optical fiber medium
Core size selection =
- active equipment
- distance
- bandwidth (data rate)
1-118 attenuation
Fusion =
Mechanical =
- permanent, 0.3
* emergency/temporary,0.3
1-129 North American digital signal
DS1 =
DS1C =
DS3 =
- 24 channels
- 48 channels
- 672 channels