Oesophagus Flashcards
what is achalasia
failure of peristalsis and relaxation of lower oesophageal sphincter due to degenerative loss of ganglia in Auerbach’s plexus
clinical picture of achalasia
dysphagia to solids and liquids from outset
heartburn, regurg of food, middle aged
investigation of achalasia
manometry shows increased lower oesophageal sphincter tone
barium swallow - birds beak
CXR wide mediastinum
oesophageal cancer as a result of Barrets is what histiologically
outline the treatment of an acute variceal haemorrhage
ABCDE - vit K and FFP and terlipressan
then upper GI endoscopy –>band ligation –> TIPSS procedure
can give prophylacitc antibiotics if liver cirrhossis
what is the propylacitc treatment of variceal haemorrhage
Endoscopic variceal ligation at 2 weekly intervals until all bands removed
PPI given during EVL treatment as EVL can cause ulceration