Odyssey Final Exam Review Flashcards
Odysseus fought to bring shipmates home - this shows what quality?
How does the Odyssey open?
To whom?
An invocation
What was the worst kind of death for Greeks?
Being lost at sea
What does Odysseus say he is famous for?
Cunning; clever
Who is a goddess with human desires? She loves Odysseus
Who are the inhabitants on Ismarus?
The __ shows how close the shipmates must have been
Odysseus runs into a storm and __
Must seek refuge
After __ days of sailing, the men arrive at the island of the __
They offer the men lotus
Lotus Eaters
What happens to the sailors after arriving at the Island of the Lotus Eaters?
They become so addicted to the lotus, that they forget about their journey home
What does Odysseus do when his men forget about going home?
Drags them back to the boat + forbids them from eating anymore lotus
Where did souls not go?
Where do they go?
Neither heaven nor hell
To the underworld
Greek belief = no __ but no __
Odysseus promises __ a proper burial
What does Tiresias tell Odysseus?
That Poseidon is mad at him for blinding his son
That men are trying to court his wife back home
Tiresias predicts that __
Only Odysseus will make it home
What does Tiresias recommend to Odysseus?
That he makes a large sacrifice to Poseidon
Odysseus asks his shipmates to tie him to the __ so he is not enticed by the __
Odysseus __ men
How many men are lost at sea?
How does Odysseus fell about this? (That the certain number of people were lost at sea)
What does Tiresias warn Odysseus about?
To not touch Helios’s cattle
Eurylochus persuades men into __
Eating and killing the cattle
Odysseus takes a nap, and when he wakes up he realizes his men __
(On Helios’s island)
Betrayed him and ate the cattle
What does Zeus do as a result of them eating the cattle?
He throws a lightning bolt across the ship as they sailed
How is the ship wrecked?
When leaving Helios’s island
A storm caused by Zeus
Odysseus floats to where after the ship is wrecked from leaving Helios’s island?
Calypso’s Island
Of the 10 years, how many are spent with Calypso?
Who is Scylla?
Sea Monster with 6 heads
Who is Charybdis?
Giant Whirlpool
Why does Odysseus not like the Cyclopes?
They are uncivilized
Compared to the cyclops, what does this say about Greek society?
Value a law abiding culture
Practiced agriculture
Odysseus and __ men enter the cave
What do Odysseus’s men want to do once they enter the cave?
2 things
Steal food
Let sheep loose
How does Odysseus respond? (To what the men want to do once they enter the cave)
Odysseus says no because he wants to see the Cyclops
__ leads Odysseus to disregard his better judgement
What doe Odysseus warn to the Cyclops?
That Zeus does not take friendly to those who are rude to travelers
Odysseus is famous for __ in peace and __
They spent __ days and night on the Island of the Lotus Eaters
The shipmates are really close because __
They go through war, anxiety, and everything with each other
How many men does the Cyclops eat?
How did the Cyclops treat the Greeks? The animals?
Cyclops do not believe in __
2 things
Hospitality + the gods
What is the escape plan for getting out of the cave?
They tie themselves under the bellies of the sheep
As they get into the boat and leave the Cyclops’s island, what does Odysseus do?
He taunts the Cyclops
The gloomy storms and seas represent __
Leaving the Cyclops’s island
The danger of the event
How long did it take Odysseus to get home?
20 years
Odysseus sails for __ days and lands in the island of the __ (cannibals)
Who protected Odysseus with a special herb?
How long does Odysseus stay with Circe?
1 year
When is there only 1 ship?
After the Laestryogians
Elysium = ?
When do all the men get killed?
When Zeus casts the lightning bolt
Who is Elpanor?
One of Odysseus’s soldiers who got drunk and fell off the roof
Tiresias = ?
A prophet
Where does Circe tell Odysseus to go?
Odysseus stays with whom?
Odysseus puts __ in the sailors ears so they don’t ear the __
Tying Odysseus to the mast is an example of what?
Self restrain
What does Odysseus tell his men when they are going through Scylla?
Row as hard as you can
Odysseus is comparing Scylla whisking his men to __
A fisherman hooking a fishing and ripping it through the air
Who put Odysseus to sleep when they were on the island of the sun god?
The gods
Eurymachus does what?
Tried to bargain with Odysseus
We’ll pay for your wine and food if you don’t kill us
When he arrives in Ithaca he looks like __
A beggar
Who warns Odysseus when he gets back to Ithaca?
Telemachus journeys to Sparta to __
Learn about his father
Telemachus starts to cry, and what is Odysseus’s reply?
Prince’s don’t show emotion
What does Odysseus warn to Telemachus?
Not to reveal that Odysseus is a beggar
Eumaeus = ?
Swine herder
Atintous throws a __ at Odysseus
Penelope feels bad for Odysseus and asks the “beggar” if he knows anything about whom?
What does Penelope propose?
If you can string Odysseus’s bow and throw it through 12 axe handles sockets, I’ll marry you
How long do Penelope hold off the suitors?
3 years
What does Penelope do to hold the suitors off?
She ties a shroud for her dead husband every night and then unties it every night
Shoots Atinous in the __
What did they do at the end? (The very very end)
They went off to live in a peaceful place until old age
Odysseus built the bed around __
an old trunk of an olive tree
What location is Eurolochus killed?
What does the Cyclops do when his eye was struck?
He calls out to the other Cyclops
What does Odysseus say is his name? (To the Cyclops)
Why would Odysseus say that that is his name?
So the Cyclops would say that “Nobody” harmed him
What does the Cyclops do as Odysseus taunts him?
Throws boulders at the ship
Due to __, what mistake does Odysseus make as they are sailing away? (Cyclops)
Reveals his name
Who also removes Odysseus disguise?
Who is shocked to see Odysseus and thinks it’s a trick?
What is the dog’s name?
What happens when the dog sees Odysseus?
It dies
Penelope waited __ years for Odysseus
Odysseus fooled around with __ = __
Double Standard
Who does Odysseus kill first?
Odysseus, Telemachus, and __ kill all the __
Archetype = ?
An element that recurs throughout the literature of different cultures
Describes the actions of gods or heroes or explains the origins of elements of nature
(Type of literary form)
Heroics, adventure, magic, or romance
Simple formula
Folk Tale
Recounts the adventures of a hero from the past
Long narrative poem
Combines features of myths and legends
Alcinous = ?
King of the Phaecians
To whom Odysseus tells his story
Agamemnon = ?
King and leader of Greek forces
Who is Odysseus’s father?
Who is the housekeeper for Penelope?
Who is the blind prophet who advised Odysseus?