Odd Bits And Bobs Flashcards
How are comparative and superlative adjectives form?
Tara/tama more common
Not possible to predict form
What are common uses of the comparative and superlative?
Superlative with gen/loc: preșțhah narānām/nareșu: dearest of men/amongst men
Comparative with ablative:
Simhah aśvāt śīghratarah - the lion (is) faster than the horse
How do the comparative and superlative differ from English in meaning?
Comparative can mean ‘rather or quite X’ if no comparison is being made and the superlative can mean ‘excessively X’
How do you commonly form adverbs in Sanskrit?
Acc Sg Neut of an ADJECTIVE or sometimes a NOUN to form an indeclinable Adverb. Nitya- eternal and nityam- eternally/always or nakta - night and naktam ‘at night’
What does gam with an abstract noun in the accusative mean?
He becomes X (idiomatic lit. Goes to X): śāntim adhigacchati lit. He goes towards peace/he becomes peaceful.
Which vowels have external vowel to vowel sandhi that differs from their internal sandhi?
E/ai/o - they become a/ā/ā respectively with a hiatus before the next vowel. Exception:
E/o + a = e/o + avagraha
What are the exceptions to vowel sandhi?
Long i/u and e of N/V/A duals
N pl masc duals ending in i
Final vowels of interjections such as ā/he/aho/