Oculomotor Lec26 Flashcards
purpose of the Vestibular Ocular Reflex.
steady the scene against movement
keep focus on object
Vestibular Ocular Reflex. The eyes move ___ of how the head moves to
keep focus on an object
purpose of OptoKinetic Nystagmus
. The eyes can jump focus
ex. switching targets as we
walk - also steadies the scene against movement
Saccades. Fast eye movements to shift the visual scene onto the ___
the ___ decides where saccades should go
Vergence and Accomodation. Adjust the
plane of focus
___ Eye Field controls voluntary eye movements
___Cortex controls involuntary pursuit movements
Superior Parietal
Vertical gaze center/saccade generator is in the
midbrain, near CN 3 and 4
Horizontal gaze center is in the
PPRF (paramedian pontine reticular formation), near CN 6
The MLF, medial longitudinal fasciculus, gets both eyes to move together by activating the
contralateral CN 3
Oculomotor Apraxia = lesion to
frontal eye fields
Oculomotor Apraxia leads to loss of
voluntary eye movements
___ is preveserved with oculomotor apraxia
with oculomotor apraxia cant _____ but can ____
can’t “look right” on command but can still follow a finger to the right