Oct. 21st lesson Flashcards
True or False: Roman religion evolved from the Near East.
The Romans got it from the Greeks, mostly through the Etruscans.
True or False: The Roman pantheon does NOT have its own theogony or creation story.
Define: Hypostasis
The concept of different epithets (formally considered aspects) for gods, depicting the different facades of their purpose and being
How many epithets did Zeus have?
What was Aphrodite Ourania?
- Pious, womanly Aphrodite
What was Aphrodite Pandemos?
- Aphrodite the whore (pandemos means available to all)
Define Aniconic Images:
- Simple stumps of stone instead of a formal statue representing the votive worship of a god/goddess
- Often seen in Arcadia
Why do some Greek coins have holes and letters stamped through them?
- Holes are from the nail that pinned the coin to the temple wall as an offering
- The letters are the initials of the god/goddess the subject wanted to summon
- Ex. letters EA = Eileithyia Athena
What are Daimones?
- Liminal creatures that interact between the human world and that of the gods
True or False: The Daimones in Ancient Greece did NOT have any moral implications.
Daimones weren’t seen as good or bad, just beings whose presence was existent
Plato stated that ______ was a Daimones.
True or False: Many people had personal patron Daimones.
What did Socrates claim during his trial pertaining to Daimones?
- He claimed that he made no bad choices, for his Daimon guided him away from wrong choices throughout the period in question.
What were the Lasa?
- Etruscan female demons
What did the Lasa look like?
Naked and winged