OCD & Somat8c Symptom Disorders Flashcards
What are the diagnostic criteria of the OCD?
Diagnostic Criteria:
1. Recurrent obsessions and/or compulsions:
➢ Obsessions: Intrusive recurrent thoughts, urges, or images that increase distress (e.g., fear of contamination)
➢ Compulsions: Repetitive behaviors/ mental acts that are performed to decrease distress (e.g., washing)
2) Obsessions/compulsions are time consuming or distressful/disruptive
3) Symptoms are not explained by another disorder
(e. g., weight preoccupation in eating disorders
(Note: Compulsions aren’t always logically related to the obsession)
The obsessional belief can be of delusional intensity (100% certainty) and is denoted using the following specifier: OCD “with absent insight (delusional beliefs)”
What are the components of the Cortico-striate-thalamus-cortical (CSTC)?
Cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical (CSTC) circuit overactivity
Orbitofrontal—> cingulate—> striatum—> Thalamus—> orbitofrontal
Serotonin deficiency
What is standard OCD treatment?
- Behavioral therapy (Exposure and Response Prevention
• Expose patient to obsession without allowing patient to engage in compulsion
• Exposure can be in vivo (live), virtual, or imaginal
2) Medications
• Antidepressants that selectively increase serotonin (e.g., the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs], such as fluoxetine)
What are the treatment options of refractory OCD?
Techniques that interrupt CSTC circuitry through:
1) Neurosurgery
Lesions of either of the following regions:
‒ Ant.cingulategyrus (cingulotomy)
‒ Ant. limb of the internal capsule (capsulotomy)
Lesions are created surgically or through radiation
2) Deep Brain Stimulation
Electrical stimulation of select brain regions (e.g., subthalamus)
‒ Implanted electrode connected to a pacemaker device under skin of chest
– Risk of infection, brain hemorrhage
– Several months to see therapeutic effects
– Treatment is indefinite
What is the essential feature of BDD?
O-C behavior about perceived defect in appearance
What is the essential feature of Hoarding?
O-C behavior resulting in the excessive accumulation of possessions
What is the essential features of excoriation?
Compulsive picking
Whaat is the essential features of Trichotillomania?
Compulsive hair pulling
What. Disorders are related to somatic symptom disorder?
Illness anxiety disorde
Conversion disorder—> functional neurological symptom disorder
Factitious disorder
The common feature of these disorders is the prominence of somatic/health-related symptoms associated with significant distress or impairment
What are the diagnostic criteria of Somatic Symptom Disorder?
Diagnostic Criteria
➢ >1 distressing/disruptive somatic symptom ➢ At least one indicator of excessive thoughts/
feelings/behaviors about the symptom(s) such as:
– Disproportionate thoughts about the seriousness of the
– High levels of anxiety about the symptom or health
– Excessive time/energy devoted to the symptom
The diagnosis of SSD focuses on the abnormal behaviors/thoughts/feelings in response to the distressing somatic symptom(s)
➢ The focus is NOT on whether there is a medical explanation for the somatic symptom(s). The person COULD have a medical explanation for the symptom and still have SS
What is the diagnostic criteria of illness anxiety disorder?
Diagnostic Criteria
➢ Preoccupation with having/acquiring a serious illness
➢ Somatic symptoms are NOT present or, if present, the
symptoms are mild:
– A normal physiological sensation (e.g., orthostatic dizziness)
– A benign, self-limited dysfunction (transient tinnitus)
– Bodily discomfort not usually indicative of disase (e.g., belching)
➢ Patient performs excessive health-related behaviors or shows maladaptive avoidance
Compare SSD vs. IAD
SSD vs IAD Compared
➢ SSD: Patient has a distressing physical complaint with “excessiveness” in response to that distressing physical complaint
➢ IAD: Patient does NOT have a distressing physical complaint but nonetheless worries about one’s health
What is body Dysmorphic disorder?
– An Obsessive-Compulsive related disorder characterized by excessive concern about a perceived flaw in one’s appearance
– In BDD, the concern relates to one’s appearance; In SSD & IAD, the concern relates to a somatic symptom or health
What is Delusional disorder, somatic type?
Delusional Disorder (DD), Somatic Type – A Schizophrenia Spectrum disorder characterized by a persistent fixed, false belief about body/health
– In DD, the belief is held with delusional intensity (100% certainty); In SSD and IAD, the belief is less strongly believed
What is the diagnostic criteria of conversion disorder?
Diagnostic Criteria
➢ Altered voluntary motor or sensory function
➢ Evidence of incompatibility between the symptom and neurological conditions
Incompatibility of the symptom with neurological disease is a key feature of this diagnosis
What are the subtypes of conversion diagnostic criteria?
Subtypes • With weakness or paralysis • With abnormal movement • With swallowing symptoms • With speech symptom • With attacks or seizures • With anesthesia or sensory loss • With special sensory symptom (e.g., visual) • With mixed symptoms
What are the Factitious disorders?
A person fakes/induces (feigns) physical or psychological symptoms, in self or others, in the absence of obvious “external” rewards
– Satisfaction is from gaining medical attention and being in the patient role (“primary gain”)
– Unconscious motivation
❑ Factitious Disorder Imposed on Self (“Munchausen’s
Syndrome”): Person feigns symptoms in oneself
❑ Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (“Munchausen’s Syndrome, by proxy”): Person feigns symptoms in another individual
What is Malingering?
A person fakes/induces (feigns) physical or psychological symptoms in self/others for “external” rewards (e.g., avoiding work)
Known as “secondary gain”
Conscious motivation
Complaints cease after gaining reward
❑ Malingering: Person feigns symptoms in oneself
❑ Malingering (by proxy): Person feigns symptoms in another individual