Obtaining Samples Flashcards
Ear Cytology
Mineral oil, cover slip.
Ear Cytology
Diff quick, sedistain, or gram stain.
Ear Cytology
Diff quick, sedistain, or gram stain.
What are the two ways to obtain samples for Skin Cytology?
- Skin Scraping
- mineral oil, slide, coverslip, scalpel blade - Skin Biopsy
- biopsy punch, formaldehyde
What are the 4 methods of obtaining Urine Samples?
- Free Catch
- Manual Expression
- Cystocentesis (method of choice)
- Catheterization
What are the 4 methods of obtaining a Fecal Sample?
- Fecal Loop (a lot of potential for causing problems).
- Glove
- Off Ground
- Off Thermometer (may not be enough, but sometimes it is all that you get).
What is a Thoracocentesis?
Removal of free fluid from chest cavity, via needle, catheter, extension set, syringe.
What do you do with fluid collected from a Thoracocentesis?
Submit for cytology and culture sensitivity.
Who performs the Thoracocentesis?
Usually done by a vet, though sometimes by an experienced Vet Tech.
What is an Abdominocentesis?
Removal of free fluid from the abdominal cavity via needle, catheter, extension set, syringe.
What is done with fluid from an Abdominocentesis?
Submit for cytology.
Who performs an Abdominocentesis?
Usually done by the Vet, sometimes an experience Vet Tech.
Why is a Trans Tracheal Wash done?
To differentiate benign from potentially critical.
-fungi, bacteria, mycoplasm.
What is done with fluid from a Trans Tracheal Wash?
Submit for cytology.
Who performs a Trans Tracheal Wash?
Usually done by the Vet, sometimes an experience Vet Tech.
What is an Arthrocentesis?
A joint tap (synovial fluid). Removal of fluid from joint via a syringe.
What is an Arthrocentesis done?
- To differentiate from osteoarthritis or inflammation.
- Joint disease.
What do you do with fluid collected during an Arthrocentesis?
Submit for cytology, wbc, rbc, differential, protein, culture/sensitivity.
What is a Bone Marrow Biopsy?
Removal of bone marrow via biopsy needle, syringe, slides.
Why is a Bone Marrow Biopsy done?
- Non-regenerative anemias.
- Bone marrow is not responding.
- Decreased pcv, hgb, or rbc.
- Thrombocytopenia
- Neturopenia
- Abnormal blood cell morphology.
- Immature cells in peripheral blood.
- Fever of unknown origin.
What is done with material collected via a Bone Marrow Biopsy?
Submit for cytology.
Who performs a Bone Marrow Biopsy?
ALWAYS a Vet!!!!
What should you do before collecting samples?
Check to see if the Vet wants a culture / sensitivity sent out. Collect that sample first in the appropriate culturette or container.
Should you clean the area before sampling?
Not unless you are asked to.
What are you looking for in Ear Cytology?
- Mites
- Bacteria
- Yeast
Do NOT take samples or put any liquids into the ear until?
The condition of the ear canal and ear drum have been evaluated with an otoscope.
Manual bladder expression is never done if?
There is a chance that the animal is obstructed.
What are the 4 different tests you can perform on Fecal Samples?
- Direct Smear
- Fecalyzer
- Centrifugation
- Large Animal Quantitative
What collection procedures require surgical prep, and anesthesia?
May or may not be sedated. Usually done with local anesthesia.
- Thoracocentesis
- Abdominocentesis
- Trans Tracheal Wash
- Arthrocentesis
- Bone Marrow Biopsy
What is used to collect the sample for a TTW?
Needle, syringe, sterile fluid, +/- catheter.
What are the two types of needles used in a Bone Marrow Biopsy?
- Jamshidi Bone Marrow Biopsy Needle
- plastic with metal needle
- used for core sample - Rosenthal Bone Marrow Aspirate Needle
- all metal (16g-18g, 1”-1 1/2”)
- used for aspirate
Where are bone marrow aspirates taken from?
- Humerus
- Proximal end of femur.
- Iliac crest.
Can you just put the needle through the skin for a Bone Marrow sample?
No, an incision should be made in the skin first so that the only sample you get is bone marrow, not skin.
What size syringe is used in a Bone Marrow Aspirate?
How are slides made for a Bone Marrow Aspirate?
Multiple slides are made via compression smear and sent to an outside lab.
What can you do to keep the Bone Marrow sample from clotting?
Use a bit of EDTA from a purple top tube. Can clot in 60 seconds without it.
When is a Bone Marrow Core Biopsy performed instead of an Aspirate?
When not enough info is obtained from aspirate.