Insects Flashcards
Mosquitoes are members of the _________ family?
Mosquitoes are part of an important genera, and include?
Aedes, Anopheles, Culex, Culiseta, and Psorophora.
Mosquitoes are voracious?
Blood feeders.
Mosquitoes breed in?
Mosquitoes feed on? (female vs male)
Females: blood.
Males: nectar, plant juices, and other liquids.
Mosquitoes can transmit disease such as?
Malaria, yellow fever, and dengue in humans, as well as a vector for Dirofilaria immitis and Equine Viral Encephalitis.
Mosquitoes are also vectors for?
West Nile Virus (encephalitis or brain inflammation) which can affect:
-humans, horse, birds, as well as dogs & cats, but in these cases the infection is usually inapparent or mild.
Treatment for mosquitoes usually involves?
Environmental measure such as insecticides, larvicides, or using various species of fish as biological controls.
Control of mosquitoes includes?
- Eliminating standing water from property.
- Removing vessels that may collect rainwater & become breeding grounds.
- Keep watering troughs clean by changing water often.
- Use of mosquito dunks in ponds.
- Commercial repellants such as coils that are burned to produce a smoke that repels.
- Mosquito traps that mimic mammals by emitting CO2, heat, and moisture.
What are some common mosquito repellants?
-DEET, permethrins, and oil of citronella.
For large animals such as cattle?
Topical applications such as sprays and repellants are not very effective.
For small animals, especially dogs?
Some topical applications also repel and kill mosquitoes (K9 Advantix - Imidacloprid/permethrin).
- Class: Insecta
- Order: Diptera
- Generally NOT host specific.
- Lay eggs, hatch into larva, then become adult.
- Some species lay eggs in organic material, filth, wounds, standing water, on the host, etc.
Tabanus spp.
- Horsefly, deerfly
- Females feed aggressively on blood; bite is painful.
- Can transmit equine infectious anemia, anthrax, tularemia, anaplasmosis.
- Breed in standing water.
- Diagnosis: ID of adult fly.
- Treatment: Commercial fly repellants repeated at intervals.
Hypoderma spp.
- Common cattle bot fly.
- Larvae can be found in stomach.
- Larvae migrate through flesh, cause weight loss & decrease value of hides.
- Migrate to esophagus or spinal column before forming warbles on the back.
Hypoderma spp.
Cysts or “warbles” form….
Around the larvae, which undergo two molts (second and third stage).
- The warble stage lasts 4-8 weeks.
- Finally, third stage larvae emerge through the breathing holes, drop to ground, and pupate.
- Flies emerge from pupae in 1 to 3 months depending on weather conditions.
- Adult flies, which do not feel live <1 week.
- The life cycle is complete in one year.
Hypoderma spp.
Adult flies do not?
Sting or bite, but they are an annoyance to cattle.
Hypoderma spp.
Diagnosis / Treatment
Diagnosis: Warbles on back of cattle.
Treatment: Pour-on organophosphates (coumaphos, famphur, fenthion); ivermectin.