Obstetrics Flashcards
primary cause third trimester bleeding
Placental abruption and placenta previa
Classic US and gross appearance of complete hydatidiform mole
Snowstorm on US
Cluster of grapes on gross exam
Chromosomal pattern of complete mole
46 XX
Molar pregnancy containing fetal tissue
Partial mole
Sx of placental abruption
Continuous painful bleeding
Sx of placenta previa
Self limited, painless vaginal bleeding
When should a vaginal exam be performed with suspected placenta pre via?
Abx with teratogenic effect
Most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage
Uterine atony
Tx postpartum hemorrhage
Uterine massage
If that fails - oxytocin
Abx prophy for GBS
IV penicillin or ampicillin
Meds to accelerate fetal lung maturity
Bethamethasone or dexamethasone x 48 hrs
Pt fails to lactate after an emergency C section with marked blood loss
Sheehan syndrome (postpartum pituitary necrosis)
Uterine bleeding at 18 weeks gestation, no products expelled, cervix open
Inevitable abortion
Uterine bleeding at 18 wks gestation, no products expelled, cervical os closed
Threatened abortion
Teratogens effect during which weeks
2-12 wks
Which is older, gestational age or embryonic/developmental age? by how much
Gestational age 2 weeks older than embryonic age because is based on LMP which is 14 d prior to fertilization which occurs at ovulation
Naegele rule
EDP = LMP + 7 days - 3 months + 1 year
CV changes in pregnancy
CO increased 40% with SV and HR increase Systolic murmur b/c inc CO Myocardial O2 demand increases SP and DP decrease Uterus push heart superiorly Venous distension increases PVR decreases
Respiratory changes in pregnancy
Uterus pushes diaphragm up and decreases RV, FRC, ERV
Total O2 consumption increases
TV increases 40% with increase in minute ventilation 2/2 progesterone stimulation
PCO2 decreases = dyspnea
VC does not change
Renal changes in pregnancy
Renal plasma flow and GFR increase
BUN and Cr decrease
Inc renal loss bicarb due to compensation for resp alkalosis
Blood and interstitial fluid v increases
Endocrine change in pregnancy
Nondiabetic hyperinsulinemia with mild glc intolerance
Production human placental lactogen inc glc intolerance by interfering with insulin activity
Fasting TG inc
Cortisol Inc
TBG and T4 inc, free T4 unchange
TSH decrease but WNL
Hematologic changes in pregnancy
Hypercoaguable state
Increased RBC
HCT dec bc inc blood V
GI changes in pregnancy
Inc salivation
Dec gastric motility
Increased gastric emptying time
Sphincter tone decreases
Weight gain mom
Calorie intake
BMI 26: 15-25 lbs
Calories: 2500
Labs at initial visit
9-14 wks CBC Blood ab and Rh Pap GC/Chlam UA-every visit RPR or VDRL Rubella titer Hep B surface antien HIV TSH?
Labs 16-18 wks
Quadruple screen - trisomies 21, 18, NTD
Labs 18-20 wks
US dating and anatomy
Labs 24-28 wks
1 hr OGTT
labs 32-37 wks
N\GC and chlam, HIV and RPR screen in high risk
GBS screening
4 things tested in Quadruple screen
AFP- maternal serum
maternal serum inhibin A
Tested in full integrated test
US for nuchal translucency and serum for pregnancy associated plasma protein A - first trimester
Quadruple screen - 2nd semester
Amniocentesis tests
Who gets tested?
Amniotic fluid after 16 wks for AFP and karyotype
- Abnormal quadruple
- Rh sensitized mom to obtain fetal blood type
- Evaluate fetal lung maturity via L:S >=2.5 or detect PG
- > 35 yrs
Chorionic villous sampling tests
9-12 wks gestation for chromosome abnormalities
Percutaneous umbilical cord sampling tests
> 18 wks: chromosome defect, fetal infection, Rh sensitization
Maternal serum AFP
- When valid
- If high this means?
- If low this means
Valid only 16-18 wks
High levels: NTD (ancephaly or spina bifida) or multiple gestation, abdominal wall defect (gastroschisis, omphalocele), incorrect dating, fetal death, placental abnormalities (placental abruption)
Low levels: trisomies 21 and 18, fetal demise, inaccurate dating
AFP low, hCG high, Inhibin A high, estriol low (Quad)
Nuchal translucency high, hCG high, PAPP-A high (full integrated)
Trisomy 21
AFP low, estriol low, hCG low, Inhibin A WNL/low - quad
Nuchal translucency high , hCG and PAPP-A low - full integrated
Trisomy 18
Quad screen WNL
Nuchal translucency inc, hCG dec, PAPPA, dec
Trisomy 13
AFP levels
- when are they valid
- if low/high
- Valid wks 16-18
- High: NTD or multiples
- Low: trisomyy 18 or 21
1 hr OGTT
- Oral glc load
- Abnormal
- 50 g
- >=130
3 hr OGTT
- test setup
- abnormal
3 days carb meals, fasting glc measured , 100 g load, measure glc 1,2,3 hrs
Abnormal with 2 of following
- FG >=95
- 1 hr >=180
- 2 hr > = 150
- 3 hr >=140
Meds ok to use
Labetolol, no ACEI or ARB
Elevated liver enzymes
Low Platelets
Tx seizures in pregnancy
Stay on current meds, Vit K and folate given
Diazepam can be use to break seizures
Ok breastfeeding
Not pregnancy
Anticoagulation during pregnancy
Stop all during active labor and until 6 hrs after delivery
- Maternal risk
- Fetal risks
Mom: minimal
Kid: IUGR, prematurity
- Maternal risk
- Fetal risks
Mom: ARRHYTHMIA, MI, SAH, seizures, stroke, abruptio placentae
Kid: ABRUPTIO PLACENTAE, IUGR, prematurity, facial abnormalities, delayed intellectual development, fetal demise, bowel atresias, congenital malformation heart, limbs, face, GU, microcephaly, cerebral infarctions
- Maternal risk
- Fetal risks
Mom: minimal
Kid: FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME, spontaneous abortion, intrauterine fetal demise
- Maternal risk
- Fetal risks
Mom: INFECTION (needles), withdrawa, PROM
Kid: Prematurity, IUGR, meconium aspiration, neonatal infections, NARCOTIC WITHDRAWAL (may be fatal)`
- Maternal risk
- Fetal risks
Mom: lack of appetite and malnutrition, arrhythmia, withdrawal depression, HTN
Kid: IUGR, congenital heart defect, cleft palate
- Maternal risk
- Fetal risks
Kid: Spontaneous abortion, prematurity, IUGR, intrauterine fetal demise, impaired intellectual development, higher risk of neonatal respiratory infection
- Maternal risk
- Fetal risks
Mom: Personal enlargement (poor decisions making)
Kid: Possible developmental delays
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Mental retardation IUGR Sensory and motor neuropathy Facial abnormalities- midfacial hypoplasia Growth restriction Renal and cardiac defects Drinking >6 drinks per day
ACEI teratogen effects
Renal- fetal renal tubular dysplasia and renal failure, oligohydramnios
Decreased skull ossification
Aminoglycosides teratogen effects
CN VIII damange
Carbamazepine teratogen effects
Facial IUGR Mental retardation CV NTD Fingernail hypoplasia
Chemo (all classes) teratogen effects
Intrauterine fetal demise Severe IUGR Anatomic- Palate, bones, limbs, genitals, etc Mental retardation Spontaneous abortion Secondary neoplasms
Diazepam teratogen effects
Cleft palate
Secondary neoplasms
DES teratogen effects
Vaginal and cervical cancer - clear cell adenocarcinoma
Possible infertility
Fluoroquinolones teratogen effects
Heparain teratogen effects
Intrauteine fetal demise
Safer than warfarain
Lithium teratogen effects
OCPS teratogen effects
Spontaneous abortion
Phenobarb teratogen effects
Neonatal withdrawal
Phenytoin teratogen effects
Facial IUGR Mental retardation CV Microcephaly Dysmorphic face Fingernail hypoplasia
Retinoids teratogen effects
Spontaneous abortion
Sulfonamides teratogen effects
Tetracycline teratogen effects
Teeth discoloration- yellow brown
Hyoplasia enamel
Thalidomide teratogen effects
Anotia and micronotia
Cards and GI
Valproic acid teratogen effects
warfarin teratogen effects
Spontaneous abortion IUGR CNS Faical Mental retardation Dandy walker Nasal hypoplasia and stippled bone epiphyses Eyes
Hydrocephalus, intracranial calcifications, chorioretinis, microcephaly, spontaneous abortion, seizures
- Dx
- Tx
DX: amniotic fluid for PCR or serum Ab screening, ring enhancing lesion CT
Tx: pyrimethamine, sulfadizine, add folinic acid
Mother - no gardening, litter box, raw meat, unpastuerized milk
Increased risk of spontaneous abortion, skin lesion - BLUEBERRY MUFFIN
Congenital syndrome if transmission: IGUR, deafness, CV, vision, CNS, hepatitis, PDA
IgG screening
Mother immunized before pregnant
No Tx if during pregnancy
No benefit from immunoglobulin
INcreased risk of prematurity, IUGR, spontaneous abortion, HIGH RISK NEONATAL DEATH IF TRANSMISSION
IgM or IgG after rash develops
Immunize mom before pregnant, immune globulin during pregnancy, VACCINE CI DURING PREGNANCY b/c live
Neonatal anemia, deafnes, hepatosplenomegaly, pneumo, hepatitis, osteodystrophy, rash followed by hand and foot desquamation, neonatal mortality 25%
Early RPR or VDRL, confirm with FTA-ABS
PENICILLIN to mom or baby
IUGR, chorioretinitis, CNS, mental retardation ,vision, deafness, hydrocephalus, seizures, hepatosplenomegaly, petechial rash, periventricular calcifications
IgM or PCR within first few wks of life
No Tx if develops during pregnancy
Ganciclovir may decrease effects in neonates
Increased risk prematurity, IUGR< spont abortion, neonatal death or CNS probl if transmission
Clinical + viral culture/immunoassay
C-section to avoid transmission if active lesion or primary outbreak
Acyclovir in neonates
Increased risk prematurity, IUGR< increased risk of neonatal death if acute disease develops
Hep B
Prenatal surface antigen
Maternal vaccination, vaccination of neonate and immunoglobulin after birth
Viral transmission in utero, RAPID DISEASE PROGRESSION
Early prenatal maternal blood screening
AZT to decrease vertical transmission
COntinue antivirals - NO efavirenz, didanosine, stavudine, nevirapine
Increased risk spontaneous abortion, neonatal sepsis, conjunctivitis
Cervical culture + immunoassay
Erythromycin to mom or neonate
Prematurity, ENCEPHALITIS< PNEUMO, IUGR, CNS, limb, blindness, high risk neonatal death if birth during active infection
IgG titier if no known history of disease
IgM and IgG to confirm Dx in neonates
Varicella immunoglobulin to nonimmune mom within 96 hr of exposure and to neonate if born during active infection
Vaccine CI during pregnancy b/c live attenuated
Respiratory, pneumo, meningitis, sepsis
Antigen screening after 34 wks
IV beta lacatams or clindamycin during labor or in infected neonates
Decreased RBC production, hemolytic anemia, hydrops fetalis
Parvovirus B19
IgM or PCR
Monitor fetal Hg by PUBS (umbilical blood), give transfusion if severe anemia
Toxoplasmosis Other (VZV, Parvovirus B 19, GBS, chlam/GC) Rubella/rubeola/RPR (syphilis) CMV HSV/Hep B/HIV
Abortion type: uterine bleeding + closed cervical os + no uterine contents expelled
US viable fetus
Bed rest and limit activity
Abortion type: uterine bleeding with pain, os closed, no uterine contents expelled, US shows nonviable fetus
Misoprostol or DandC
Abortion type: uterine bleeding and pain, os open, no uterine contents expelled
Tx: Misoprostal and DandC
Abortion type: uterine bleeding, open/closed os, all contents expelled
Spontaneous abortion/miscarriage - when
1st trimester cause
2nd trimester cause
<20 wks, non selective
1st: chromosome
2nd: infection, cervical incompetence, uterine abnormalities, hypercoaguable, poor maternal health, drug use
Major risk factor for miscarriage
> 35 yrs
When: intrauterine fetal demise
> 20wks
Most common causes vaginal bleeding early pregnancy
Threatened or inevitable abortion
Physiologic bleeding (implantation)
Uterine cervical pathology
Tx UTI pregnant
Beta hCG level for transabdominal vs transvaginal US
Transabdominal: 6500
Transvaginal: 1000
Most common location ectopic pregnancy
2 types IUGR
Symmetric: overall decrease in body size, early pregnancy
Asymmetric: decrease abdominal
Size only, late in pregnancy
Oligohydramnios 1st vs 2nd vs
3rd trimester
1: spontaneous abortion
2: fetal renal, maternal cause, placental thrombosis
3: PROM, preeclampsia, abruptio placentae, idiopathic causes
Oligohydramnios AFI
Polyhydramnios AFI
> 25cm
Tests show PROM
Not razing paper blue
Fetal lung maturity: lecithin vs sphingomyelin
L:S >2 with presence PG in amniotic fluid suggests fetal lung maturity
Preterm labor wks
Cervical length low vs high risk
Low: >35mm
Most common causes vaginal bleeding >20wks: painful vs painless
Placenta previa: painless
Abruptio placentae: painful
Placenta previa: low implantation vs partial vs complete
Placenta near cervical os Low: placenta in lower uterus but does not infringe on cervical os until Dilation Partial: partially covers os Complete: completely covers os
Premature separation of placenta from uterine wall leading to lots of hemorrhage
Abruptio placenta
Only time conjoined twins occur
Monozygotic twinning
Umbilical cord for multiple fetuses fused, what happens?
Twin-twin transfusion syndrome: one twin inadequately transfused
Normal FHR
False contractions
Braxton Hicks
Early decel
Decelerations begin and end with uterine contractions
Cause: head compression
Tx: not sign of fetal distress
Late decel
Begin after contraction starts and end after contraction finished
Cause: uteroplacental insuff, maternal venous compression,maternal hypotension, abruptio placenta
Tx: determine hypoxia or acidosis; recurrent late decels - prompt delivery
Variable decel
Inconsistent onset, duration, degree
Cause: umbilical cord progression
Tx: change moms position
Most common causes uterine atony
Multiple gestational
Prolonged labor
Atony most common
High beta hCG
Hydatidiform mole and multiple gestation
Preeclampsia in first half of pregnancy
Suspect molar pregnancy
Complete vs incomplete hydatidiform mole
Complete 46 XX or XY - all from father with empty egg
Incomplete: 69 XXY or XXX or XYY - 2 sperm
Complications hydatidiform mole
Malignant gestational trophoblastic neoplasm
GP: Parity means
Number of pregnancies led to birth beyond 20 wks or infant >500 g
Fundal height at 20 wks
When can you hear fetal heart tones on doppler
10-12 wks
Fetal movements- when
17-18 wks
When does beta hCG peak, at what number?
10 wks, 100,000
Doubles every 48 hrs during early pregnancy
When to give RhoGAM
If Rh- mom
give 28-30 wks
When should moms visit docβs?
Wks 0-28: every 4 wks
Wks 29-35: every 2 wks
Wks: 36-birth: every 1 wks
CVS vs amniocentesis
CVS: 10-12 wks, placental tissue, earlier than amniocentesis; cannot detect open NTD
Amnio: 15-20 wks, amniotic fluid
Lead fetal defects
Inc spont abortion rate
Methotrexate fetal defects
Inc spont abortion rate
Organic mercury fetal defects
Cerebral atrophy Microcephaly Dysmorphic craniofacial features Cardiac defects Fingernail hypoplasia
Radiation fetal defects
Mental retardation
Medical diagnostic radiation delivering <0.05 Gy to the fetus has NO risk
Streptomycin and kanamycin fetal defects
Hearing loss
CN VIII damage
Trimethadione and paramethadione fetal defects
Cleft lip or palate
Cardiac defects
Mental retardation
Vitamin A fetal defects
Inc spont abortion Microtia Thymic agenesis CV Craniofacial Microphthalmia Cleft lip or palate Mental retardation
Endometritis leading to septicemia, result sin hypotension, hypothermia, inc WBC
Station fetal head position
Above ischial spines -
Below ischial spines +
Visceral pain from uterine contractions and cervical dilation - levels
Somatic pain from descent of fetal head and P on vagina and perineum - levels
Pudendal n, S2-S4
Pneumonic BPP
Test the Baby MAN Fetal Tone fetal Breathing Amniotic fluid V Nonstress test
Gestational HTN develops which wks
> 20 wks
Rh neg mom, Rh + baby = risk
Erythroblastosis fetalis
Hydrops fetalis if Hg <7
Fetal hypoxia and acidosis, kernicterus
What to do with shoulder dystocia
Help reposition Episiotomy Leg elevated- McRoberts maneuver Pressure (suprapubic) Enter vagina and try to rotate (Wood's screw) Reach for fetal arm
Postpartum endometritis
Fever >38C within 36 hrs
Uterine tenderness
Malodorous lochia
Pelvic infection leads to infection of vein wall and intimal damage β> thrombogenesisβ>clot invaded with microbes
Suppuration w/ liquefaction β> fragmentation β>septic embolization
Picket fence fever curve, abdominal and back pain
Tx: abx, anticoag w/ hepatin 7-10d
Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis
7 W postpartum fever
Womb - endomyometritis Wind - atelectasis, pneumo Water- UT Wound Weaning- breast abscess, mastitis Wonder drug
Failure to lactate due to dec prolactin levels
Sheehan syndrome- ant pituitary
Tx: replace hormones, may recover
Breastfeeding CI
Active hepatitis
Meds- BDZ, barbs, opiates, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco
Tx mastitis
Continue breastfeeding
Abx: dicloxacillin, cephalexin, amxicillin/clauvulanate, azithromycin, clindamycin
Normal lab tests in pregnancy
ESR elevated TBG increased, free T4 normal V inc dec H and H BUN and Cr dec GFR inc WBC inc ALP inc Mild proteinuria and glucosuria normalx
Weeks pregnant when fundus at pubic symphysis
12 wks
Tx bacteriuia
Always Tx even if ASx
Penicillin, cephalosporin, nitrofurantoin
Antiphospholipid Ab with previous pregnancies - what may help with subsequent pregnancies
NSAID- acetaminophen best (not use ASA or other NSAID)
Safe in pregnancy
Acetaminophen, NOT NSAID OR ASA Penicillin Cephalosporin Erythromycin Nitrofurantoin H2 blockers Antacids Heparin Hydralazine Methyldopa Labetalol Insulin Docusate
Itching of palms and soles
Abnormal LFT
Tx: delivery, can use ursodeoxycholic acid or cholestyramine
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
3rd trimester or after delivery
Usually progresses to hepatic coma
Tx: IVF, IV glc, FFP
Cannot use Vit K - because liver is in temporary failure
Toxic effects Mg
Hyporeflexia - first sign
Resp depression
CNS depression
Coma death
Prolonged rupture of membranes
> 18 hrs
Inc risk infection: GBS, E coli, Listeria
When is fetal fibronectin most useful
Wks 22-34, if test negative indicates very low likelihood of delivery in next 2 weeks
If check Rh ab in RH - mom and is positive
Dont bother giving RhoGAM, already positive
If test is negative, RhoGAM at 28 wks and after delivery also with any surgery, bleeding, etc.
Hemolytic disease of newborn
Rh incompatibility
ABO incompatibility- do not need prior sensitization because already have Ab (O mom with A, AB, B kid)
Test that quantifies fetal blood in maternal circulation, can be used to determine amt of RhoGAM
Kleihauer Betke
Cardinal movements of labor
Engagement Flexion Descent IR Extension ER/restitution Expulsion
Scalp pH below what indicates immediate C section
SOB Tachypnea CP Hypotension DIC
Tx chorioamnionitis
Ampicillin plus gentamicin while awaiting culture