Changes in thyroid hormone observed during pregnancy
Since TBG increases, total T4 will increase but free T4 remains unchanged. TSH will also decrease slightly during early pregnancy but remains within normal limits.
Why is metabolic alkalosis seen during pregnancy?
PCO2 decreases to about 30 mm Hg which makes sense because mom wants to release more oxygen to baby.
Tidal volume changes in pregnancy
Tidal volume increases 40% with associated increase in minute ventilation due to stimulation by progesterone.
Glucose-related changes during pregnancy
Non-diabetic hyperinsulinemia with associated mild glucose intolerance.
Production of human placental lactogen contributes to glucose intolerance by interfering with insulin activity
Treatment of GERD during pregnancy
CAlcium carbonate. H2 blockers and PPIs are also safe. The only thing that is NOT safe is milk of magnesia (recall magnesium induces tocolytic effects)
At what gestational age is physiologic anemia of pregnancy most apparent?
Second trimester due to greater increase in plasma volume as compared to BC mass.
When should anemia in pregnancy be treated with oral iron?
If Hb falls below 11 in first or third trimesters OR when less than 10.5 in second trimester.
What is Goodell’s sign?
Softening and cyanosis of cervix at 6 weeks gestation
What is Chadwicks sign
Bluish discoloration of the vagina due to vascular congestion at 8-12 weeks gestation
What is Hegars sign
Softening of the uterus at 6 weeks gestation
Folic acid requirement in all women of childbearing years
.4 mg daily
IF previous child wit neural tube defect, recommended folic acid intake?
Starting the mont prior to pregnancy, 4 mg daily.
When do you do Group B strep screening?
36 weeks gestation. Thats because its only good for 4 weeks.
Increased nuchal translucency
Down syndrome
Turner syndrome
Congenital heart defects
MCC of abnormal quad screen
Incorrect dating
Serum AFP is only valid if performed during what window
16-18 weeks gestation
High aFP
Increased risk of neural tube defects or multiple gestations
Low aFP
Increased risk of trisomies 21 and 18
Elevated hCG
Elevated nuchal traslucency
Trisomy 21
Very low PAPP-A, very low hCG, increased nuchal translucency
Trisomy 18
Very low PAPP-A, low hCG, increased nuchal translucency
Trisomy 13
Low AFP, uE3
High hCG, Inh A
Trisomy 21
Trisomy 18
Which test has lowest false-positive rate for non-invasive tests in pregnancy
Full integrated test. US measurement of nuchal translucency, serum measurement of pregnancy-associated plasma protein A in first trimester and quad screen in second trimester
What does the quad screen consist of
Maternal serum aFP
Estriol (uncojugated)
Maternal serum inhibin A
Which screening test is performed in all pregnant women at 16-18 weeks gestation
Quad screen
Which screening can determine karyotype
When is chorionic villi sampling performed
Early detection of chromosomal abnormalities in higher risk patients (advanced age, hx of children wit genetic defects)
What are the indications for percutaneous umbilical blood sampling/cordocentesis
Second and third trimester when karyotype results are required within a few days
Diagnosing fetal hyper- or hypothyroidism
Diagnosing and managing fetal thrombocytopenia
Nagele’s rule
LMP + 7 days - 3 months + 1 year = estimated delivery date.
Cardiac defect associated with gestational DM
Transposition of great vessels
BP i npre-eclampsia
> 140/90
A rise in creatinine during pregnancy should make you consider?
BP meds used in pregnancy
Methyldopa Labetalol Hydralazine Nifedipine/amlodipine Thiazides (Avoid volume depletion!)
Why is mag sulfate used in pre-eclampsia
Prevent seizures (NOT FOR BP!!!)
What do we use to treat eclampsia?
Mag sulfate and IV diazepam and continue for 48 hours following delivery!!
What happens if your patient is on mag sulfate and starts having seizures?
Give more mag sulfate
How long do we continue mag sulfate in PRE eclampsia
24 hours post-delivery
Epilepsy tx in pregnancy
Keep them on their AED but also should be given supplemental vitamin K (only during last month of pregnancy to prevent PPH) and folate.
How is hyperemesis gravid arum distinguished from normal morning sickness
Weight loss exceeding 5% of pre pregnancy body weight and detection of ketonuria due to starvation
Workup in a patient wit hyperemiis gravidarum
WEight, orthostatic
Serum free T4, serum electrolytes, urine ketones
Ulrasound to detect gestational trophoblastic disease and multiple gestations
Expected non worrisome lab abnormalities associated with vomiting in prego
Elevated AST and ALT (but
Tx of UTI in pregnancy
Which opioid is more likely to have increased teratogenic effects in neonate
How do you treat migraines in pregnancy
Hydrocodone (opioids!) I HAD THIS Q ON COMLEX LEVEL 1
Radiation dose considered safe in pregnancy
Less than 0.05 (5 rads)
Risk of malformations increases after 0.10 gray