Obstetrics Flashcards
breast feeding problems; haemorrhagic disease of newborn
What is McRoberts manoeuvre?
Supine with hips fully flexed and abducted -> shoulder dystocia
What are the SSRI drugs of choice for breastfeeding women?
Sertraline or Paroxetine
How to manage reduced foetal movements?
- Handheld doppler
- US scan
Respiratory distress, hypoxia, and hypotension within 30 mins of delivery suggests what?
Amniotic fluid embolism
What is the management of PPH secondary to uterine atony?
Syntocin then ergometrine
Management of low lying placenta at 20 weeks?
Re-scan at 32 weeks
How to investigate suspected placenta praveia?
Transvaginal US
When is CVS done?
11 weeks to end of 13
When is amniocentesis done?
Week 15 onwards
How should suspected cases of rubella be managed?
Discussion with local health protection unit
What is involved in combined screening?
- Nuchal translucency
- bHCG
What is the most common cause of PPH?
Placentra increta
What are risk factors for placental abruption?
increasing maternal age, multiparity and maternal trauma
An ultrasound is indicated after how many weeks of lochia?
6 weeks
When should aspirin be taken for pre-eclampsia?
12 weeks until delivery
What is wood screws manoeuvre?
Put the hand in the vagina and attempt to the foetus by 180 degrees
What should you monitor when you give magnesium sulfare for eclampsia?
- Reflexes and respiratory rate
What is a C/I to ECV for a transverse lie baby?
If the amniotic sac has ruptured
What is the medical management of miscarriage?
Vaginal misoprostol
Management of cord prolapse when it is past the level of the introitus?
Avoid handling and keep warm/moist to avoid vasospasm
Management of reduced foetal movements
- Handheld doppler
- If heartbeat, CTG
- If no heartbeat, US scan
First line investigation for preterm prelabour rupture of membranes?
Speculum exam to look for pooling of fluid in the posterior vaginal vault
Management of PE in pregnant women?
Treat with LMWH first then investigate
Management of woman with BP > 160/110
Admit for observation
When is the latest that women can travel via plane?
37 weeks for single pregnancy
32 weeks for twins
General malaise, anorexia, vomiting, jaundice in third trimester?
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
What are the blood results for acute fatty liver of pregnancy?
- elevated liver enzymes
- prolonged PT
- raised bilirubin
What is the management of AFLP?
- Delivery of foetus
- Ongoing monitoring of LFTs
- Stabilise mother
A blighted ovum suggests what?
Ovum with no embryonic tissue -> missed miscarriage
What infection can occur following delivery of foetus?
Women with grade III/IV placenta praevia should be offered what?
Elective C-section at 37-38 weeks
APH definition
Bleeding from the genital tract after 24 weeks’ gestation.
Signs of placental abruption/shock but minimal bleeding?
Blood is retroplacental -> not escaping from the uterus
What would you expect to see on clotting studies after a major
Afibrinogenemia as you get DIC which uses up clotting factors and fibrinogen
Which medication is used to suppress lactation when breastfeeding?
BP >160/110
Admission to maternal unit for observation
Dizziness, electric shock sensations and anxiety
SSRI discontinuation syndrome