observational design Flashcards
define unstructured observation
- researcher writes everything they see
- appropriate if observations on small scale & involve few participants
define structured observation
- simplify target behaviours that will become main focus using behavioural categories
describe behavioural categories
- target behaviours broken up into categories
- each must be observable
describe sampling methods
- unstructured observations = continuous recording
- structured observations:
1) event sampling = count number of times certain behaviour occurs in target individual/group
2) time sampling = record behaviour within pre-established time frame
describe inter-observer reliability
- makes data more objective & unbiased
- data from different researchers (2+) compared
how to carry out inter-observer reliability
- observers familiarise selves with behavioural categories
- observe same behaviour at same time
- observers compare data they’ve recorded & discuss any differences in interpretations
- finally, observers should analyse data & inter-observer reliability calculated by correlating each pair of observations made & overall figure produced
evaluate structured observations
- those that involve behavioural categories make recording data easier & more systematic
- data produced likely numerical = can easily analyse & compare
evaluate unstructured observations
- more richness & depth of detail in data
- often produce qualitative data which is harder to analyse & record
- greater risk of observer bias as objective behavioural categories not present
evaluate behavioural categories
- makes data collection more structured & objective
behavioural categories should be:
- observable, measurable & self-evident
- ‘dustbin’ category
- exclusive & not overlap
evaluate sampling methods
- event sampling is useful if target behaviour happens quite infrequently & could be missed if time sampling was used
- time sampling effective in reducing number of observations needed
- if event too complex, observer may overlook important details if use event sampling
- observations made during time sampling may be unrepresentative of observation as a whole