Obras Flashcards
Who is the author of ‘Understanding Media: the extensions of man’?
Marshall McLuhan
What is the title of McLuhan’s work that discusses the impact of print technology?
‘La galaxia Gutemberg’
Who wrote ‘La producción y distribución del conocimiento en EEUU’?
Fitz Machlup
What is the title of Peter Drucker’s work?
‘La sociedad post capitalista’
Who is the author of ‘Public Opinion’?
Walter Lippmann
What is the title of M. Olmsted’s work?
‘The Small Group’
Who wrote ‘Epistemología Comparada’?
Kurt Lewin
What is the title of Gustave Le Bon’s work?
‘Psicología de las masas’
Who is the author of ‘the people’s choice’?
Paul Lazarsfeld
What is the title of the work by Shannon and Weaver?
‘A mathematical theory of communication’
Who wrote ‘Traditional and Critical Theory’?
Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno
What is the title of Horkheimer and Adorno’s work that discusses Enlightenment?
‘Dialéctica de la Ilustración’