Oblique and Decub Chest, Soft Neck 11/2/15 Flashcards
An LAO position is equivalent to the ____ position.
When performing an RAO position of the chest, which lung will be best demonstrated?
Proper respiration for routine chest radiography is ____.
Double Inspirtation
If performing a Dorsal Decubitus position the patient is laying ____.
If performing a Ventral Decubitus position the patient is laying ____.
During preliminary positioning for a Decubitus chest exam, the patient should lie in required position for approximately ____ minutes.
Name the 3 things that make something Decubitus.
1) Recumbent patient
2) Vertical IR
3) Horizontal CR
The degree of a “steep” chest oblique would be ____.
oblique is greater than 45 degrees
The degree of a “shallow” chest oblique would be ____.
rotation less than 45 degrees
When performing an LAO position of the chest the lung being best demonstrated would be ____.
Why do we prefer to perform chest radiography in PA position if possible?
Decrease magnification of the heart
What is the routine when visualization of a PICC line is necessary?
PA Chest
Name one reason for insertion of a “line” or catheter into chest cavity.
Medication Delivery
Give one example of a “line” or catheter that may be inserted.
Swan Gantz Catheter
The CR should directed to the level of ____ for the soft tissue lateral neck procedure.
C4 (Adam’s Apple)
What is being visualized when performing a soft tissue lateral neck procedure?
1) Pharynx (air filled)
2) Foreign Bodies
3) Enlarged Adenoids
What should the proper breathing instructions be for soft tissue lateral neck radiograph?
Inspiratory phase of quiet nasal breathing to ensure that nose and throat passages are air filled.
What are the 2 things that could be demonstrated when doing a right or left lateral Decubitus chest.
1) Demonstrate change in fluid levels and reveals any previously obscured pulmonary areas
2) In case of suspected Pneumothorax, the presence of free air
Where should the CR be directed for an oblique view of the chest on a prone patient?
T7 and 2” off MSP toward elevated side
Why and how should we elevate the patient for a lateral Decubitus chest?
Elevate the body 5-8 cm (2-3 in) on a suitable platform or firm pad. Get them off mattress to get foreign bodies out of the way.
What should be done to the technical factors when performing a soft tissue lateral neck procedure?
decrease approximately 10 kV from bony neck studies