OBJ 4.3 Flashcards
Wind exposure A, B, C, and D
Exposure A is for sites that are among tall buildings. Exposure B is for sites in residential-scaled neighborhoods. Exposure C is for sites surrounded by open fields. Exposure D is for sites next to open water.
Overlay district
A layer of zoning regulation often used for historic districts.
Greenfield site
Areas of land that are not developed (typically, agricultural areas). Greenfield sites typically do not have as many constraints imposed on them for existing conditions. Considerations on development of the site include locations of utilities and access to roadways. Cost is associated with developing the infrastructure to get needed utilities to the site.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are toxins that affect human health and can be found in a number of substances. VOCs are emitted from certain solids and liquids in the form of gases. When considering the design of a building, it is important to specify materials that have no, or very low, VOCs. VOCs can be found in a number of materials, including paints, flooring, ceilings, and adhesives.
Unbalanced resistance
This plan condition results in irregular torsion, causing localized damage and collapse in extreme conditions of seismic occurrences.
Diaphragm eccentricity and cutouts
This plan condition has a cutout in the floor plate that results in localized structural damage. The opening makes the diaphragm irregular and unbalanced.
Nonparallel lateral force-resisting system
This plan occurs when the lateral systems are not placed in parallel configurations due to the design of the structure. This arrangement leads to torsion and instability, creating localized damage.
Out-of-plane offsets: discontinuous shear walls
In elevation, this failure pattern would be caused by a shear wall not continuing the entire face of the plane, resulting in collapse in extreme circumstances of seismic occurrences.
Stiffness irregularity: soft story
This results when the upper levels of a building are stiffer than the base level. Common collapse is a result of seismic occurrences. It caused a lot of death and damage in the Northridge earthquake.
Weight/mass irregularity
If a building is loaded heavily at the upper floors, weight and mass irregularity occur. Collapse in extreme circumstances of seismic occurrences is possible.
Vertical geometry irregularity
This occurs when a portion of the vertical face is stiffer than other portions. The result is localized structural damage.
Capacity discontinuity: weak story
This occurs when the upper levels of the building are stiff and the base level is a different system, resulting in a weak story, as well as collapse, in extreme circumstances of seismic occurrences.
In-plane irregularity in vertical and lateral force system
This occurs when there is irregularity in the location of lateral force systems on the vertical face of a building, resulting in localized structural damage.
Reentrant Corner