OBJ 1.3 Flashcards
One of the four approaches to the treatment of historic properties. Preservation focuses on maintenance and repair to ensure a building or monument stays as is.
One of the four approaches to the treatment of historic properties. Rehabilitation is the approach that recognizes the need to change or add to a historic property while maintaining the original.
One of the four approaches to the treatment of historic properties. Restoration is when a property depicts a certain point in time and removes all other elements.
One of the four approaches to the treatment of historic properties. Reconstruction recreates missing parts with new construction.
Restrictive, affirmative, and conditional covenants
Restrictive covenant: a type of deed restriction that implies limitations or stipulations to particular aesthetics or uses; often used in residential areas to control fencing type/color, boat storage, etc.
Affirmative covenant: a type of deed restriction that promises a responsibility or future action, such as paying HOA fees or holding adequate levels of insurance.
Conditional covenant: a type of deed restriction that, if broken, means the land will revert back to the original owner stated.
Note that all covenants are binding and enforceable.
Catchment areas
Surrounding base of a population within a geographical region. It includes gross population within a certain distance, census data, and information from local planning agencies.
Street-front pattern
This development type is linear, with houses and apartments lining both sides of the street.
End-on pattern
This development consists of rows of units located at right angles to the streets.
Court pattern
This development groups units to face a common open space.
Defensible space
As defined by Oscar Newman, it is a residential environment whose physical characteristics, building footprint, and site layout function to allow residents to become key agents in ensuring their security.
Garden city movement
Utopian city planning concept founded on the principles described in Sir Ebenezer Howard’s Garden Cities of To-Morrow. The concept is based on the idea that there are three “magnets” of living: town, country, and town-country. Self-contained communities of these three types are surrounded by green-builts and have proportionate areas of residential, industrial, and agricultural uses. The nodes are all connected by rail transit.
The neighborhood theory by Clarence Perry
An urban planning concept that promoted self-contained, functional neighborhoods within industrial cities. The concept promoted a school being centrally located within a 1/4 to 1/2 mile walk for children and where shopping, churches, and other community services would be placed on the edge of the neighborhood. Ten percent of the land would be dedicated to green/open space, and there would be no major traffic through residential areas.
Une Cite Industrielle by Tony Garnier
Urban planning concept that functions around the concept of a central public area surrounded by different functions housed in separate zones: industry, work, leisure, and transportation. This theory was developed in response to the industrial revolution, which brought overpopulation, dirt, and unrestricted urban growth.
The Image of the City by Kevin Lynch
An influential book about how people perceive and mentally organize space as they move through cities. It suggests that people organize a city based on the following elements:
- Paths: the streets, sidewalks, and trails that people use
- Edges: perceived boundaries (walls, shorelines, etc.)
- Districts: sections with distinguishable characteristics
- Nodes: focal points
- Landmarks: identifiable reference points
Cardo and decamanus
The two major streets in a Roman town that run perpendicular to each other.
Neighborhood defined as two sides of one street between intersecting streets.
Typical walking distance
A quarter of a mile.
Planning guidelines for a neighborhood center
- One center serves as the focus
- One mile between centers to isolate market demand for each center’s retail and service uses
- Mixed-use center core of 15–25 blocks
- Core located at the intersection of neighborhood collectors, along one side of a major artery that serves as a boundary for the area
- Center perimeter defined as 1/4 mile walking distance from core, or approximately 40–60 blocks in area
- Area within perimeter outside the mixed-use center core provides a range of housing types and densities, approximately 3,000–4,000 residents
Densities of housing types
Low density = 5–10 du/acre
residential town house/row house = 15–30 du/acre
medium rise = 30–40 du/acre
center core = 40 du/acre
Federal Incentives for Historic Preservation
- Certified local government grants for local preservation planning
- Federal Historic Preservation tax credit program
- State or local homeowner or business owner tax credits
- Historic or local preservation loan funds
- Community development block grants
- FHWA Transportation Enhancement Program
Community development block grants
A flexible program that provides communities with resources to address a wide range of unique community needs.
Typical impacts from industrial use in a neighborhood
- Transportation: increased volume of traffic and impacts on local and regional transportation systems
- Community Services: increased demand for community services, including utilities, police, fire and rescue, emergency services, etc.
- Pollution: air pollution generated from increased traffic and/or processes carried out throughout the industrial park
- Aesthetics: ensuring compatibility of the design and operation of the industrial park with the character of the community
Park covenants
These guide industry development, often describing the type and character of industry allowed within the industrial park; general guidelines for building construction; environmental considerations; buffer zones; and overall general aesthetics.
Transit-oriented development (TOD)
Defined as a development that is located within a ten-minute walk or 1/2 mile from a light rail, heavy rail, or commuter rail station. It includes development along heavily used bus and bus rapid transit corridors. Includes a mix of uses such as housing, retail, office, research, and civic. Densities are higher than usual to take advantage of transit proximity.
Benefits of TODs
- Quality of life: reducing auto dependency, increased housing options, affordability, etc.
- Public health: more walkable environments
- Economic development: access to jobs for people without cars or with fewer cars per household
- Community character: opportunity to create public spaces and well-designed buildings
- Environmental quality: design alternative to sprawl that provides opportunity to pursue environmentally sensitive site planning
- Transit use: increased ridership and potential for additional funding sources for new transit facilities
Primary conservation areas
Comprise only the most severely constrained lands, where development is typically restricted under current codes and laws, such as wetlands, floodplains, and slopes exceeding 25 percent.
Secondary conservation areas
These areas include all other locally noteworthy or significant features of the natural and cultural landscape, such as mature woodlands, wildlife habitats, prime farmland, groundwater recharge areas, greenways and trails, river and stream corridors, historic sites, and scenic viewsheds.
Infill development
Occurs on vacant or underused lots in otherwise built-up sites or areas.
Goals and benefits of infill development
- Preserves open space, ag land, and forests by reducing development pressures on greenfield sites
- Provides opportunities to revitalize a downtown neighborhood
- Increases tax base for a jurisdiction by creating or renewing a property’s value
- Makes efficient use of abandoned, vacant, and underused sites
- Enhances sustainability by making efficient use of existing community amenities and infrastructure
- Promotes compact development and increases density
- Creates a mixture of uses
Types of special use parks
- Nature and cultural/performing arts centers
- Historic sites: downtowns, plazas, cemeteries, historic landscapes, churches, and monuments
- Recreation facilities: aquatic centers, campgrounds, ice arenas, fitness centers, community centers, skateboard parks, and stadiums
- Public gathering areas: amphitheaters, community commons, town centers, and urban squares
Types of greenways
- Local systems within a neighborhood
- Communitywide systems
- Regional systems covering multiple counties
- Statewide, multistate, and national systems
Factors that determine dimensions of streets
Parking configuration; building use; degree/type of nonmotorist activity; truck traffic percentage; ADA requirements; location within urban fabric; and transit use.
Typical ratio of building separation to building height for a narrow urban street
1.5 or less.