Obama Flashcards
when was Obama sworn in as president and which number of president was he
20th January 2009
44th president
where was Obama born
what nationality was Obamas father
what was Obamas first success and when
won a seat in the state senate of Illinois 1997-2004
which district did Obama win for state senate and why was this significant
13th district
included the south side of Chicago
predominantly black area with areas of poverty and social depravation
what did Obama do in his role as state senator
gained a reputation for working with republicans to pass legislation
expanded healthcare and education programmes for the poor
became chairperson for Illinois senate health and human services committee
- in this role improved the rights of suspects held by the police by requiring video-taping police interrogations
what was his first electoral setback and explain
tried to become democrat candidate for 1st congressional district of Illinois for the us house of representatives
ran against bobby rush who had founded the black panther party in Chicago
was naïve thinking he could replace rush
but gave Obama an important groundwork for campaigning in the future
what did Obama run for in 2004
us senate
what was the turning point in obama’s career
gave the keynote speech at the democratic national convention in 2004
how did Obama win the primary for senate
at first was behind Blair Hull, a wealthy business man
effective advertising paid for by Obama which recounted his life story
high profile endorsements
hull’s divorce also helped as his ex-wife placed two restraining orders on him and there was a physical quarrel between them
Obama won with 53% of the vote
obamas career before 1996
graduated with a degree in political science from Colombia
then worked on the impoverished south side as a community organiser for low-income residents
went to kenya and paid an emotional visit to his fathers grave
returned and entered Harvard law school
1990 was elected first a/a editor of the Harvard law review
after Harvard returned to Chicago to practice as a cvil rights lawyer at a small firm
helped organise voter registration drives during Clintons 1992 campaign
who was Obama against in the run for senate (who was the republican opponent) and what happend
jack ryan
involved in a divorce case and accusations from his wife received huge media coverage
withdrew and was replaced by Alan Keyes so Illinois was now being contested by two a/a
what was wrong with keyes
media response was almost all negative to keyes
strongly against abortion, gay rights and in favour of increasing the role of religion in society
what was Obamas campaign for senate like
grass roots campaign which dealt with local issues
didn’t attack his opponent just ran on a campaign on the issues
positive media image and family
what percent of the vote did Obama win in the senate elections 2004
what number a/a was Obama in the senate since reconstruction
what did Obama do a senator
had a seat on the foreign relations committee
created a website that tracked federal spending aimed at rebuilding trust on national government after hurricane katrina
voted against troop withdrawal from Iraq
also created a PAC fund for his future run for presidency
why did Obama win the primary
-his strengths
assembled a strong team of political professionals committed to professional values
campaigned everywhere -hunted for delegates in every nook and cranny of America
active on the ground campaign
simple streamlined structure harnessed support and effectively used any volunteers
one in every ten Obama primary voters donated money
consistent message of hope, change and inspiration
was a great orator
why Obama won the primary - Clinton weaknesses
miscalculated the mood of America
underestimated Obama
seemed power hungry
failed to harness online donors
campaign debts
drama and infighting in her team
0nly focused on big states, thought could have sewn up the nomination by super-Tuesday
after super Tuesday failure had no backup plan
lurched, no clear message
competent insider = not popular to the electorate
penn branded Hilary as the experience candidate yet 80% of americans wanted change
Why did Obama win the presidency brief (6)
the two term itch the bush presidency reight track / wrong track the palin effect the economy the Obama campaign
two term itch
only 2 occasions since the civil war has a two-term republican president been followed by another from the same party
the bush presidency
very divisive figure
always going to be a big ask for a republican to win after bush
Obama ran on ‘change we can believe in’
fake weapons of mass destruction claims on the Iraq war, Obama never supported the war
2007-8 economic downturn
right track / wrong track
75% of americans think America is going in the wrong direction
2008 crash
palin effect
McCain’s vp
lacked gravitas and experience
seen as unqualified by 60% of the population
indended to address the age issue of McCain but made him look 72 years old
tv appearances made her look stupid - couldn’t answer the easy openers let alone any tough questions
against biden was a very poor choice
severe recession 2008
in 2004 40% had said the economy was the most important issue, in 2008 80% thought this
the Obama campaign
did not take matching funds which meant he wasn’t constrained by spending limits
innovative use of social media to raise money
millions of small donations from ordinary voters
Obama outspent McCain 4:1 in swing states
excellent orator + photogenic + family
how much of the black vote did Obama win
how much of the Hispanic vote did Obama win
Obama slogans
change we can believe in
yes we can
why was biden such a good choice for VP
eclipsed McCains decades of foreign experience
Geraldine ferraro quote
if Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position, and if he was a woman he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept
michelles slip up
in the first time in my life I am really proud of my country
appeared to be as they were accepting a black man
campaign had to quickly clear up she meant she was proud of the increased popular interest in the political process
obamas campaign was keen to not run a civil rights campaign as a/a only made up 13% of population