OB Mod V Terms Flashcards
Cramplike pains due to contractions of the uterus that occur after childbirth. |They are more common in multiparas, tend to be most severe during nursing, and last 2 to 3 days.
Becoming a mother (BAM)
|Alternative term for maternal role attainment (MRA). The transitional process of becoming a mother that changes throughout the maternal-child relationship.
Boggy uterus (uterine atony)
A term used to describe the uterine fundus when it is not firmly contracted after the birth of the baby and in the early postpartum period; excessive bleeding occurs from the placental site, and maternal hemorrhage may occur.
Diastasis recti abdominis
Separation of the recti abdominis muscles along the median line. In women, it is seen with repeated childbirths or multiple gestations. In the newborn, it is usually caused by incomplete development.
En face
An assumed position in which one person looks at another and maintains his or her face in the same vertical plane as that of the other.
Characteristic sense of absorption, preoccupation, and interest in the infant demonstrated by fathers during early contact with their infants.
The upper portion of the uterus between the fallopian tubes.
Rolling or turning inward; the reduction in size of the uterus following childbirth.
Maternal discharge of blood, mucus, and tissue from the uterus; may last for several weeks after birth.
Lochia alba
White vaginal discharge that follows lochia serosa and that lasts from about the 10th to the 21st day after birth.
Lochia rubra
Red, blood-tinged vaginal discharge that occurs following birth and lasts 2 to 4 days.
Lochia serosa
Pink, serous, and blood-tinged vaginal discharge that follows lochia rubra and lasts until the 7th to 10th day after birth.
Postpartum blues
A maternal adjustment reaction occurring in the first few postpartum days, characterized by mild depression, tearfulness, anxiety, headache, and irritability. Also called adjustment reaction with depressed mood.
The period after completion of the third stage of labor until involution of the uterus is complete, usually 6 weeks.
An interactional cycle that occurs simultaneously between mother and infant. It involves mutual cuing behaviors, expectancy, rhythmicity, and synchrony.
Failure of a part to return to its normal size after functional enlargement, such as failure of the uterus to return to normal size after pregnancy.
Continuous epidural infusion (CEI)
Postcesarean pain control technique in which the epidural catheter is left in place and medication is continually administered via an electric pump.
Practice whereby children and parents regularly sleep together in an adult space.
Couplet care
A form of health care that is focused on keeping the mother and baby together as much as the mother desires. Also known as mother-baby care, this type of care provides increased opportunities for parent-child interaction because the newborn shares the mother’s room and they are cared for togetherl. Mother-baby care enables the mother to have time to bond with her baby and learn to care for her or him in a supportive environment.
Late preterm infant
Infants born between 34 and 37 weeks’ gestation. These infants are at a greater risk for increases in mortality and morbidity bacause they are physically not mature and are more prone to have physiologic and metabolic complications.
Mother-baby care
A type of family health care that is focused on keeping the mother and baby together as much as the mother desires. Also known as couplet care, it provides increased opprotunities for parent-child interaction because the newborn shares the mother’s room and they are cared for together. Mother-baby care enables the mother to have time to bond with her baby and learn to care for her or him in a supportive environment.
Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)
A method of pain control where anesthesia, usually morphine or meperidine, is initially administered by the anesthesiologist and subsequent doses are self-administered by pushing a button controlled by a special IV pump system.
Postpartum home care
Visits to postpartum families that occur in the home setting. This provides opportunities for expanding information and reinforcing self-and infant care techniques initially presented in the birth setting.
Shaken baby injuries
A collection of symptoms that are caused by vigorously shaking an infant. Shaking can cause brain hemorrhage, spinal cord injury, retinal hemorrhage or detachment, long-term spinal cord injury, retinal hemorrhage or detachment, long-term developmental problems, intellecutal disability, or even death.
Tummy time
Prone positioning of the infant while awake. Important for all babies because it assists them with learning developmentally appropriate skills and builds muscle strength for their shoulders, neck, and back.
Adjustment reaction with depressed mood
A maternal adjustment reaction occurring in the first few postpartum days, characterized by mild depression, tearfulness, anxiety, headache, and irritability. Also called postpartum blues.
Early (primary) postpartum hemorrhage
A loss of blood of greater than 500 mL following birth. The hemorrhage is classified as early if it occurs within the first 24 hours.
Endometritis (metritis)
An inflammation of the endometrium portion of the uterine lining.
Late (secondary) postpartum hemorrhage
A loss of blood of greater than 500 mL following birth. The hemorrhage is classified as late if it occurs from 24 hours to 6 weeks after birth.
Inflammation of the breast.
Pelvic cellulitis (parametritis)
Inflammation of the parametiral layer of the uterus.
Peripartum major mood episodes (postpartum depression)
A form of postpartum psychiatric disorder characterized by depressive moods that the mother experiences after the birth of a child. The periods of greatest risk occur around the fourth week, just before the initiation of menses, and upon weaning. Also called postpartum depression.
Infection involving the peritoneal cavity.
Postpartum blues
A maternal adjustment reaction occurring in the first few postpartum days, characterized by mild depression, tearfulness, anxiety, headache, and irritability. Same as adjustment reaction with depressed mood.
Postpartum mood episodes with psychotic features
Relatively rare but serious psychiatric disorder of the postpartum woman that can result in infanticide or suicide.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Intense psychologic distress resulting from a traumatic event and evidenced by recurrent, intrusive thoughts; flashbacks, persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma; a generalized feeling of “numbness”; and persistent signs of arousal.
Puerperal infection
Infection of the reproductive tract associated with childbirth; occurs any time up to 6 weeks postpartum.
Puerperal morbidity
A maternal temperature of 38 degrees C (100.4 degrees F) or higher on any 2 of the first 10 postpartum days, excluding the first 24 hours. The temperature is to be taken by mouth at least 4 times per day.
Failure of a part to return to its normal size after functional enlargement, such as failure of the uterus to return to normal size after pregnancy.
Inflammation of a vein wall, resulting in thrombus.
Uterine atony
Relaxation of uterine muscle tone following birth.