OB Mod III Test Review Flashcards
Fundamentally similar in structure and function
Influence the development of secondary sex characteristics
androgens and estrogens
stimulate the processes of spermatogenesis and maturation of ova
FSH and LH of the anterior pituitary
The ovary is sensitive to
The uterus is sensitive to
estrogen and progesterone
Estrogens inhibit….productions and stimulate….production
Hormone of pregnancy
Progesterone: allows pregnancy to be maintained
Relaxes smooth muscles and is a potent vasodilator
PGE Prostaglandin E
Can be placed in cervical canal for cervical ripening: prepidil, cervidil, hospital prepared
Potent vasoconstrictor and increases contractility of muscles and arteries
PGF Prostaglandin F
Two phases of the ovarian cycle
follicular phase 1-14; luteal phase 15-28
Hormones that cause the testes to produce testosterone
Stimulates the glandular tissue of the uterus
Secrete a thick, sticky mucus that accumulates and forms the mucous plug
endocervical glands
Goodell’s sign
softening of the cervix
Chadwick’s sign
bluish discoloration of the cervix
Causes a thickening of the vaginal mucosa, a loosening of the connective tissue, and an increase in vaginal secretions
Common in the first trimester and may result from several factors, including elevated human chorionic gonadotropin hCG levels, relaxation of the smooth muscle of the stomach, and changed carbohydrate metabolism
nausea and vomiting
Causes smooth muscle relaxation
Promotes uterine contractility and stimulates ejection of milk from the breasts
t: term; number of term infants born
p: preterm; number of preterm infants born
a: abortions; number of pregnancies ending in spontaneous or therapeutic abortion
l: living; number of currently living children
Normal BP
<,= 120/80
Normal pulse
Normal respirations
Normal Temp
Skin assessment abnormal
CBC, Bilirubin level, UA, BUN
Mouth edema, inflammation, pale
hematocrit for anemia, dental hygiene
4.2-5.4 million/ microliter
5000-12,000/ mcL
up to 5%
up to 1%
Marked anemia or blood dyscrasias
CBC and Schilling differential cell count
Pelvic inlet Diagonal conjugate
distance from lower posterior border of the symphysis pubis to the sacral promontory at least 11.5 cm
Pelvic inlet Obstetric conjugate
approximately 1.5 cm smaller than the diagonal conjugate: 10cm or more
Pelvic outlet anteroposterior diameter
9.5 to 11.5 cm
Pelvic outlet transverse diameter
bi-ischial or intertuberous diameter 8-10 cm
Initial screening tests
Pap smear, CBC, HIV, UA, rubella titer, ABO and Rh typing, Hep B, STDs
Quad screen
performed on mothers serum between 15 and 20 weeks: alpha fetoprotein AFP, human chorionic gonadotropin hCG, unconjugated estriol UE, and inhibin-A; used to determine risk of neural tube defect, multiple gestation, pregnancy further along than believed if high; lower may indicate down syndrome
hCG levels < 1 week
5-50 mlU/ mL
hCG levels 12 weeks
15000-220000 mlU/ mL
hCG levels males and non-pregnant
<5 mlU/ mL
Progesterone level first trimester
725-4400 ng/ dL
Progesterone level second trimester
1950-8250 ng/ dL
Progesterone level third trimester
6500-22900 ng/ dL
excessive salivating
underweight gain
bmi< 18.5: 28-40 lbs
normal weight gain
bmi 18.5-24.9: 25-35 lbs
Overweight gain
bmi 25-29.9: 15-25 lbs
Obese weight gain
bmi >30: 11-20 lbs
fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid weight
11 lbs
uterus weight
2 lbs
increased blood volume weight
4 lbs
breast tissue weight
3 lbs
Maternal stores weight
5-10 lbs
Calcium intake
1000 mg/ day; 1300 if < 19bmi
Phosphorus intake
1300 mg/ day; 1250 if <19bmi
Protein intake
60 gm/ day
Folic acid intake
400-800 mg/ day (not in women taking seizure meds)
Caffeine max intake
200 mg/ day
Pica geophagia
soil, clay
Pica amylophagia
laundry starch, corn starch
Pica pagophasia
soap, baking soda, ice
Vegans should take these vitamin supplements
B12, calcium, D
toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes
raw uncooked meat, unpasteurized goats milk, cats feces
Most frequent cause of viral infection in the fetus
cytomegalovirus CMV; kissing, sex, breast milk
Iron RDA
27 mg/ day
Folic acid sources
Green leafy vegetables, liver, peanuts, whole grain
Rh immune globulin RhoGAM, RhlgG
given at 28 weeks and postpartum 300mcg
Rh+ blood in the US
85% white, 92-95% African American, 1-2% Asian and native american
Coomb’s test
determines if sensitized to the Rh antigen
Ruq pain and tenderness, nausea and vomiting, elevated liver enzymes, low hct and platelets, high uric acid, high creatinine, coagulation abnormalities
HELLP syndrome. Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count
Urine specific gravity norm
10 mg timed released vaginal insert; remove 12 hours after insertion or with active labor. Prostaglandin E for cervical ripening
Oxytocin/ Pitocin
Labor induction
Contraction of uterus before and after birth
Let-down reflex for breast feeding
A tocolytic that may be used to stop effects of Pitocin
Bishop’s Score
Cervical dilatation Cervical effacement Fetal station Cervical consistency Cervical position
5 P’s of childbirth
Powers Passageway Passenger Position of the mother Psyche
Three types of breech presentation
Complete (knees and hips flexed
Frank (legs extended onto abdomen and chest)
Footing (single or double feet first)