OB Lecture 5 Communication Flashcards
the transference and understanding of meaning
communication functions for organisations
- control member behavior
- foster motivation for what is to be done
- provide a release for emotional expression
- provide information needed to make decisions
- reducing uncertainty
- coordinate action
- effective communication crucial for task performance
Communication process
The steps btw. a source and a receiver that result in the transference (Übermittlung) and understanding of meaning
What does the sender do?
initiates message
What is encoding?
translating thought to message
What is decoding?
The receiver’s action in making sense of the message
a return message regarding the initial communication
Where does lateral (seitlich) communication in an organisation take place?
on the same level of hierarchy
nonverbal communication: kinesics
facial expression, gestrues…
nonverbal communication: paralinguistics
how words are spoken, variations in voice
nonverbal communication: proxemics
how space and distance are used
nonverbal communication: haptics
different types of touching
nonverbal communication: chronemics
using time to communicate
heuristic-systematic model of information processing
Controlled processing (CP)/Systematic processing - individuals assess, analyze, scrutinize (hinterfragen) all information available to make their judgement
--> used when the message recipient has a high interest to make a weighted decision; deep processing; focusing on the quality of the message and arguments Automatic processing (AP)/ Heuristic processing - individuals use learned knowledge structures and cognitive heuristics and shortcuts to make their judgements
What does Employee voice (when an employee talks about the company) lead to?
- Error avoidance
- Innovation
- Unit performance
However, managers frequently react negatively to voice
Types of communication networks
- follows the chain of command
- relies on a central figure to act as the conduit for all communication (strong leader)
All Channel:
- all group members communicate actively with each other
- self-managed teams
the grapevine
- informal
- perceived by most employees as being more believable and reliable than formal communications
- largely used to serve the self-interest of those who use it
How to reduce rumors
- announcing timetables for making important decision
- explain decisions that appear inconsistent
- emphasize the downside and upside of current decisions and future plans
- openly discuss worst-case possibilities (they are almost never as anxiety-provoking as the unspoken fantasy)
cultural barriers:
- semantics (words that aren’t translatable)
- word connotation: some words imply multiple meanings beyond their definitions
- tone differences: the acceptable level of formality of language