OB Correlates Flashcards
Left Ovarian vein and testicular veins drain to
Left renal vein
Right ovarian and right testicular vein drains to
Surgical abdomen
Board like rigidity
From hypercoagulability in pregnancy
Ovarian vein thrombosis
Most common blood vessel in pelvic thrombophlebitis
Left Ovarian veins emptying into left renal vein
Which anticoagulant can be given in pregnancy
APAS (hypercoagulable state) give
Antidote for heparin toxicity
Protamine sulfate
Most varicoceles are found on the
Left side bec of 90 degree drainage of left testicular vein to left renal vein
Assoc with left renal tumor
Bridge over troubled water during hysterectomy
Iliac artery over ureter
Pudendal canal aka
Alcocks canal
Internal pudendal artery, vein and nerves pass
Alcock’s canal is derived from the fascia of the muscle
obturator internus
Syndrome presenting with congenital absence of uterus and vagina
Mullerian dysgenesis
Mayer Hauser Rokitansky Kuster syndrome
Kallman syndrome
Dec in levels activate puberty
Causes decrease in circulating LH and prolactin
Stimulatory pulsatile/inhibitory continuous
Neuropeptide Y in stressful situations
GnRH is secreted in
pulsatile manner
Reproductive process begins in the
Low GnRH pulse frequency
FSH synthesis
High GnRH frequency
LH synthesis
Constant release of GnRH leads to
Drastic reduction of gonadotropic response
Rx: GnRH agonist (FSH)
We test for B HCH bec the different subunit in hormones are
Beta !!
Acts on granulosa cells
Acts on theca cells
Plays a role in follicle growth and maturation
Plays a role in ovulation
Goals of ovarian cycle
Produce a mature follicle
Steroidogenesis of estrogen, progesterone
On the follicular and midcycle the steroid produced is
On the lutesl cycle the steroid produced is
progesterone (inhibitory to GnRH)
Causes completion of Meiosis I and becoming secondsry oocyte prior ovulation
LH surge
Arrest of oocyte development happens in
Non growing oocyte arresting prophase of meiosis
Envelopes by single layer of spindle granulosa cells
Primordial follicle
Unilaminar or multilaminar
Primary preantral follicle
Change of pregranulosa layer to single layer of cuboidal cell
First change of follicle development
Unilaminar preantral follicle
Surrounding by zona pellucida
Complete granulosa prolif
Dependent on hormone:
And correlated with inc:
Multilaminar preantral follicle
Critical feature in rescuing cohort of follicles from atresia
Allows dominant follicle to emerge and pursue ovulation
Initiates steroidogeneis: estrogen production
FSH rise
Androgen substrate is converted into estrogen via aromatization by
Gonad ind recruitment of primordial follicle from resring pool and their growth to antral stage
Regulare grabulosa cell prolif
Growth differentiation factor 9
Bone Morphogenetic protein 15
Transforming growth factor B superfamily
Secretory product of granulosa cells in preantral and small antral folllicle
Inhibits premature follicle growth
Anti Mullerian Hormone
Take anytime of the cycle
Inc in production of follicular fluid in intracellular space eventually forming cavity
Antral follicle
Granulosa cell sureounding oocyte
Cumulus oophorus
Fluid rich in hormones, gf, cytokines
Excessive inc in estrogen initiates this feedback on hypo
If enough, negative feedback
Recruitment of a cohort
Selection of dominant follicle
Growth of selected dominant follicle
Follicular phase
Goal of two cell system
Accelerate estrogen production with help of theca cells responding to LH to produce ANDROGEN
Inhibits FSH
What hormone gonadotropin peaks before ovulation
Peak at 10-12h prior ovulation
Stimulates resumption of meiosis metaphsse II in 2nd meiotic division
Cervical mucus becomes thinner and more stretchy
Resting body temp rises 0.4 and 0.6
LH surge occurs in 24 h prior ovularion detected with home testing kit
Twinges of ovarian pain mittlesmerchz
Signs of ovulation
Rapid neovasc of once avasc granulosa
Hypertrophy and inc capacity to synthesize hormones
Luteal phase
Transformation from ruptured follicle to corpus luteum is regulated by
Prevents involution of or rescues corpus luteum
6 weeks AOG
Detected 8-9 days postovulation
Produced by:
Peaks: 60-70d AOG 10w
Most biologically potent naturally occuring estrogen
17B estradiol
Endometrial layer affected by hormones
Hallmark of secretory phase in endometrium
Subnuclear vacuolization
Secretion or glyocgen in endometrial cavity
Secretory phase
Return to non pregnant state
Puerperium is
4-6 w postpartum
Episiotomies heal in
1-2 w
Blood volume postpartum returns to normal after
1 week
Cardiac ouput returns to normal after
2 weeks
Peripartum cardiomyopathy lasts until
6 months postpartum a dilated type
Injury to Lumbosacral root resulting in footdrop
Predisposed by
Obstetrical neuropathy
Increased weight
Gravid uterus
at third tri
Pfannenstiel cut may damage the nerve
Foot drop is caused by
Especially when positioned this way during delivery
Common peroneal fibular nerve
Numbness of lateral thigh common during pregnancy
Meralgia Paresthetica
Lat femoral cutaneous nerve
Damage to femoral nerve occurs during
Prolonged hip flexion
Weak quads problem with knee ext
Shedding of decidua superficialis
Lochia 1-3d
Lochia at 4-10th day
Lochia at >10d 14
Foul lochia indicates
Poor healing DM
Retained secundines
When fever persists more than 3 days despite IV antimicrobials consider
Parametrial phlegmon
Occurs within 10d postpartum
Resolve in 3 days after
Postpartum blues
Postpartum blues
Fatigue Discomfort Apprehension on care of baby Jealousy and dec security Inability to satisfy husband’s needs
Delayed with lactation
bec of
return of menses
Prolactin inhibiting GnRH
In nonlactating mothers, menstruation returns in
7-8 w
Post partum check up
4-6 w
Pap smear after
6 months
38 C above
on any 2 of the first 10d postpartum
Puerperal infection
Most common cause of post op fever during first 24h post op in surgery
Top cause of puerperal infection
Mastitis by
Staph aureus
Most common cause of abortion
Ovular or fetal factor
Maternal factor
Early fetal wastage
Gross defect in ovum or fetus
Ovular or fetal factor
Most common chromosomal abnormality
Autosomal trisomy
Most common maternal factor inducing abortion
infection PID
Violin string adhesions PID spreading to abdominal cavity
Fitz Hugh Curtis Syndrome
Gold standard for dx of PID
Process of abortion started but not progressed to state from which recovery is impossible
Uterine size comparable with A/G
External os closed
Threatened abortion
Changes have progressed to a state from which continuation of pregnancy is impossible
Inevitable abortion
Inc vaginal bleeding
Aggravation of pain
Dilated internal os
Inevitable abortion
Sonographic evidence of nonviable pregnancy of more than 8 weeks
Missed abortion
Minimal bleeding, closed internal os
Missed abortion
Products of conception EXPELLED EN MASSE
Complete abortion
Hx of expulsion of fleshy mass
Subsidence of abd pain
Cervical os closed
Intact expelled fleshy mass
Complete abortion
Most common type of abortion
Incomplete abortion
Smaller uterus
Palpable tissue at os
Incomplete expelled mass
Incomplete abortion
Passage of tissue, incomplete do
D & C
Empty uterus
Minimal bleeding and cramping
Empty uterus: utz
Complete abortion
Sheehan syndrome on MRI
Pituitary apoplexy/hemorrhage
Habitual abortion:
3 or more consecutive abortions
Work up for habitual abortion
Thyroid study Parental karyotype Hysterosalpingography APAS SLE
Most common abortifacient in PH
prostaglandin analog PGE1
Also enhances cervical ripening
PGE2 is
Uteroplacental apoplexy
Bluish purple copper disc of uterus by extravasion into myometrium
Couvelaire uterus
Pregnancy is diabetogenic bec of
Placental insulinase (degrades insulin, inc resistance)
Elevated cortisol and progesterone
GDM is
Type IV
Women with high plasma glucose levels, glucosuria and ketoacidosis
Overt diabetes
Screening for GDM should start in
24-28 weeks in women not known to have glucose intolerance early in pregnancy
50g glucose load given without fasting
Value confirmatory of GDM
> 200mg/dl
if FBS is >130mg%?
no need to do
Overt DM
GDM complication
Inc perinatal loss
Macrosomia (hydramnios, congenital fetal malformation)
Congenital malformations in women with overt DM
Caudal regression Situs inversus Spina bifida hydroceph CNS defect Anencephaly Heart anomalies Anal/rectal atresia Renal anomalies (agenesis, cystic kidney and duplex ureter)
Disorder or syndrome impairing development of lower half of body
Caudal syndrome
Anti hypertensive assoc with renal agenesis
Anticonvulsant assoc with neural tube defects
Valproic acid
What drug used for tx of multiple myeloma causes significant congenital anomaly of limbs
When is screening for GDM done in women at high risk?
first clinic visit
Blood test for DM are more apt to be abnormal than in the non pregnant state due to
inc placental lactogen