Female Genital System Flashcards
Thinned epidermis Hydropic degeneration at basal layer Sclerotic stroma Dermal inflammation Dermal fibrosis Atrophic epithelium
Lichen sclerosus
Thickened epidermis (acanthosis)
Dermal inflammation
Lichen simplex chronicus
Carries a slightly increased risk for development of SCC
Lichen sclerosus
Flat, moist, minimally elevated in secondary syphilis
Condyloma lata
Papillary, distinctivelt elevated or flat and rugose
Anywhere on anogenital surface
Strongly associated with HPV
Condyloma acuminata
6 & 11 (low risk of malignant transformation)
Characteristic cellular feature of HPV
Perinuclear cytoplasmic vacuolization
Wrinkled nuclear contours
Less common Related to HPV: Middle aged women Cigarette smokers Preceded by precancerous changes termed VIN (valvular intraepithelial neoplasia) Progresses to greater degree of atypia Immunodeficiency
16 and 18
Older women with reactive epithelial changes like lichen sclerosus
Lacks cytologic changes of VIN
but with atypia of basal layer and keratinization
Invasive is well differentiated and keratinizing
Non HPV related VULVAR SCC
Leukoplakia -> exophytic or ulcerative endophytic tumors -> HPV + are multifocal -> poorly diff SCC whereas negative are unifocal and manifest as well differentiated keratinizing SCC
SCC of Vulva
Red scaly plaque caused by prolif of malignant epithelial cells within epidermis
No underlying carcinoma unlike that of nipple
Paget disease of the vulva
This differentiates Paget disease cells from melanoma
Positive staining PAS lacks mucin
Watery copious discharge gray green in which parasites are identified with microscopy
Trichomonas vaginalis vaginitis
Uncommon, older than 60 yrs
Similar risk factors as in vulvar CA
Precursor lesion is vaginal IN assoc with HPV
SCC of Vagina
Very rare tumor
Identified in young women whose mothers took diethylstilbestrol to prevent threatened abortion
Clear cell Adenocarcinoma of VAGINA
Agent associated with elevated risk of cancer when exposed
1/3 will present with small glandular or microcystic inclusions appearing in mucosa
Red, granular appearing foci lined by mucus-secreting ciliated columnar cells called
where clear cell adenocarcinoma arises
Vaginal adenosis
Rare form of primary vaginal cancer manifesting as soft polypoid masses
Infants and children <5
Also in bladder and bile duct
Sarcoma botryoides
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
Most common infection of cervix 40%
C trachomatis cervicitis
Acute form of cervicitis is usually in women
staph or strep
Cervicits comes to attention because of
During puberty, SC junction of cervix undergoes eversion causing columnar epithelium visibility in exocervix called
transformation zone
HPV has tropism for this site on cervix
immature squamous cells of transformation zone
Rf for cervical ca
HPV exposure Early coitarche Multiple sexual partners Male with multiple sexual partners Persistent infection of HPV
HPV infected squamous cells do not usually replicate but expression of two potent oncogenes encoded in HPV genome enable this
E6 and E7 genomes bind and INactivate two critical TSG namely
that promote growth and inc susceptibility to additional mutations leading to carcinogenesis
E6 - p53
E7 - Rb
Most important risk factor for development of CIN and carcinoma
HIGH RISK HPV 16 and 18
Also 31, 33
Serine threonine kinase phosphorylating and activating AMPK, a metab sensor
AMPK regulates cell growth through mTOR
Somatic mutations in this protein (loss) is related to cervical ca, Peutz Jhegers and inactivated lung CA
Episomal infection
HPV 6 and 11
Viral integration
HPV 16 and 18
Two tiered grading system for CIN
LSIL previously (CIN I) HSIL previously (CIN II and III)
Rationale for Pap smear
Most successful cancer screening test ever developed
Early detection of DYSPLASTIC changes
Dysplastic changes in lower third of squamous epithelium and koilocytic change in superficial layers of epithelium
Dysplasia extending to middle third of epithelium
Delayed keratinocyte maturation
Assoc with variation in nuclear and cell size
Heterogeneity of chromatin
Presence of mitoses above basal layer
Complete loss of maturation with greater variation in cell and nuclear size Chromatin hererogeneity Disorderly orientation of cell Normal/abnormal mitoses Affects ALL layers of epithelium ABSENT koilocytic change
Abnormal pap smear -> colposcopy with acetic acid test
LSIL positive:
Cone biopsy
HPVs can cause these types of cervical ca
SCC 75%
Adeno squamous 20%
Small cell neuroendocrine 5%
Invasive carcinomas of cervix develop in
transformation zone
Tumors encircling cervix and penetrate underlying stroma produce
barrel cervix
Growth of basal layer of endometrium down to myometrium inducing reactive hypertrophy (enlarged, globular uterus with thickened uterine wall)
No bleeding bec infiltrative glands come crom basalis
Adenomyosis of endometrium
Ectopic endometrial glands and stroma
3 hypotheses for endometriosis
1 regurgitant theory (menstrual backflow through fallopian tubes)
2 metaplastic theory (endomentrial differentiation of coelomic epithelium)
3 vascular or lymphatic dissemination (extrapelvic or intranodal implant)
Ectopic endometrial glands are abnormal bec of
Inc inflammatory mediators (PGE2)
Inc estrogen production due to aromatase
enhancing persistence of endometrial tissue in foreign locations
Endometriosis contains this type of endothelium
Grossly red brown implants coalescing to form large masses
In ovaries, they are called
functional hence bleed
Chocolate cyst
Hx diagnosis of endometriosis involves
2/3 structures
Endometrial glands
Endometrial stroma
Hemosiderin pigment
AUB due to precocious puberty (hypothalamic, pituitary, ovarian)
AUB in anovulatory cycle
AUB in complications of pregnancy (abortion, tropho, ectopic)
Proliferation (leiyomyoma, adenomyosis)
Anovulatory cycle
Ovulatory dysfunctional bleeding inadequate luteal phase
Reproductive age
AUB due to anovulatory cycle
Irregular shedding
AUB due to proliferation
Endometrial atrophy
Induces exaggerated endometrial proliferation or hyperplasia and risk for carcinoma
Prolonged excess estrogen relative to progesterone
Estrogen excess rf
1 ovulatory failure
2 exogenous estrogen without progestin
3 PCOS or estrogen producing tumor like granulosa theca cell of ovary
4 obesity
Hyperplasia of endometrium is classified based on
1 architectural crowding (simple vs complex)
2 cytologic atypia (normal vs atypical) -related to risk of carcinoma
Endometrial Hyperplasia progression to carcinoma is related to inactivating mutation of
which acts as brake on PI-3kinase/AKT pathway
PTEN tumor supressor gene
Most frequent cancer occuring in genital tract
Endometrial CA
Arise in setting of endometrial hyperplasia and estrogen excess in perimenopausal
Mutations in PTEN
May be mucinous, tubal, squamous or adenosquamous
Infiltrates myometrium in cribriform pattern
Endometriod cancer
Arises fr endometrial atrophy in postmenopausal
Forms small tufts and papillae not glands with greater atypia
IHC demonstrates hig levels of mutant
Serous endometrial CA
Endometriod CA rf
Obesity DM HTN Infertility Exposure to unopposed e
Women with germline mutations in PTEN are known as
and have inc risk for endometrioid CA
Cowden syndrome
15% of endometrial tumors
All have mutations to:
Serous endometrial CA
Most common benign tumor in women
Sharply circumscribed
Whorled cut surface
Leiomyosarcomas arise from and not from
Solitary on postmenopausal
Soft hemorrhagic necrotic masses
Tumor necrosis, atypia and mitotic activity
Recurrence and mets are common typically:
De novo mesenchymal cells
Most common disorder of fallopian tube
Salphingitis from PID
Primary adenoCa of fallopian tubes may be:
Serous adenoca of fallopian tube are related with mutations of
AdenoCa of FP occur in
Multiple cystic follicles in ovaries producing excess androgen and estrogen with high LH and low FSH (Pituitary inhibition through hypothalamus)
Polycystic ovarian disease
Stein-Leventhal Syndrome
Three cell types in ovary:
Multipotent coelomic epithelium
Totipotent germ cells
Sex cord stromal cells
65-70% Malignant ovarian proportion: 90% Age group: 20+ years Types: Serous, Mucinous, Endometrioid, Clear cell, Brenner, Cystadenofibroma
Surface epithelial stromal cell tumors of ovary
15-20% Proportion of malig: 3-5% Age group: 0-25+ years Types: Teratoma, dysgerminoma, endoderm sinus tumor, choriocarcinoma
Germ cell tumors of ovary
5-10% Malignancy proportion: 2-3% Onset: all ages Types: Fibroma, Granulosa-theca cell, Sertoli-leydig cell
Sex cord-stroma tumors of ovary
Malignancy proportion: 5%
Onset: variable age
Metastases to ovary
Most common form of ovarian epithelial tumor
Borderline and malignant: 60%
Serous carcinoma of
Arise from borderline lesions
Assoc with KRAS, BRAF or ERBB2 mutation
Low grade serous of ovary
Develop rapidly from TUBAL intraepithelial carcinoma with mutations in TP53 and FOXM1
High grade serous of ovary
25% of serous carcinoma of ovary are
Tall columnar epithelial cells with cilia
Psamomma bodies in tips of papillae
If carcinoma, anaplasia and stromal invasion with complex papilla and multilayered nests of undiff malignant cells
In between: less atypia with little or no stromal invasion but seeds peritoneum
Benign cystadenomas
Tumors of low malig potential
Similar to serous but epithelium consists of mucin
80% benign
Larger, multicystic
Serosal penetration and solid areas of growth suggestive of malig
Less likely bilat
Mucinous tumor of ovary
Mucinous adenocarcinoma tumor of GI metastasizing to ovary
Krukenberg tumor
Implantation of mucinous tumor in peritoneum producing mucin
Usually from appendix
Pseudomyxoma peritonei
Solid or cystic sometimes assoc endometriosis
Tubular glands within lining of cyst
Usually malignant
Bilateral and with concomitant endometrial CA
Mutations in:
Endometrioid carcinoma of ovary
Uncommon, solid unilateral with abdundant stroma with nests of transitional type endothelium resembling URINARY TRACT
Most are benign
Brenner tumors
15-20% of ovarian tumors
Common in first two decades of life
The younger the greater risk of malignancy
90% benign
Hallmark of benign mature cystic teratomas
90% uni, Right side
Presence of MATURE tissues from all 3 GERM CELL LAYERS (ecto, endo, meso)
Cysts lined by epidermis replete with adnexal appendage
dermoid cyst
Complication of benign mature cystic teratoma
Rare paraneoplastic complication benign mature cystic teratomas
With mature neural tissue and remits with tumor resection
Limbic encephalitis
Bulky, solid punctuated areas of necrosis
Cystic foci with sebaceous secretion, hair and other similar to mature
IMMATURE ELEMENTS (minimally diff cartilage, bone, muscle, nerve)
Neuroepithelial diff
Immature malignant teratoma
Rare subtype of teratoma
Specialized tissue
Most common eg: Struma ovarii
Specialized teratoma
Mature thyroid tissue producing hyperthyroidism in ovary
Small solid brown unilateral
Struma ovarii teratoma
Marker of ovarian ca
Elevated in 75-90% of ovarian ca
Greatest value is of determinance to therapy response
CA 125
2nd-3rd decade Gonadal dysgenesis Unilateral 80-90% Counterpart of testicular SEMINOMA Solid large to small gray Sheets or cords of large cells separated by scant fibrous strands Contain lymphocyte and granuloma All malignant but 1/3 are aggressive and spread All radiosensitive, 80% cure rate
Germ cell
First 3 decades Unilateral Identical to placental tumor Small, hemorrhagic focus with two types: cytotrophoblast and syncio Mets early, widely Ovarian primies resistant to therapy
Germ cell
Postmenop but sometimes any Unilateral Tiny, large gray cystic space Cuboidal granulosa in cords, sheets or strands or spindles or plump lipid laden theca cell Elements may recapitulate ovarian follicle as Call-Exner bodies Large amounts of ESTROGEN from theca Promotes endometrial or breast ca Granulosa malignant 5-25%
Granulosa-theca cell
Sex-cord tumor
Any age Unilateral Solid gray fibrous cell to yellow lipid laden plump theca cell Hormonally INactive Ascites and hydrothorax 40% Rarely malignant
Sex-cord tumor
All ages Unilateral Small, gray to yellow brown, solid Recapitulates testes with tubules or cords and plump pink Sertoli cell Masculinizing or defeminizing Rarely malig
Sertoli-Leydig Cell
Sex-cord tumor
Older age
Mostly bilateral
Solid gray white mass large
Anaplastic tumor cells, cords, glands, dispersed through fibrous background
Signet ring or mucin-secreting
Primaries of GI aka Krukenberg, breast, lung
Metastases to ovary
Hallmark of granulosa theca cell carcinoma
Recapitulate ovarian follicles
Call-Exner bodies
46XX, XY All villi edematous Diffuse circumferential trophoblast prolif Elevated HCG \++++ Tissue HCG Choriocarci risk: 2% All chromosomes paternal No fetal tissue
Complete mole
Triplod karyotype Some villi are edematous Focal slighr trophoblast prolif Less elevated HCG \+ Tissue HCG Rare subsequent choriocarcinoma Two sets of paternal chromosomes With fetal tissue
Partial H mole
Highly invasive freq metastatic tumor responsive to chemotherapy and curable
Gestational choriocarcinoma
Vs ovarian germ cell
Indolent immediate trophoblasts that produce HPL and doesn’t respond well to chemotherapy
Placental site trophoblastic tumor
Insufficient maternal blood flow to placenta secondary to inadequate remodelling of spiral arteries
Preeclampsia (toxemia of pregnancy)
Placental abnormality in preeclampsia:
Retroplacental hemorrhage
Premature maturation of placental villi with villous edema, hypovascularity, inc production of syncytial epithelial knots
Fibrinoid necrosis
Preeclampsia clinical features
Seizure - eclampsia with multi organ damage