OB Flashcards
What to do if a labor’s patient electronic fetal monitor detects increasing late decelerations?
reposition the woman and notify the physician
What is one purpose of ultrasound imaging during pregnancy?
to rule out fetal abnormalities
How many days are between conception and implantation?
How many days after does ovulation occur after the start of menstrual period?
Determine the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP), count backward 3 months, add 7 days, ( correct the year if needed)
Nagele’s rule
how many days does the fertilized ovum stays in the fallopian tube for before it implants in the uterine wall?
about 4 days
Hegar’s sign
When the uterus becomes globular in shape, softens and flexes easily over the cervix, is a probable sign of pregnancy
cervical softening due to increased vascularity, congestion and edema, is a probable sign of pregnancy
Goodell’s sign
Chadwick’s sign
the bluish discoloration of cervix, is a probable sign of pregnancy
The legal point of viability of the fetus is
22 weeks
10 weeks to 12 weeks gestation
Auscultation of fetal heart beat by Doppler or ultrasonic transmitter is done at
A normal fetal heart rate is between
120 and 160 beats per minute
Early amniocentesis is performed at?
sixteenth week of pregnancy
The presence of biochemical or chromosomal abnormalities such as fetal lung maturity and genetic studies
What is Amniocentesis is used to detect?
done to evaluate the response of the fetal heart rate to periods of fetal movement
non-stress test (NST)
Contraction stress test
used to induce uterine contraction
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
excessive and persistent vomiting during pregnancy resulting in dehydration and starvation
To minimize heartburn the pregnant woman should sit up for
30 minutes after eating
Seizures and coma are associated with an
Eclamptic condition
a symptom of pregnancy-induced hypertension and should be reported to health care provider
Blurred vision