OAPA Flashcards
S.39 criminal justice act 1988
What category of offence is assault/battery
What is the maximum sentence for assault/battery
6 months
Actus reus assault
Where by an act/words causes V to apprehend immediate and unlawful force
What can immediate mean
What case states immediate can mean imminent
Smith V SWPS
Which case states that actus reus of assault can be written
Which case states that the actus reus of assault can be silent
Actus reus battery
Where Ds act/omission applies unlawful force to V
Which case states that D need not touch Vs body to satisfy the actus reus of battery
Which case states that the actus reus of battery can be indirect
Mens rea of assault
Intention/recklessness as to causing V to apprehend immediate and unlawful force
Which case supports mens rea of assault and battery
Mens rea of battery
Intention/recklessness as to applying unlawful force to V
S.47 OAPA 1861
Assault occasioning ABH
what category of offence is ABH
Either way
What is the maximum sentence for ABH
5 years
What must the actus reus of ABH first be
An assault/battery
What must the assault/battery cause to satisfy actus reus of ABH
Must cause ABH
Chan fook (ABH)
The word actual means the injury should not be so trivial as to be wholly insignificant
Mens rea ABH
Intention/recklessness as to an assault/battery
Case that supports mens rea ABH
Savage v parmenter
Malicious wounding/GBH
What category are malicious wounding/inflicting GBH
Either way
Maximum sentence s20
5 years
Actus reus wounding
Any breaking of the skin
Case to support actus reus wounding
Actus reus GBH
‘Really serious harm’
Case to support actus reus GBH
DPP v smith
Which case states that the nature of the victim is relevant in actus reus GBH
Which case states that several minor injuries can satisfy actus reus of GBH
Brown and Stratton
Which case states that actus reus of GBH can be psychological
What is the Mens rea GBH/malicious wounding defined by
The word maliciously
Mens rea wounding/GBH
Must be intention/recklessness that V might suffer some harm
Which case supports mens rea wounding/GBH
Malicious wounding/GBH, with intent to cause GBH or resist/prevent arrest
What category of offence is s18 OAPA
Maximum sentence s18 OAPA
Actus reus of s.18
Same as S.20
Mens rea s18
Intention to cause GBH/intention to resist/avoid arrest + recklessness as to GBH
Do you have to intenD GBH/malicious wounding upon intending to resist/prevent arrest
No but you must be reckless as to GBH