OAPA Flashcards
S.39 criminal justice act 1988
What category of offence is assault/battery
What is the maximum sentence for assault/battery
6 months
Actus reus assault
Where by an act/words causes V to apprehend immediate and unlawful force
What can immediate mean
What case states immediate can mean imminent
Smith V SWPS
Which case states that actus reus of assault can be written
Which case states that the actus reus of assault can be silent
Actus reus battery
Where Ds act/omission applies unlawful force to V
Which case states that D need not touch Vs body to satisfy the actus reus of battery
Which case states that the actus reus of battery can be indirect
Mens rea of assault
Intention/recklessness as to causing V to apprehend immediate and unlawful force
Which case supports mens rea of assault and battery
Mens rea of battery
Intention/recklessness as to applying unlawful force to V
S.47 OAPA 1861
Assault occasioning ABH
what category of offence is ABH
Either way