O&G:Breast Flashcards
4 common complaints attending breast clinic?
- Lump
- Pain
- Nipple chagnes
- Asymmetry
What is mastalgia?
Pain in breast
No incection
Can be cyclic or non-cyclic
What is mastitis?
Non infective:
- Results from obstruction of milk drainage from one section of the breast, which may be due to: Badly postitioned baby, restriction of feeding, blocked ducts, compression via bra or fingers
- Swollen, red, painful area on breast.
- Tachycardia, pyrexia, aching/flu like feeling.
- Resolves on relieving obstruction by feeding
- If non-infective isnt cleared
- Staph Aureus is most common organism
- Use flucloxacillin or cefalexxin
What is breast abcess?
Possible complication of poorly managed infective mastitis. May need surgical drainage under anaesthetic.
Breast cancer: hx taking?
Lump: Size, onset, pain, cyclical change?
Discharge: Milky, bloody, yellow/green
Skin changes: eczema, dimpling, ulceration
Systemic sx: W loss, fever, lethargy, pain, gland swelling
Risk factors for breast cancer
- Prev hx of BC
- FH of breast cancer
- BRCA1/2
- Nullparity or child 1 after 30
- Not having breast fed
- Early menarche and late menopause
- Radiation to chest
- HRT w/ preogesterone
Triple investigation for breast cancer?
- Examination
- Imaging
- USS before 40
- Mammogram post 40 - Biopsy
Discharge red flags in breast cancer?
Single duct
What is fibroadenoma?
Most common type of benign breast tumour. Young, premenopausal women Well defined round shape, rubbery, painless.
Why mastectomy?
- Multiple tumours or large tumour in small area
- Lumpectomy not good enough to give good cosmetic result
- Abormal surrounding tussue
- Ill defined margins
- reduce chacne of spread
- Extensive DCIS
Why lumpectomy?
- Smaller area removed
- Improved cosmetic appearance
S/E of total axillary clearance?
What is sentinel node biopsy?
Sentinel node biopsy is a surgical procedure used to determine whether cancer has spread beyond a primary tumor into your lymphatic system. The sentinel nodes are the first few lymph nodes into which a tumor drains
What treatments do patients have alongisde WLE?
- Radiotherapy.
S/e: Pneumonitis, pericarditis, rib fracture.
What is Tamoxifen?
Oestrogen receptor blocker.
S/e: Hot flushes, weight gain, mood changes, VTE