Nutritional Disorders and Lab Values Flashcards
- most abundant protein found in blood
- synthesized as preproalbumin in the liver
- average serum concentration 4 g/dL
Albumin Functions
- maintains oncotic pressure in the vascualr system
- transport
- competitively binds calcium ions
Albumin Functions - Oncotic Pressure
- Because of its high concentration, albumin tends to pull water into the circulatory system.
- This role of albumin is about three-fold greater than all other blood proteins combined.
- Consequently, a decrease in serum albumin can lead to edema because water then accumulates in interstitial spaces.

Albumin Functions - Transport
•The structure of albumin allows it to nonspecifically bind lipophilic molecules such as free fatty acids, thyroid hormone and steroid hormones.
- As you will learn later, many hormones have their own specific binding proteins. However, the transport of free fatty acids to the liver and muscle depends solely on albumin.
- Fatty acids, in the form of triacylglycerols, are transported in the circulation via chylomicrons (dietary) or very low-density lipoproteins (endogenous system).
•Albumin transports unconjugated bilirubin to the liver following the breakdown of the heme moiety from hemoglobin
-. Severe hypoalbuminemia therefore can lead to jaundice due to accumulation of unconjugated bilirubin in tissues.
- Albumin also transports bound calcium.
- Many medications are transported by albumin.
- Those most tied to albumin transport include NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug), warfarin (anticoagulant), digoxin (treatment of congestive heart failure), and midazolam (short-acting benzodiazepine).
- A change in the concentration of serum albumin particularly affects the half-life of these and other medications. Hence under conditions of hypoalbuminemia the concentration of the medication free in solution is increased. While this may produce a more acute effect of the medication, its metabolism will be increased leading to a shorter half-life and hence a shorter duration of its effect.

Albumin Functions - Calcium
•Measured total calcium in the blood includes that bound to albumin and the circulating free ionic calcium (Ca2+), the latter being about 50% of the total.
These two forms are NOT in equilibrium. The bound calcium but not Ca2+ depends on the amount of albumin in the blood.
•Because albumin is abundant in the blood, a change in albumin concentration affects the estimation of circulating Ca2+
Corrected Calcium
- Normally, a lab value for total calcium can be used to estimate the free Ca2+ concentration assuming that blood albumin is in a normal range. However, when the concentration of albumin is outside the normal range (i.e., either high or low), the reported total calcium value must be corrected.
- For instance, if the albumin concentration is below normal (hypoalbuminemia) then the total calcium value will be decreased below normal. One then would incorrectly assume that the free Ca2+ also is below normal. However, because the ionic Ca2+ concentration does not depend on the bound form, the total value must be corrected for the decreased amount of bound calcium. The equation to correct for calcium is:
Corrected calcium (mg/dL) = total measured (mg/dL) +0.8 * (4 – [serum albumin]g/dL)
Hypoalbuminemia is not a useful marker of acute liver disease because…
…it takes several weeks of impaired production to observe a decrease in serum albumin. Even with chronic liver disease more than 50% of liver function needs to be compromised before a decline in serum albumin is detected. Therefore, albumin is not a sensitive marker for liver dysfunction.
Is albumin a reasnable marker for nutrition?
It is questionable whether albumin is a reasonable marker for nutrition. Although decreased albumin can be seen with morbidity and mortality associated with malnutrition, the literature shows inconsistent results comparing protein intake and serum albumin in adults.
Protein Malnutrition
- In the short term, individuals with inadequate protein intake degrade their muscle protein, in part, to provide the liver with amino acids for albumin synthesis.
- Over time severe protein malnutrition results in decreased production of albumin. The extent of hypoalbuminemia depends on the severity of the protein malnutrition.

•Serum albumin is decreased by liver disease. Other causes include intravascular volume overload, protein malnutrition, nephrotic syndrome (increased excretion), heart failure and inflammatory responses (most common cause).

- Severe or chronic dehydration causes hyperalbuminemia because of decreased fluid volume.
- Though severe zinc deficiency is rare, its occurrence can lead to hyperalbuminemia because this condition mimics dehydration as a result of cell swelling due to increased intake of water (hypotonicity).
- Excessive protein intake also can lead to overproduction of albumin.
- transthyretin
- carrier protein for both thyroxine (T4) and Vitamin A
- Prealbumin carries about 10% of the total thyroxine, albumin carries about 20% and the majority (~70%) is carried by thyroxine binding globulin.
- Similarly, most vitamin A is carried by a specific retinol binding protein (see session: Vitamin A)
Prealbumin Values
•the limited role of prealbumin equates to a small pool in the blood
-20-40 mg/dL (about 1% of albumin concentration)
- Because the concentration of prealbumin is so low, serum amounts are sensitive to pathological changes that decrease its production.
- Prealbumin decreases in response to liver disease.
- More importantly, it responds rapidly, unlike albumin, to protein deficiency in individuals with protein-energy malnutrition.
- The short half-life of prealbumin (2 to 4 d vs 20 d for albumin) accounts for its high sensitivity to nutritional status.
- Prealbumin measurements can assess whether hemodialysis patients require nutritional intervention and prealbumin decreases in response to short-term changes due to inflammatory response.
- The extent of decreased prealbumin depends on the severity of the protein malnutrition
- Children with Kwashiorkor suffer from protein malnutrition and may occur when children are weaned and placed solely on solid foods.
- The condition results not from a case of childhood neglect but from finances since foods rich in carbohydrates are generally much cheaper than foods containing quality protein.
- Kwashiorkor is rarely seen in the United States.
- Their condition is characterized by edema, decreased muscle mass, diarrhea, failure to thrive, changes in hair color and/or texture, lethargy, protruding abdomen, and dermatitis often manifesting as a rash.
- The edema is a hallmark of the hypoalbuminemia as discussed above.
- Dietary protein deficiency causes increased muscle protein breakdown and hence muscle loss.
- Low caloric intake contributes to lethargy.
- The protruding abdomen is caused by hepatomegaly.
- Other symptoms likely relate to vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
- Tests for these children may include a variety of measurements besides prealbumin including BUN, CBC, creatinine clearance/serum creatinine (to evaluate kidney damage), total protein concentrations.

Management of Kwashiorkor
- Treatment of Kwashiorkor requires increased protein intake and total calories to correct the condition.
- Vitamin and mineral supplementation is essential.
- Depending on how reduced their caloric intake had been, GI function may be less than normal thereby initially making it necessary to gradually to return to what should be a normal intake of food.
- Even with early intervention, the true potential growth and height of the child never will be achieved.
- When treatment is delayed until late stages, the child may be left with permanent mental and physical deficiencies.
- Marasmus, in contrast to Kwashiorkor, constitutes a complete energy malnutrition.
- Patients exhibit tissue and muscle wasting and loss of subcutaneous fat.
- While edema may occur, it is not a consistent characteristic as for patients with Kwashiorkor.

- Prealbumin is a sensitive marker for not only malnutrition but also for acute inflammation. Consequently, when measuring prealbumin as a marker of protein malnutrition, an inflammatory-specific marker also must be measured to rule out a potential effect of inflammation causing hypoprealbuminemia.
- CRP is measured for this assessment. CRP binds to phosphocholine on the surface of dead or dying cells allowing for recognition of foreign pathogens because binding facilitates activation of the immune complement system.
- This system helps phagocytic cells and antibodies remove the pathogens, aiding in host defense and clearance of apoptotic and necrotic cells.
- The primary effect seems to be anti-inflammatory.
- Various studies have been conducted in which CRP measurements have been used to evaluate an individual’s ‘inflammatory state’.
- Some foods are considered ‘proinflammatory’ and include refined carbohydrates (e.g., white rice; white bread; sugary soft drinks), common cooking oils (high omega-6 fatty acids but low omega-3), trans-fatty acids (e.g., in deep-fried foods) and processed meats. Individuals who are more physically active, follow a Mediterranean diet plan, maintain lower BMI, BP, blood glucose and triacylglycerols, have a higher HDL, avoid smoking, and/or exhibit less hypertension, have CRP concentrations in a lower range (3.0 mg/L) compared to those who score poorly in these areas.
•Some patients with arteriosclerosis have significantly higher plasma homocysteine concentrations (homocystinemia) than do controls.
- This observation suggests a role for homocysteine in the pathogenesis of arteriosclerosis.
- Additional evidence for this association includes B vitamin supplements significantly decrease plasma homocysteine concentrations, persons with low plasma B vitamin concentrations and low dietary intake of B vitamins have an increased risk for heart disease,and folate and vitamin B12 deficiency are common in populations at high risk for heart disease, e.g., the elderly, smokers and alcoholics.
- The biochemical mechanisms by which homocysteine may potentiate cardiovascular disease are not understood, but may involve oxidative damage to lipoproteins and endothelia, as well as impaired platelet function.
- Since the metabolism of homocysteine requires folate, vitamins B12 and B6, deficiencies in any of these will increase plasma homocysteine.
- However, providing these vitamins to lower homocysteine as a means of decreased disease risk remains controversial as is the association between plasma homocysteine and vascular complications.
- Magnesium, the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, has multiple functions essential to good health.
- Less than 1% of Mg is in the blood with the remainder in cells of tissues and organs with about 50% found in bone.
- Magnesium is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, especially those that require ATP.
-ATP must form a complex with Mg2+ to be biologically functional.
- Green vegetables are an excellent source of magnesium because it complexes with chlorophyll.
- Refining white flour causes loss of the magnesium rich portion so that whole grain flour contains more magnesium.
- Halibut, almonds and soybeans are also good sources.
Magnesium Functions
- energy metabolism (complex with ATP)
- keeping bones strong
- maintaining normal muscle and nerve function
- protein synthesis
- promoting normal blood pressure
- regulating blood sugar concentration
- supporting a functional immune system
- sustaining a steady heart rhythm

Magnesium - Muscle Function
•Mg deficiency as a consequence of alcohol abuse can contribute to severe weakness and ataxia in the limbs
Magnesium - Hypertension
- Diets that are good sources of Mg and K have been associated with lower BP. The DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) emphasizes consumption of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods; these are high in magnesium, potassium, and calcium, and low in sodium and fat.
- High BP reportedly is significantly lowered in patients who followed the DASH diet.
Magnesium - Diabetes
- Mg may affect the release of and response to insulin. Indeed Type 2 DM is often associated with low Mg.
- Hypomagnesemia may worsen or be a consequence of insulin resistance.
- The hyperglycemia associated with diabetes increases urine output and hence may cause increased Mg excretion.
- Monitoring of women for 18 years and men for 12 years showed that the risk for developing Type 2 diabetes was greater in both men and women when Mg intake was low with this significant effect seen in a shorter time period for men than for women.
- However, some studies suggested no benefit from higher Mg intake. Hence further research is needed to examine more closely the association between blood Mg, dietary intake, and Type 2 diabetes.
- Still there seems to be no harm in encouraging patients with a low Mg intake to increase it.
Magnesium - Osteoporosis
•Magnesium deficiency may be an additional risk factor for postmenopausal osteoporosis. This effect is likely related to the observation that Mg deficiency can lead to hypocalcemia. “Overall, controlling and maintaining magnesium homeostasis represents a helpful intervention to maintain bone integrity.”