Calcium and Phosphate Disorders Flashcards
Calcium Disorders
- Hypercalcemia
- Hypocalcemia
- Vitamin D Disorders
- Cancer – Bone marrow malignancies, osteolytic metastases, humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Intoxication with Vitamin D
- Milk-alkali Syndrome – Excess ingestion of calcium plus alkali such as calcium-carbonate (antacids)
- Paget’s Disease – Accelerated bone turnover
- Sarcoidosis – Increased conversion of Vitamin D to active form by macrophages
The Main Players
- Four organs are vital for maintaining serum calcium and phosphate levels:
- Small intestine – absorbs dietary calcium and phosphate from the environment
- Kidney has two roles:
- Excretes serum calcium and phosphate
- Synthesizes calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D)
- Bone – serves as a store for both calcium and phosphate
- Parathyroid – secretes PTH
Hypercalcemia Effects
•Central nervous system:
- Lethargy and depression
- Ataxia
- Hypertonia
- Weakness, proximal myopathy
- Hypertension
- Bradycardia
- Polyuria and decreased glomerular filtration
- Nephrolithiasis
•Primary Hyperparathyroidism
-Due to overgrowth of parathyroid tissue
•Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
-Due to chronically depressed serum calcium levels (usually due to renal failure or intestinal malabsorption)
•Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism
-Long-standing secondary hyperparathyroidism—> PTH secretion becomes autonomous

7 Associated Clinical Findings in Hyperparathyroidism
- Bone disease – May range from generalized mild decalcification to osteoporosis with increased incidence of fractures
- Renal stones (nephrolithiasis) – This may be the only manifestation in 20% of patients.
- Gastrointestinal abnormalities - Peptic ulcers, pancreatitis and gallstones.
- CNS alterations – Depression, lethargy and seizures.
- Neuromuscular abnormalities.
- Metastatic calcifications – Primarily involving gastric mucosa, kidneys, lungs, heart valves (aortic and mitral), systemic arteries and pulmonary veins. Metastatic calcification in the kidney (nephrocalcinosis) leads to chronic injury of the tubules and interstitium, with subsequent progression to renal failure if untreated.
- Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica - Severe hyperparathyroidism characterized by generalized decalcification of bone, bone cysts and “brown tumors” (not a true neoplasm, brown tumors are caused by influx of multinucleated macrophages and reparative fibrous tissue within decalcified bone, excessive osteoclast activity), multiple fractures, renal stones and increased alkaline phosphatase. This constellation of findings is now rarely seen due to early diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism in current clinical practice.
Pathology of Hyperparathyroidism
• ademonas > hyperplasia >>> carcinoma
Hyperparathyroidism - Adenomas
- present in 85-95% of the patients with primary hyperparathyroidism.
- Most are sporadic adenomas.
- 10-20% of adenomas have an inversion on chromosome 11, relocating the cyclin D1 gene adjacent to the 5’-PTH regulatory sequences and resulting in overexpression of cyclin D1 (a major regulator of the cell cycle), leading to cell proliferation.
- Most adenomas are monoclonal and considered true neoplasms from a single progenitor cell.
Hyperparathyroidism - Adenomas - Gross
- Adenomas are usually solitary, although multiple adenomas have occasionally been described.
- Most adenomas weigh between 0.5 to 5 gm and have a thin, delicate capsule.
- They may be tan, orange-brown, or red-brown, and may have cystic spaces.
- Adenomas are usually found in the central neck, within or adjacent to the thyroid, but may also occur in the anterior mediastinum.

Brown Tumor - Gross

- Not a true neoplasm
- Localized area of bony destruction due to excess osteoclast activity in the setting of hyperparathyroidism
- Loss of bony trabeculae, cyst formation, replacement by brown tissue

Brown Tumor - Microscopic
- Not a true neoplasm
- Localized area of bony destruction due to excess osteoclast activity in the setting of hyperparathyroidism
- Microscopic: Loss of bony trabeculae, proliferation of osteoclasts and fibroblasts, hemorrhage and hemosiderinladen macrophages

Hyperparathyroidism - Adenoma - Microscopic

- The enlarged gland usually contains a marked decrease in fat cell content.
- Often, the parathyroid cell population appears monotonous and homogenous.
- The cells usually have bland nuclear features, although focal atypia may be seen (pleomorphism, nuclear enlargement).
- Note: Foci of atypical cells are often identified in various endocrine neoplasms (so called “endocrine atypia”) but does not imply malignancy or aggressive behavior.
- Classically, a small rim of normal parathyroid tissue (with normal fat content and cellular composition) may be seen compressed to one side of the adenoma.
- In a true adenoma, the uninvolved glands should be normal in size and histologic composition.

Hyperparathyroidism - Adenoma - Microscopic
•The cells usually have bland nuclear features, although focal atypia may be seen (pleomorphism, nuclear enlargement). Note: Foci of atypical cells are often identified in various endocrine neoplasms (so called “endocrine atypia”) but does not imply malignancy or aggressive behavior

Hyperparathyroidism - Adenoma - Microscopic
•Classically, a small rim of normal parathyroid tissue (with normal fat content and cellular composition) may be seen compressed to one side of the adenoma

Hyperparathyroidism - Hyperplasia

- prevalent in about 5-10% of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism.
- Primary parathyroid hyperplasia may be sporadic or occur as a component of MEN syndrome.
- On microscopic examination, hyperplastic glands appear similar to adenomas, but tend to have slightly more fat and appear more heterogenous.
- In contrast to adenomas, several glands are enlarged and hypercellular.
- Classically, all four glands are involved.
-However, the changes may be asymmetric, with relative sparing of one or two glands, which can make the distinction between hyperplasia and adenoma difficult prior to surgery.
•However, nowadays the distinction between adenoma and hyperplasia is not necessary clinically.
- Rapid intraoperative parathyroid hormone levels are performed during surgery, before and after a parathyroid gland is removed.
- If there is a sufficient drop in parathyroid hormone after the largest gland is removed, then the surgery will stop, and no other glands will be removed.
- Otherwise, the surgeon will remove the next parathyroid gland, and so on until the parathyroid hormone drops enough.

Hyperparathyroidism - Hyperplasia

Hyperparathyroidism - Hyperplasia

Endocrine Atypia
- Concept in endocrine pathology (parathyroid, adrenal, thyroid, and other endocrine tissues)
- Benign proliferative lesions such as hyperplasias or adenomas may show significant nuclear atypia, including pleomorphic or bizarre looking nuclei
- However, this means nothing diagnostically: it does not predict malignant versus benign behavior

Hyperparathyroidism - Carcinoma
- a very rare cause of primary hyperparathyroidism (<1%).
- It may be suspected when the surgeon encounters an enlarged, firm mass adherent to the surrounding tissues.
- Some common features of malignancy include trabecular growth pattern, mitotic figures, thick fibrous capsule, and capsular and/or blood-vessel invasion.
- However, the diagnosis is based primarily on tumor behavior (invasion of surrounding tissues and metastasis).

Hyperparathyroidism - Carcinoma

Hyperparathyroidism - Carcinoma - Biochemistry and Physiology
- In primary hyperparathyroidism, secretion of PTH is no longer under the feedback control of calcium.
- This leads to hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, hypophosphatemia, and often renal stones.
- Although PTH normally elicits calcium reabsorption from the glomerular filtrate, consistently elevated calcium exceeds the renal threshold for reabsorption so that calcium leaks into the urine.
- A hallmark of primary hyperparathyroidism is abnormally increased resorption of the subperiosteal bone, which if untreated, causes severe bone pain.
Hyperparathyroidism - Carcinoma - Treatment
- Treatment consists of parathyroidectomy, with resection of one or more abnormal glands.
- Prior to surgical exploration of neck, patients undergo preoperative technetium-99-m sestamibi nuclear scanning to locate the abnormal glands.
- Due to increased metabolic activity, there is preferential uptake of the radiotracer dye into the pathologic glands.
- Intraoperative PTH blood levels before and after resection provides immediate feedback to the surgeon, ensuring that the pathologic tissue has been removed.
- In addition, intraoperative frozen section examination of the excised tissue by the pathologist is often used to confirm that the excised tissue contains parathyroid tissue.
- If all four parathyroid glands are removed, a small amount of parathyroid tissue may be implanted in the patient’s forearm to conserve some parathyroid gland function.
Familial Benign Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia
- FBHH is characterized by a defect of the calcium receptor, leading to decreased sensitivity to extracellular calcium.
- Most cases are caused by an inactivating mutation of the calcium sensing receptor (CASR) gene on chromosome 3q.
- The disease is inherited as autosomal dominant and leads to lifelong asymptomatic hypercalcemia.
- FBHH is generally a mild disorder, with normal or slightly elevated PTH, caused by lack of feedback control by the hypercalcemia.
- Most patients are asymptomatic, and clinical symptoms of hypercalcemia such as bone disease and urinary stones are uncommon. The most notable lab finding is hypocalciuria.
- Due to the loss of feedback inhibition, calcium continues to be reabsorbed in the kidney despite high blood calcium concentration, resulting in unexpectedly low urine calcium concentrations.
- Because the disease has a benign clinical course, it is important to distinguish this disorder from primary hyperparathyroidism to avoid unnecessary surgical removal of the parathyroid glands.