Nutrition: Gastritis Flashcards
What is gastritis
GI problem causing inflammation of stomach
Acute gastritis is:
rapid: usually by dietary indiscretion
Chronic gastritis is:
prolonged inflammation caused by benign or malignant ulcers of stomach or H. Pylori
Manifestations of Gastritis can include:
(acute) abdominal discomfort nausea vomiting anorexia (chronic) heartburn after eating sour taste in mouth intolerance vitamin deficiency
How to diagnose gastritis
UGI radiography or endoscopy
What are some causes of acute gastritis
food or medication corrosive agents local irritants H pylori immunosuppressive disorders
3 stages of chronic gastritis
two types of gastritis according to area involved
type a: upper body of stomach
type b: bottom of stomach (h.pylori)
Medical management of gastritis
remove foods that irritate refrain from alcohol avoid acid in stomach eat clean foods remove overused medications drink lots of water stress reduction may need medication
what is peptic ulcer disease
sores in the lining of the stomach but can also be in other areas giving different signs and symptoms
what are the causes of peptic ulcer disease
NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
men more likely until women hit menopause
complications of peptic ulcer disease
- hemorrhage: most severe complication- bright red emesis; melena
- perforation
- pyloric obstruction
Duodenal ulcer symptoms
food makes it better pain few hours after eating pain GNAWING normal weight tarry stool
risk factors of duodenal ulcer
gastric ulcer symptoms
food makes pain
short period of time after eating pain
weight loss
vomiting blood
risk factors of gastric ulcer
management of ulcers
eliminate bacteria reduce gastric secretions strengthen barrier modify diet modify stress prevent complications
What meds can be prescribed with peptic ulcers
proton pump inhibitors to eradicate h.pylori
med therapy for 10-14 days
diagnostic tests for peptic ulcers
blood count
stool check
breath test for urea
explain how the breath test works
testing for urea, h.pylori metabolizes urea rapidly so the carbon-labelled urea capsule is absorbed and measure the CO2 in the breath to see if h.pylori is present
why someone with peptic ulcers would get surgery
cannot manage medications
removing a lesion
surgical management includes
vagotomy (removing a nerve) vagotomy with pylorplasty (widen sphincter) gastroerostomy antrectomy (remove part of stomach) subtotal gastrectomy total gastrectomy
complications of surgery for peptic ulcers
hemorrhage nutritional problems (b12 because it gets absorbed in the stomach) dumping syndrome (only have small meals no nutritional value) pyloric obstruction
male with loss of appetite, nausea, arthritis, negative for H.pylori, 800mg of ibuprofen daily q6h
modify lifestyle -too many meds stomach can be healed -acute gastritis education -can lead to ulcers -can perforate and gastric contents go into body clear up diet - avoid spicy food, acidic food, coffee, alcohol, greasy
What is indicative of urea in the breath
Peptic ulcer disease