Nutrition for Strength/power athletes Flashcards
Energy Requirements of SP athletes
-meet energy needs
-provide correct macronutrients and sufficinet micronutrients
-incorporate proper timing of meals
Daily energy requirements
-need to maintain or increase lean muscle mass and strength
-if in a caloric deficit can reduce lean muscle mass/muscular strength
Protein for SP
-skeletal muscle protein remains relatively unchanged for lengthy periods of time in most people who eat regular meals and do not perform exercise
-maintenance of skeletal muscle mass is due to fluctuation between accrual and loss of muscle protein (NPB)
Net protein balance
-difference between muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown
-MPS is responsive to amino acids
-resistance training increases stimulation for MPS
Muscle tissue repair: protein
both muscle protein breakdown and MPS are initiated by exercise
-dietary protein is necessary to keep net protein in balance
-(negatove protein balance will reduce muscle mass)
-Muscle hypertrophy and repair of exercise induced muscle damage are dependent on positive muscle protein balance
-mps highest 24 hrs after exercise
Daily intake for strength training
consumption after exercise increases muscle fiber CSA compared to soy
combined pro+cho consumption
CHO increases protein uptake
MAA increases synthesis
-together they increase synthesis and uptake
3:1 carb:pro ratio
protein and recovery
meals that contaiin protein should be consumed every 3 hours with a meal containing protein right before bed
(20-25g after workout)
(20g of protein every 3 hrs after workout)
(30g casein before bed)
Branched Chain AA
play important role in muscle metabolism
-leucine is necessary for stimulation of molecular signaling that leads to MPS
-only works if consumed with other EAA
-Should NOT be used to reduce exercise induced muscle damage or stimulat MPS
protein timing
-24 hrs following exercise MPS will still elevated in fasted state
protein and sleep
-easily digested and absorbed
-increases plasma AA
-stimulates post exercise muscle protein accumulation
-20-40g prior to sleep
Daily CHO intake for strength training
resistance training and muscle glycogen
-can deplete 24-40% of muscle glycogen stores
-higher load that promotes muscle hypertrophy results in greatest depletion of muscle glycogen stores
-eating CHO during training has little effect but may help with glycogen resynthesis
Role of Dietary Fat
-essential macronutrient
-athletes can tolerate slightly higher fat intakes
-should avoid trans fats
-helps raise testosterone
Omega 3 Fatty acids
ALA (must be eaten in diet)
EPA and DHA long chain that can be made from ALA
-anti inflammatory
-reduce muscle soreness