Cognition and Diet Flashcards
Labeling foods as healthy
-reduces the expectation that the food will be liked
perception and memory….
hunger and satiety, exert a strong influence on intake
Poor inhibition
-most impulsive child exhibit most weight gain
-obese adolescents performed worse on measures of cognitive flexibility, decision making, and inhibition
Western Diet
-significant contributor to the increase in body weight, adiposity, and metabolic disease
-does not support overall health
processed foods across lifespan
-7-9 children with greater intake of snack foods showed poorer performance on inhibroty, memory, planning
-college students exhibited weaker attentional and motor response control
-obese older adults exhibited worse attention, ability to concentrate, and slower processing speed
Late life cognitive decline
health factors that influence the risk of cognitive decline and dementia
-mid-life obesity, hypertension
-consuming a bad diet
-med diet decreased risks
-short term exposure to high-energy diets impairs memory and cognitive function
-little cognitive recovery was observed after 60 weeks
Intake of western diet
-hippocampal pathophysiology and dysfunction
-decreased capacity to inhibit memory retrieval
-increased appetitive responding evoked by food related cues
Carbohydrate and Cognitive Function
-Carbs are necessary for
-mental focus, memory, mood, sustained mental endurance
-500+ calories or 130g of CHO per day
-liver depletes from 90 to 20 overnight
Caloric Sweeteners
-less able to control their intake of sweetened foods
-weakens relationship between sweet taste and calories
-promotes (increased intake of sweets and weight gain)
Protein and Cognitive
-Neurotransmitter, brain structure, blood sugar regulation
-high protein diets are associated with lower cognitive decline
Lipids and Cognitive Function
Brain structure and function, neurotransmitter production, anti-inflammatory, absorption of fat soluble vitamins
-QUALITY matters
(PUFA and MUFA have positive)
Mediterranean -DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay
-decrease risk of cognitive decline, dementia, and brain age by 7.5 yrs
-mild- 1% body weight loss
-Moderate- 2-5%
-severe- >5%
-scores significantly poorer for pilots experienceing mild dehydration