Nutrition Final Flashcards
Energy feeds
Starches and fats
§< 20% CP, <18% CF or < 35% CW §may be ensiled
Energy feeds examples
All cereal grains & sorghums
o By product feeds ü Bran
ü Middlings ü Cobs
ü Molasses
Protein supplements
≥ 20% CP
Protein supplements of plant origin
üSoybean Meal
üCottonseed Meal
üCorn Gluten Meal
üBrewer’s Dried Grains
Protein supplement of animal origin
-meat and bone meal
-fish meal
-whey protein
-poultry meal
Fibourous feeds
-Dry forages and roughages
Fresh, dried or ensiled
Ø Includes the leaves, stems and stalks
Ø Used to describe the whole plant
Ø Pasture, hay and silage
Ø Low in energy (per unit weight) due to high CW
* Must be fenced
* Used while actively growing
* Harvested by livestock
- Ensiledforage * Corn,Alfalfa,
Hay dm percentage
High mosuture silage dm percentage
≤ 30% DM
Medium Moisture silage DM percentage
30 – 40% DM
Low-moisture silage (haylage, baleage, wilted) dm percentage
Dry forage objectives
Reduce moisture content to 15 – 18%.
* Low moisture retards enzymatic and
microbial degradation during storage.
Step 1
§cut hay at the right time.
§3-5 days of sunny weather.
Mower Conditioner
cuts the grass and feeds it through rubber rollers that crimp, or condition, the grass. The crimping process breaks the stalk open, allowing the moisture to better evaporate. The mower conditioner drops the grass in windrows.
Step 2
“Super Condition”
§Crimps forage every 1/8 inch (mower crimps every 4 inches)
§Dries faster
Step 3
Takes hay out of windrows and spreads flat
across the field.
§Allows forage to dry faster.
Step 4
Usually takes 3-4 days to dry.
§Raking moves forage back into windrows, or
to turn over the drying windrows.
§It is then ready to be picked up by the baler
Step 5
-watch moisture content
Hauling and Stacking
Step 6
Bales are loaded onto
wagons and hauled to a storage location
Phase I of silage preservation
-celle respiration (production on co2, heat and water)
-Temp-70 degrees Fahrenheit
-pH change-6.0-6.5
-days 1-2
Phase II silage preservation
-production of acetic acid, lactic acid, ethanol
-temp-90 degrees farenheit
days 2-3
Phase III silage preservation
-lactic acid formation
ph is approx 4.0
days 3-21
Phase IV silage preservation
Material storage
temp 85 fatenheig
Phase 5 of silage preservation
aerobic deteroition on re-exposure of oxygen
-temp-110+ F
-pH is 7.0
Nutrient loss in respiration
Nutrition loss in Raking/Bailing
Nutrient loss from storage
Nutrition loss form feeding
Remaining nutritients after making hay
Forage quealitty factors
§ Palatability
- smell, feel and taste & texture
§ Nutrient content
- chemical analysis
§ Digestibility
§ Anti-quality Factors
- tannins, nitrates, alkaloids, mycotoxins
§ Animal Performance
Anti-quality factors
- tannins, nitrates, alkaloids, mycotoxins - species, time of year, environment
Animal performance forage quality
final test of forage quality
- nutrient content, digestibility and intake
As forage grow does crude protein and minerals increase or decrease
Does fiber increase or decrease as forage frowns
Why does roughages have poor digestibility and nutritive value
-the cell contents include non-fibrous carbs, proteins and lipids
-the protein in forages is comprised of both true protein and NPN compounds. Protein varies by roughages
What does ether extraction produce?
Crude fat and residue
What does ther extraction residue contain
base-cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin
acid-cellulose and signing
miners (left over from fiber heated to 400 degrees celsius)
How is intake determined
Body weight
Nutrient Requirement*
Nutrient Concentration
Step 1 in creating a diet
Identify the kind, age, weight and function of the animal(s) for which the ration is being formulated.
Step 2 in formulating a diet
Determine the nutrient need(s) of the animal(s)
Step 3 in formulating a diet
Select the feed(s)
Match nutrient content with feed ingredient composition
Step 4 in formulating a diet
Calculate the amount of each feed ingredient to be used in the ration
How to calculate? Manual X
Feed Software
Step 5 in formulating a diet
Check the ration formulated against the needs of the animal(s)
Ration costs to be taken into account when formulation a diet
$/lb or ton
How should energy feed price be compared her
compared based on the price per pound of energy (TDN, DE, ME or NE)
How should protein feeds be compared
should be compared in terms of price per pound of total protein or digestible protein
Cats diet type
Dogs diet type
Dogs digestive anatomy
- Stomach - Distinct proximal and distal compartment *
- Longer intestinal length:BS ratio (6:1) *
- More developed cecum *
- More time for digestion of vegetative foods *
- Lower absorptive capacity
- Lower SA:BW ratio
Cats digestive anatomy
Stomach - Uniform gastric mucosa
Shorter intestinal length
Less developed cecum
Lower intestinal length:BS ratio (4:1)
* Lower SA:BW ratio
* SI – higher absorptive capacity
* Higher SA:BW ratio
Oral digestion in cats and dogs
Dog and Cat’s saliva differs from humans – lack amylase. Dogs tend to swallow with minimal chewing.
Cats tend to select for a low starch diet.
Dogs and cats teeth
Both have 12 incisors and 4 canine
Dogs have more premolars & molars
Dogs have 42 & Cats have 30 permanent teeth
common in dogs. Effective defense mechanism to expel toxins from the gut.
Types of feeders dogs vs cats
Dogs are “meal” feeders. Cats tend to be “snack” feeders.
Proximal stomach in dogs
capable of expansion for temporary
Enzymatic differences in cats vs dogs
– Cats rely more on pepsin (involved in collagen digestion).
Pancreatic amalyse dogs vs cats
x higher in the dog than the cat. Hence dogs adapt to high levels of dietary starch more rapidly than cats.
Brush border enzymes dogs vs cats
Cats exhibit lower activity of the brush border enzymes. Hence cats can only tolerate starch levels up to 4 g/kg bodyweight before diarrhea results; dogs can consume up to 2.5 times that level without any side-effects.
Responsiveness in levels of carbohydraye intake in dogs vs cats
Cats are relatively unresponsive to varying levels of carbohydrate intake. Dogs are able to regulate the rate at which their small intestines absorb monosaccharides, in response to different starch levels.
Maintence energy requirements in dogs
requirements may range from 110 to ~4,000 kcal/d.
How is energy requirement determined
Energy use correlated with surface area.
Surface area per unit weight decreases with size.
Energy requirements and Metabolic BW – BW0.67-0.88
Feeding cats
Energy requirements less variable
Breed differences in cats much smaller
Weight ranges 3 – 10 kg
Growth curves consistent
Individual energy reqs may vary by 50% or more above or below average reqs.
Recommended feeding ranges on pet food labels only a ‘recommendation’
Calories needed are those that maintain optimal BW
Neutring calorie reduction
reduces the amount of calories needed by 25% in the dog and by 24-33% in the cat
Carbohydrates metabolism adaptations to carnvory
But not in Cats…….Glucokinase is virtually absent and, * Hexokinase has optimal activity at low glucose
* This is consistent with high protein and low carb diets.
Hepatic carbohydrate metabolism in non-carnivores
Gluconeogenesis activated during fasting & starvation.
Inhibited by nutrient & hormonal signals from the gut following a meal.
Hepatic carbohydrate metabolism in carnivores (cat)
Hepatic gluconeogenesis continually active.
Consistent with the need for glucose demand. Similar to ruminants.
carnivorous mammals with
proportionately larger brains (need for glucose)
Protein metabolism linked to glucose metabolism in cats
Protein catabolism provides gluconeogenic substrates
Cats must derive EAA from diet; BUT
Cats are unable to synthesize Arginine
Cats indosyncrayic nutrition needs
-Vit A and D
Niacin-4x more than dogs
-Arachiodiac acid
Taurine uses
- Conjugates bile acids for proper
digestion (Other animals can use glycine as well)-
-Found almost exclusively in meat * Need ~50mg/d
feline central retinal degeneration (FCRD) - Regulate Ca flow in cells