Numbers Flashcards
How much blood does the heart pump per minute?
How much blood does the heart pump a day
7000 L/day
How long does it take to be unconscious and death occurs in how many mins after the heart fails to work
10 seconds
4 minutes
When do boys grow their pubic hair?
6 months after testicular enlargement
18 months later in axilliary hair
How many follicles
7 million before birth, 1-2 million at birth, around 400000 at puberty and less than 1000 at menopause
Menopausal numbers
40-46 regular cycles ( premenopause)
46-50 is menopausal transition
50-52 is about menopause
1 year after menopause, ovary can’t produce hormones and is known as ovarian senescence
Menopause is when ovaries run out of follicles
When does penis enlargement occur
1 year after testicular enlargement
Precocious puberty numbers
7 in girls
9 in boys
sign of some kind of brain tumour
Delayed puberty numbers
13 in girls
14 in boys
Menarche occurs 12-13 years
first ovulation occurs 6-9 months after menarche as positive feedback of oestrogen is not yet established
regular cycles of ovulation don’t happen until 1-2 years after menarche
Growth spurt
stimulated by steroid hormones; oestrogen and androgen with epiphyseal closure done by oestrogen
11-12 in girls
13-15 in boys
How long does it take for the sperm to gain the ability to be motile and fertilise while in the epididymis
10-14 days
Vas deferens
45cm long
prostatic secretion pH
Urethra length
20 cm long
pH of semen
ejaculate make up
2-5 mls
10% sperm
60% seminal vesicle
30% prostate
BPH make-up
50-59 17%
60-69 27%
70-79 35%
90% of men over 85
Prostate cancer facts
29% of all cancer cases in men are prostate
30% of men have prostate cancer, but didn’t know so only 9.5% diagnosed
IVF requires about
50000 motile sperm
sperm production per testis facts
300-600 sperm/gram of testis per second
Number of oocytes released per lifetime
mature oocyte released
every 28 days
length of vagina
7.5-9.0 cm
Uterus weighs
Ovary weighs
corpus luteum normal lifespan
2 weeks
About day 6-7, the selection
of the dominant follicle with increased oestradiol
day 12
A threshold concentration of oestradiol is created
testis descends from its internal position to the scrotum usually after the
7th month
5-6 weeks the foeti are
Wolffian ducts begin to regress slowly from
about 10 weeks
First physical sign of secondary sexual maturation at age
After 6 months of the appearance of breast bud
pubic and axilliary hair follows