Nuclear Medicine Flashcards
john dalton - considered the father of the modern theory of atoms and molecules
wilhelm roentgen discovered xray
henri bacquerel discovered naturally occurring radioactive substances
marie curie discovered two new elements in the uranium ore pitchblende; she named them polonium and radium
george de hevesy, considered that father of nuclear medicine, developed the tracer principle and coined the term radionindicator
ernest lawrence invented the cyclotron device used to produce (man-made) radioactive tracers
hal anger introduced gamma camera
david edwards and roy kuhl developed a crude single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) camera which allowed creation of 3D images
SPECT imaging became standard practive
medical specialty focuses on the use of radioactive materials for diagnosis, therapy, and medical research
nuclear medicine
radioactive drug used for diagnosis or therapy
radioactiong iostope used to allow a biological process to be seen
device that uses the emission of light from a cyrstal struck by gamma rays to produce an image of the distribution of radioactive material in a body organ
gamma or scintillation camera
creates transaxial images of organ physiology
position emission tomography (PET)
occurs when a posistion interacts with a free electron
positron annihilation
may have 30 t0 60 rings, each ring has as many as 1000 detectors
PET gantry
images that relates anatomic position
functional or prarmetric image
describes an atomic species with a particular arrangement of protons and neutrons in the nucleus