Mammography Flashcards
soft tissue radiographic examination of the breast
are problem-solving examinations in which specific projections are obtained to rule out cancer or to demo a suspicious area seen on routine projections
diagnostic mammography
the american cancner society estimates
1-8 american woman will develop breast cancer
____% of men will develope breast cancer
a baseline mammogram should be obtained by age
____% found in women with family history
true genetic disorders have only been identified in
is more sensitive to carcinogents during menarche
glandular breast tissue
include early menses, late menopause, first brith after the age of 30, or nullparity
high risk women
enacted by US federal government in 1992 over public concern over poor quality of mammography
result of ACR public campaign that all women over 40 should get baseline mammograom
mammography quality standards act (MQSA)
requires all facilities performing mammogrpahy (except VA facilities) to meet strict federal quality standards and become certified for operation by the secretary of the department of health and human services (DHHS)
marks the first time the use of an xray machine and a specific exam were regulated by the federal government
1 oct 1994 Act went into affect
known as public law 105-248
28 april 1999 final rules
asymptomatic patient or a patient without any breast problems
two-view protocol usually media lateral oblique and cranial caudad projections
screening mammography
performed on patients with symptoms or elevated risk factors
some patients may be requried to return for subsequent mammograms in 3-6months to assess for interal changes
diagnostic mammography
continues to be the standard in current breast radiography
film scree mammography