NSCF Unit 1: Carb Loading Flashcards
What % of carbs take up our diet?
How many grams of carbs are needed to recover for light exercise?
3 - 5 grams
of the athletes body weight
How many grams of carbs are needed to recover for Moderate exercise?
5 - 7 grams
of the athletes body weight
How many grams of carbs are needed to recover for High exercise?
6 - 10 grams
of the athletes body weight
How many grams of carbs are needed to recover for Very High exercise?
8 - 12 grams
of the athletes body weight
How many CHO needed for generally fueling up less than 90 mins of exercise?
AKA How many daily?
7-12g in a day for daily needs
How many CHO for sustained exercise over how many days? Like Carb loading?
2-3 days get 10-12g every day
Speedy refueling:
Recover in less than 8 hours in 2 fueling sessions.
1 – 1.2g
1 session: for the first 4 hours
2 session: then resume like normal.
Pre-fueling before exercise less than 60 mins
1-4 g consumed 1-4hours before
How many carbs can endurance athletes get up to?
60 - 90 grams
1 gram of Fat =
1 gram of CHO =
Fat = 9
CHO = 4
How many grams of carbs do most athletes need per body weight?
6-10 grams per body weight
body weight x 6 = cho grams
cho grams x 4 = cho kcal
Crab loading benefits:
1.Increased glucose transport and glycogen synthesis
- Improved anabolic hormone secretion
- Increased CHO metabolism
What is the Depletion Method?
3 days of hard exercise and low carbs
3 days of bingeing carbs (8-10 g/kg)
Taper Method
3 days of tapering exercise & rest
while Consuming 8-10 g/kg CHO for 3