Nouns - DECL 5 Flashcards
How is Latin’s nominative case expressed in English?
by placing the noun before the verb
How is Latin’s accusative case expressed in English?
by placing the noun after the verb
How is Latin’s genitive case expressed in English?
with the word of or with ’s
How is Latin’s dative case expressed in English?
with the words to or for
How is Latin’s ablative case expressed in English?
with the words by, with, from, in, or on
What is the genitive singular ending of the fifth declension?
What vowel do nouns of the fifth declension typically have?
the day …
of the day
to/for the day
… the day
by/with/from/in/on the day
the days …
of the days
to/for the days
… the days
by/with/from/in/on the days
tōtā vītā rem pūblicam dēfendō.
I defend the Republic with my whole life.
hic rēx vocātur dēfensor fīdeī.
This king is called a defender of the Faith.
Spīritus Deī super faciem abyssī movet.
The Spirit of God moves on the face of the abyss.
in illīs diēbus dī in terrā ambulābant.
In those days, gods walked on the earth.
Lūcretius dē nātūrā rērum scrībit.
Lucretius writes about the nature of things.
habēsne fīdem quod tibi bonus sum?
Do you have faith that I am good for you?
ferte illōs ante faciēm meum!
Bring them before my face!
diē sōl in caelō est.
In the day the sun is in the sky.
fīdē nōn vīsū ambulāmus.
We walk by faith not by sight.
vidē, rēs est vēra…
Look, the thing is… really…
by placing the noun before the verb
How is Latin’s nominative case expressed in English?
by placing the noun after the verb
How is Latin’s accusative case expressed in English?
with the word of or with ’s
How is Latin’s genitive case expressed in English?
with the words to or for
How is Latin’s dative case expressed in English?
with the words by, with, from, in, or on
How is Latin’s ablative case expressed in English?
What is the genitive singular ending of the fifth declension?
What vowel do nouns of the fifth declension typically have?
the day …
of the day
to/for the day
… the day
by/with/from/in/on the day
the days …
of the days
to/for the days
… the days
by/with/from/in/on the days
I defend the Republic with my whole life.
tōtā vītā rem pūblicam dēfendō.
This king is called a defender of the Faith.
hic rēx vocātur dēfensor fīdeī.
The Spirit of God moves on the face of the abyss.
Spīritus Deī super faciem abyssī movet.
In those days, gods walked on the earth.
in illīs diēbus dī in terrā ambulābant.
Lucretius writes about the nature of things.
Lūcretius dē nātūrā rērum scrībit.
Do you have faith that I am good for you?
habēsne fīdem quod tibi bonus sum?
Bring them before my face!
ferte illōs ante faciēm meum!
In the day the sun is in the sky.
diē sōl in caelō est.
We walk by faith not by sight.
fīdē nōn vīsū ambulāmus.
Look, the thing is… really…
vidē, rēs est vēra…