Nouns - DECL 1 Flashcards
How is Latin’s nominative case expressed in English?
by placing the noun before the verb
How is Latin’s accusative case expressed in English?
by placing the noun after the verb
How is Latin’s genitive case expressed in English?
with the word of or with ’s
How is Latin’s dative case expressed in English?
with the words to or for
How is Latin’s ablative case expressed in English?
with the words by, with, from, in, or on
What is the genitive singular ending of the first declension?
What vowel do nouns of the first declension typically have?
the student (f) …
of the student (f)
to/for the student (f)
… the student (f)
by/with/from/in/on the student (f)
the students (f) …
of the students (f)
to/for the students (f)
… the students (f)
by/with/from/in/on the students (f)
Mārca est discipula.
Marca is a student.
Mārca in mēnsā sedet.
Marca sits in her desk.
discipula tabulam albam habet.
The student has a white board.
estne charta in mēnsā?
Is there paper on the table?
magistra multās discipulās habet.
The teacher has many students.
Mārca ērāsūrās prō tabulīs habet.
Marca has the erasers for the boards.
magistra apud fenestram sedet.
The teacher sits next to the window.
rēgula discipulae nōn est bona.
The ruler of the student is not good.
mēnsās discipulārum magistra repōnit.
The teacher arranges the students’ desks.
magistra chartam Mārcae sub mēnsā videt.
The teacher sees Marca’s paper under the desk.
by placing the noun before the verb
How is Latin’s nominative case expressed in English?
by placing the noun after the verb
How is Latin’s accusative case expressed in English?
with the word of or with ’s
How is Latin’s genitive case expressed in English?
with the words to or for
How is Latin’s dative case expressed in English?
with the words by, with, from, in, or on
How is Latin’s ablative case expressed in English?
What is the genitive singular ending of the first declension?
What vowel do nouns of the first declension typically have?
the student (f) …
of the student (f)
to/for the student (f)
… the student (f)
by/with/from/in/on the student (f)
the students (f) …
of the students (f)
to/for the students (f)
… the students (f)
by/with/from/in/on the students (f)
Marca is a student.
Mārca est discipula.
Marca sits in her desk.
Mārca in mēnsā sedet.
The student has a white board.
discipula tabulam albam habet.
Is there paper on the table?
estne charta in mēnsā?
The teacher has many students.
magistra multās discipulās habet.
Marca has the erasers for the boards.
Mārca ērāsūrās prō tabulīs habet.
The teacher sits next to the window.
magistra apud fenestram sedet.
The ruler of the student is not good.
rēgula discipulae nōn est bona.
The teacher arranges the students’ desks.
mēnsās discipulārum magistra repōnit.
The teacher sees Marca’s paper under the desk.
magistra chartam Mārcae sub mēnsā videt.