Notre-Dame de Paris - Le Vocabulaire Principal Flashcards
abrégé (m)
allocution (f)
archive (f)
AB: summary, synopsis
AL: address, short speech
AR: records, files
acier (m)
airain (m)
cuivre (m)
étain (m)
joyau (m)
plomb (m)
AC: steel
AI: bronze
CU: copper, brass, brass instrument
É: tin
J: jewel, gem
P: lead [metal], fuse, pellet
confrère (m)
membre (m)
A: member
C: colleage, fellow
M: limb, member
affluence (f)
bélier (m)
colombe (f)
fauvette (f)
huître (f)
lièvre (m)
manchot (m)
puce (f)
rongeur (m)
sanglier (m)
taupe (f)
B: ram
COL: dove
F: warbler
H: oyster
L: hare
M: penguin
P: flea, chip, bullet point
RO: rodent
S: boar, wild boar
T: mole [bird or spy]
aiguille (f)
aiguillon (m)
anguille (f)
épingle (f)
piqûre (f)
AIGUILLE: needle
AIGUILLON: sting, stinger
É: pin
P: injection, jab, sting, bite, stitching, thread
aimant (m)
attendrissement (m)
AIM: magnet (but affectionate/loving as adjective)
ATT: tenderness, affection
antre (m)
astre (m)
repaire (m)
ANT & R: lair, den
AST: star
approbation (f)
consécration (f)
éloge (m)
étreinte (f)
reconnaissance (f)
A: approval
C: validation, endorsement, recognition
ÉL: praise
ÉT: embrace, hug, squeeze, grip
REC: recognition, acknowledgement, gratitude, gratefulness
argile (f)
bille (f)
carreau (m)
cuir (m)
dentelle (f)
foin (m)
futaie (f), madrier (m), poutre (f)
laine (f), toison (f)
paille (f)
tuile (f)
A: clay
B: marble, ball, little ball
CA: pane, tile
CU: leather, hide, skin
D: lace
FOIN: hay
FUT, MA, & PO: timber
L & TO: wool, fleece
P: straw
TU: tile, biscuit, headache
assistance (f)
auditoire (m)
ASS: assistance/help, audience/attendance
AUD: audience
saccade (f)
secousse (f)
SA: jerk, jolt, bump, twitch
SE: tremor, jolt
débris (m)
écaille (f)
D: fragments, pieces, remains, leftovers
É: scale, chip, flake, fragment
aisselle (f)
boyau (m)
crâne (m)
croc (m)
émail (m)
entrailles (f, pl)
gencive (f)
gosier (m)
hanches (f, pl)
moelle (f)
natte (f)
orteil (m)
paume (f)
pouce m)
poumon (m)
taille (f)
A: armpit
B: guts, intestine
CRÂNE: skull, cranium
CROC: fang, tooth
ÉM: enamel
EN: guts, innards, bowels
GE: gum
GO: throat
H: hips
M: marrow
N: braid
O: toe
PAU: palm
POUCE: thumb, big toe
POUMON: lung
T: waist, height, size/dimensions
émanation (f)
odour, expression, manifestation, sign
empreinte (f)
piste (f)
E: track, fingerprint, footprint, imprint, mark
P: track, runway, path, trail
emprunt (m)
loan, mortgage
enchaînement (m)
chain, series, succession
dépot (m)
entrepôt (m)
D: delivery, deposit, warehouse
E: warehouse
épanouissement (m)
satiété (f)
É: fulfillment
S: satisfaction, gratification
cognée (f), hache (f)
épée (f)
marteau (m)
pince (f)
scie (f)
C & H: axe
É: sword
M: hammer, gavel
P: pliers, tongs
S: saw [tool]
épouvantail (m)
essai (m)
tentative (f)
try, attempt
écurie (f)
étable (f)
ÉC: stable
ÉT: barn
étoffe (f)
tissu (m)
É: material, fabric, cloth
T: fabric, material
affront (m)
injure (f)
A: affront, insult
I: insult
obstination (f)
formule (f)
onguent (m)
philtre (m)
sortilège (m)
F: method, option, spell, formula
O: ointment
P: potion
S: spell, magin spell
culte (m)
manie (f)
moeurs (f, pl)
usage (m)
C: cult, worship, service, religion
MA: habit, compulsion
MOE: customs, traditions
U: use, custom, function
anneau (m)
bague (f)
besogne (f)
worry, labour
caprice (f)
whim, tantrum
cave (f)
grotte (f)
C: cellar
G: cave
armature (f)
charpente (f)
A: framework, frame
C: framework, frame, structure, skeleton
cicatrice (f)
croûte (f)
fièvre (f)
germe (m)
plaie (f)
CH: surgeon
CI: scar
CR: crust, scab
F: (high) temperature, fever, excitement
G: sprout, germ/bacteria, seedling
PL: wound, cut
cire (f)
étincelle (f)
mèche (f)
C: wax
E: spark
M: wick, fuse
conjoncture (f)
situation, context, conditions
contenance (f)
carapace (f)
coquille (f)
clôture (f)
culture (f)
moisson (f)
récolte (f)
CLÔ: fence, closure
CUL: farming, cultivation
M: harvest
R: harvest, crop
décadence (f)
décharge (f)
ordues (f, pl)
D: landfill
O: refuse, waste
défense (f)
defence, ban, prohibition
déroute (f)
DÉF: defeat
DÉR: defeat, disaster/ruin
fiole (f)
flacon (m)
emportement (m)
furie (f)
E: impetus/impulse, fit of anger, rage, outburst
F: fury, rage
gêne (f)
difficulty, discomfort
geôle (f)
prison (f)
prison, jail
malédiction (f)
méchanceté (f)
mésaventure (f)
miséricorde (f)
MAL: curse
MÉC: ill-will, malice, nastiness, spiteful, maliciousness
MÉS: misfortune
MIS: mercy
bouleau (m)
bûche (f)
canicule (f)
cours d’eau (m)
flots (m, pl)
fruitier (m)
lierre (m)
mare (f)
marée (f)
mûre (f)
nid (m)
noisette (f)
racine (f)
ruche (f)
tige (f)
BO: birch
BÛ: log
CA: heatwave
CO: waterway
FLO: waves
FRU: orchard
L: ivy
MARE: pond
MARÉE: tide
MÛRE: blackberry
NID: nest
NOI: hazelnut
RA: root
RU: hive, beehive
TI: stem [of a plant]
moue (f)
délit (m)
incartade (f)
indemnité (f)
ordonnance (f)
passe-droit (m)
patente (f)
peine (f)
peine de mort (f)
plaidoirie (f)
plainte (f)
préjugé (m)
procès (m)
serment (m)
suffrage (m)
D: crime
INC: misdemeanour
IND: compensation, damages, allowance
O: prescription, order/ruling, layout/organization
PASSE: privilege
PAT: patent, duty/tax/levy
PEINE: punishment/sentence, sorrow/grief/pain, difficulty/trouble
PEINE DE MORT: death sentence
PLAIDOIRIE: plea, defence speech
PLAINTE: moan, groan, complaint
PRÉJUGÉ: prejudice, bias
PRÉVENU: defendant, accused
PRO: trial, lawsuit, proceedings
SE: oath, promise
SU: vote
péripétie (f)
stupeur (f)
P: incident/event, surprise/shift
S: astonishment, shock
piété (f)
rancune (f)
réticence (f)
RA: grudge, hard feelings
RÉ: reluctance
récréation (f)
répit (m)
sursis (m)
trêve (f)
RÉC: break/break time/recess, leisure time, downtime
RÉP & S: reprieve
T: truce, break
renommée (f)
reputation, fame
réplique (f)
replica, copy, aftershock
bord (m)
lisière (f)
pourtour (m)
B: edge, rim, (river) bank, ship/vessel
L: border, edge
P: periphery, circumference, region/area, perimeter
allée (f)
roue (f)
ruelle (f)
A: path, walk, aisle, drive(way)
ROUE: wheel
RUELLE: alley, alleway
retard (m)
temporisation (f)
tranche (f)
tribu (f)
balai (m)
brancard (m)
branle (m)
swaying, detest
broc (m)
couvercle (m)
panier (m)
seau (m)
B: jug, pitcher
C: lid, cover
P: basket
S: bucket, pail
clou (m)
serrure (f)
C: nail
S: lock
coup d’oeil (m)
coup de grâce (m)
coup de main (m)
D’OEIL: look, glance
DE GRÂCE: mortal blow, final blow
DE MAIN: help, hand, helping hand
brin (m)
couteau (m)
lame (f)
blade, strand, filament
C: knife, blade
L: blade
couvre-feu (m)
nuée (f)
pénombre (f)
point(e) du jour (m, f)
N: cloud, swarm
PÉ: darkness
PO: break of day, dawn
abus (m)
débordement (m)
A: excess, abuse, misuse
D: overflowing, excess, misbehaviour
corollaire (m)
dénouement (m)
issue (f)
retentissement (m)
retombée (f)
C: consequence
D: outcome
I: exit/way out, outcome/conclusion
RETEN: effect, repercussions
RÉTOM: come down/fall out, repercussions, consequences
dépit (m)
disappointment, chagrin, bitterness
faîte (m)
ridge/apex, summit/top/pinnacle
fossé (m)
frémissement (m)
fruit défendu (m)
forbidden fruit
libre arbitre (m)
free will
linge (m)
washing, laundry
mets (m)
plat (m)
néant (m)
none, void, nothing, nothingness
noeud (m)
knot, tangle
pan (m)
section, part, side, face
péage (m)
penchant (m)
soft spot, weakness, liking
portail (m)
portal, doorway
quai (m)
platform, quay
grognement (m)
gronderie (f)
rugissement (f)
GROG: grunt, growl
GRON: rumbling, growling
R: roar
orge (f)
seigle (m)
O: barley
S: rye
soubassement (m)
base, basis, foundation, ground level
sève (f)
suc (m)
lâche (f)
sottice (f)
B: bastard
L: coward
S: nonsense
docte (f)
learned man/woman, know-it-all
boucher/bouchère (m ou f)
chaland (m)
vieux/vieille (m ou f)
B: butcher
C: regular [customer]
M: beggar
V: elderly person
combles (m, pl)
grenier (m)
attic, loft
orient (m)
occident (m)
OR: east
OC: west
excroissance (f)
cercueil (m)
coffin, casket
amas (m)
entassement (m)
monceau (m)
pile, heap
pressentiment (m)
feeling, sense, intuition, premonition
épouvante (f)
horror, terror
gravats (m, pl)
moellon (m)
guise (f)
à ma/sa guise
GUISE: as you like/please
À (adv): as I/you please/wish
amaigrissement (m)
weight loss, slimming (down)
bosse (f)
bump, lump
lacune (f)
shortcoming, gap
demande (f)
requête (f)
gage (m)
gages (m, pl)
GAGE: pledge, deposit, security, token, forfeit/penalty
GAGES: wage, pay
ressort (m)
spring, resilience/energy, motive/motivation, responsibility
agneau (m)
volaille (f)
A: lamb
V: fowl, poultry
franchise (f)
outspokenness, candour, excess, frankness, openness
rame (f)
oar, paddle
contenu (m)
teneur (f)
sceau (m)
seal, stamp
bocal (m)
bouillon (m)
chair (f)
cuillère/cuiller (f)
cuillerée (f)
écuelle (f)
régal (m)
ripaille (f)
BOCAL: jar
BOUIL: broth, stock, bubble, gush, flow
C: flesh, meat
CUILLÈRE: spoon, spoonfull
CUILLERÉE: spoonfull
É: bowl
RÉG: treat, delight, feast, joy
RIP: feast
braise (f), tison (m)
deuil (m)
enterrement (m)
DÉF: deceased (n & adj)
DEU: bereavement, death, mourning
E: funeral, burial
bénédiction (f)
claustration (f)
tiéder (f)
warmth, warmness
délice (m)
finesse (f)
jouissance (f)
netteté (f)
propreté (f)
D: delicacy, delight, joy, pleasure
F: delicacy, sharpness, keenness, subtlety
J: enjoyment, pleasure
N: clearness/clarity, sharpness, lucidity, neatness/tidiness
PR: cleanliness
domestique (m, f)
laquais (m)
tournure (f)
turn/direction, evolution, structure/construction
surlendemain (m)
veille (f)
S: 2 days later/after
V: the day/evening before
digue (f)
gouttière (f)
pancarte (f)
puits (m, pl)
D: dyke, barrier
G: gutter
PAN: sign, note
PUITS: well
bain (m)
foyer (m)
matelas (m)
plafond (m)
plancher (m)
rez-de-chaussée (m)
tapis (m)
B: bath, swim
F: hearth/fireplace, home/household
M: mattress
PLAF: ceiling
PLAN: floor, flooring
R: ground/first floor
T: rug, carpet
fiançailles (f, pl)
fouillis (m)
jumble, muddle, clutter, mess
[adj] = messy, untidy
envers (m)
other side, underside, back, behind
[adj] = to, towards
courbe (f)
curve, bend, contour
délabrement (m)
disrepair, dilapidation, deterioration
courant (m OU adj)
power, power supply, current [power or water], branch, wave
ADJ: common, standard, ordinary, normal, customary, running
in, some time in, during, over
bêtise (f)
bêtises (f, pl)
BÊTISE: stupidity, mistake, something stupid, nothing, rubbish
BÊTISES: nonsense
bond (m)
leap, jump, bound
verve (f)
eloquence, expressiveness
fente (f)
fissure (f)
FEN: crack, slit, gap
FIS: crack, fissure
pinceau (m)
toile (f)
toile d’araignée (f)
P: paintbrush, brush
T: canvas, painting
T, D’A: spiderweb
poigne (f)
poignée (f)
poignet (m)
POIGNE: grip
POIGNÉE: handle, handful, fistful
POIGNET: wrist
instance (f)
authority, insistence
embûche (f)
évasion (f)
EM: trap, pitfall, snare, hazard, danger
ÉV: escape
éclair (m)
foudre (f)
É: lightning, flash
F: lightning
arrachement (m)
removal, tearing off, abudction, kidnapping
perdition (f)
sanglot (m)
P: distress
S: sobbing, crying, tears
complot (m)
plot, scheme
trésor (m)
treasure, wealth
tache (f)
stain, mark, spot, blemish
séjour (m)
stay, destination, living room
dot (m)
coquetterie (f)
elegance, style, flirting, interest in your appearance
appauvrissement (m)
manquement (m)
A: impoverishment
M: failure, breach, lack, negligence
abîme (m)
laitue (f)
piment (m)
L: lettuce
P: chili, chili pepper, chili plant
émeute (f)
meute (f)
troupeau (m)
É: disturbance, riot
M: pack [of dogs, wolves]
T: herd, flock, geese
froissement (m)
creasing/crumpling, rustle/rustling, strain