Notes From Quizes Flashcards
Mallampati Score Classifications

Which of the following describes the use for a lighted stylet
a. Can be used in can’t intubate cant oxygenate scenario
b. Can be used to help intubation with a disorted airways
a. Can be used in can’t intubate cant oxygenate scenario
Effective in the can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate scenario, in other words you use it when you have a failed airway.
This is used when you are not able to view the cords and need to intubate.
Someone is in cardiac arrest and has recently had a meal tray and is located in wards what is you ideal airway of choice
You want to go with your ideal airway which is an ETT, you also want to avoid the airways which will increase the chance of aspiration
If the esophageal tube of a Combivent tube is in the trachea
If we take securing the airway to mean we have a device in situ to protect a patent airway, then a Combitube (like all extraglottic devices) does not accomplish this. Due to the nature of the blind airway device, they are meant not meant in design to pass through the glottis, which means there is a risk at inadequate ventilation and oxygenation despite being correctly positioned. These devices increase the risk of aspiration when compared to an ETT. A Combitube will not always adequately secure the airway. That is why we place and endotracheal tube when we are in more optimal surroundings (ER, ICU, OR). I feel that I did not adequately review this component of adjunct airway devices. The gold standard for a secure airway is the ET. These other airways are used only when intubation cannot be performed, be it difficulty of the airway or inexperience.
If a Combitube is placed in the trachea, it can be used in this fashion to ventilate the patient. That is how is can be used as a conventional ET tube. It does not meet the standards of an ET, meaning the risk for aspiration is higher and it cannot stay within the trachea for the length of time an ET can (due to varying ability to ventilator properly, size issues, etc), but it is adequate to use in the situations that it is employed (prehospital care, difficult/failed airway) until a definitive airway device can be inserted.
We See Twitches During RSI due to a Medication What Type of Medicine is Being Used
When Do You Check the colormetric CO2 Detector With Neonates
a. You would not use a colormetric detector
b. Before you begin bagging
c. After you begin bagging
b. Before you begin bagging
Which of the follow is a contraindication for LMA
b. Coagulation
c. 14 weeks pregnant
d. A and C
e. All of the above
d. A and C
GERD is a contraindication whereas coagulation disorder is not
Passey Murray Valve
Passey Murray breath in through stoma and out through upper airway that is how they speak with it
The Passy-Muir speaking valve is commonly used to help patients speak more normally.
This one-way valve attaches to the outside opening of the tracheostomy tube and allows air to pass into the tracheostomy, but not out through it.
The valve opens when the patient breathes in. When the patient breathes out, the valve closes and air flows around the tracheostomy tube, up through the vocal cords allowing sounds to be made. The patient breathes out through the mouth and nose instead of the tracheostomy.
If a patient is corked and has been doing well but we have to take the cork off for function what does that mean
It means that the patient has failed their corking trial and will need to be corked unintruppted for 24 hours beofre they can be decannulated
Definition of Failed Airway
Failure to maintain acceptable oxygen saturations during or after one or more failed laryngoscopic attempts or
Three failed attempts at orotracheal intubation by an experienced intubator, even when oxygen saturation can be maintained