Adaptive Support Ventilation Flashcards
An optimal control type of closed loop mode
Sophisticated form of MMV
Goal of ASV
Provide MV while maintaining the WOB and avoiding ineffective breathing patterns
Based on the assumption that the optimal breathing pattern should result in the least amount of WOB and the least amount of pressure supplied by the vent
Ineffective Breathing Patterns
Rapid and shallow
Breath stacking
Excessively large breaths
Excessive dead-space ventilation
How Does ASV Work
The vent will monitor the lung charateristics and then the vent will optimize the frequency and later pressure to achieve the desired Vt in order to minimize WOB
The vent will do this by dleievring a mix of PC and PS breaths depending on patients drive to breath
Ventilator Breaths Are
Based on operator set % minute vol
Mandatory breaths are PRVC
Spontaneous breaths are Pressure supported and volume targeted
How does the vent measure lung characteristics for ASV
Will measure through •Ti, Te, total RR, VE insp, RC exp, Raw, Compliance
ASV Set Up
Determine IBW through height and gender
Set %MinVol
Set Tube Compensation (100% compensation)
% Min Vol
Based on 100 ml/kg IBW for 100% setting
Normal pt= 100%, COPD = 90%, ARDS 120%
Add extra for hyperthermia
10% per degree CO ↑
Add extra for altitude
5% per 500 m above sea level
If adding an HME what should you do for IBW
Add 10% to IBW due to increase in deadspace
Monitoring ASV

Monitoring ASV-Vent Status Panel

ASV – Is it lung protective?
ASV uses rules to limit frequency and VT combinations
The operator input sets the absolute boundaries
Internal calculations from patient measurements narrow the limits further
High VT Limit
HPL -10cmH20
Pt height (22ml/kg max Vt)
HPL – 10 cmH20 = max pressure, remember we always want Pplat< 30
Low Vt Limit
4.4ml/kg IBW
Low-Frequency Limit
Vent only
5 bpm
High-Frequency Limit
Vent only
fmax= Target MV / minVT
RCexp taken into consideration
Managing Severe Acidosis
Increase PEEP and/or FiO2
increase %MV
Managing High Oxygenation Needs
Increase PEEP and FiO2
Managing High Respiratory Drive
Increase % MV
Managing Respiratory Alkalosis
Decrease % MV
Managing Respiratory Acidosis
Increase % MV
ASV and Cardiac Surgery
Post cardiac surgery patients on ASV required shorter time of mech vent than with SIMV + PS