Notes Chapter 3 Flashcards
Where is the CPU located?
The CPU hides on the motherboard below a heat sink and often a fan assembly as well
External data bus EDB
A collection of wires that connects a processor to other devices on a motherboard
Small amount of high speed memory contained within the CPU
General purpose registers
AX, BX, CX, and DX
Code books
Are called microprocessors machine language (1s and 0s) —- lines of code
CPU clock speed
A CPUs clock speed is its max speed not the speed it should run at
Where is program stored?
On the hard drive
What is an “ if “ statement called?
A branch
Random access memory (RAM)
Enables a CPU to jump to any line of stored code as needed
Graph from bit to quad word
- any individual 1 or 0 = bit
- 4 bits =-0.5 bytes a nibble
- 8 bits =1 byte
- 16 bits=a word
-32 bits = a double word
-64 bits =a paragraph or quad word
An if statement is called a
RAM spreadsheet analogy
Let’s look at RAM as an excel spreadsheet.
Each cell in the spreadsheet can only store a 1 or a 0. Each cell is called a bit.
Each row is 8 bits across to match the EDB of the 8088. Each row of 8 bits is called a byte.
The terms used to talk about quantities of bits
Any individual 1 or 0 = a bit
4 bits = a nibble
8 bits = a byte
16 bits = a word
32 bits = a double word
64 bits = a paragraph or quad word
Memory control chip (MCC)
Contains special circuitry so it can grab the content of any line of RAM and place the data or command on the EDB. This enables the CPU to act on code.
The power of 2 different names
1 kilo = 2^10 =1,024 (K)
1 kilobyte = 1,024 bytes (KB)
1 mega = 2^20 =1,048,576 (M)
1 megabyte = 1,048,576 bytes (MB)
1 giga = 2^30 =1,073,741,824 (G)
1 gigabyte = 1,073,741,824 bytes (GB)
1 tera = 2^40 = 1,099,511,627,776 (T)
1 terabyte = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes (TB)
Exam tip for x86-64
Exam objectives reverse the numbers for x86-64, so you’ll see them as x64/x86.
Exabyte EB
Higher than giga and Tera. For 64 bit computing.
What is the primary benefit of 64 bit computing?
It supports more than 4 GB of memory, the limit with 32 bit processing
X86 CPUs from the early days. The 90s
Helped with marketing in its early stages. Since you couldn’t return software after you bought it.
x86 is the same as 32 bit. Now it’s x86 bit vs X64
To get a command form the data bus, do the calculation, and then send the answer back out onto the data bus, a CPU takes at least four steps (each of these steps are called a stage)
Fetch - get the data from the EDB
Decode - figure out what type of command needs to be executed
Execute - perform the calculation
Write - send the data back onto the EDB
Pipelining stages
Discrete circuits inside the CPU handle each of these stages. — today the circuits are organized in a conveyer belt fashion called a pipeline.
Pipeline stalls
When a stage hits a complex command that requires more than one clock cycle, forcing the pipeline to stop.
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) (or integer unit)
Handles integer math: basic math for numbers with no decimal point
Floating point unit (FPU)
A special circuitry to handle complex number
Smallest logical division of a single program
Pipeline stalls are also called what?
Wait states
Modern day CPUs include three caches
L1, L2, and L3 cache (Intel calls it smart cache)
The address bus and external data bus (connecting the CPU, MCC, and RAM) were lumped into a single term called what?
The front side bus
The Conner to in between the CPU and the L2 cache is called what?
The backside bus
Multi threading or hyper threading
Enables a CPU run multiple threads at the same time, turning the CPU into two CPUs on one chip with a catch
Single and dual core architecture
1 CPU = single core
2 CPU = dual core architecture
Break down of Intel Core i7 7500 U
Intel Core = brand
i7 = brand modifier
7 = generation
500 = SKU numbers
U = alpha suffix (U indicates that it’s a desktop processor using ultra low power)
Break down of Intel Core i7 12700K
Intel Core = brand
i7 = brand modifier
12 = generation
700 = SKU numbers
K = alpha suffix (K indicates that the processor is unlocked and therefore overclockable)
Break down of AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
AMD Ryzen = brand
7 = market segment/power (higher number is more powerful)
5 = generation
8 = performance level
00 = model number
X = power suffix (X indicates high performance)
Intel CPUs
Use “ land grid array (LGA) “ package for socketed CPUs, where the underside of the CPU has hundreds of contact points that line up with the socket points
Have the pins; sockets have holes. The pins in the AMD “ pin guard if array (PGA) “ CPUs align with the hole in the sockets
CPUs and heating
Since CPUs do a lot of work, they also produce a lot of heat. They don’t take heat well so cooling is important. Almost every CPU uses a combination of a heat sink and fan assembly to wick heat away from the CPU.
Heating sink with no fan/heat sink with a fan
A heat sink by itself (no fan) on a chip provides passive cooling. A heat sink and fan combination provides active cooling. You’ll sometimes hear the latter described as an “ active heat sink “
Specialized CPU coolers
Many companies sell third party heat sink and fan assemblies for a variety of CPUs. These usually exceed the OEM heat sinks in the amount of heat they dissipate and typically come in eye catching designs. Some even light up.
Liquid cooling
Works by running some liquid “ usually water “ through a metal block that sits on top of your CPU, absorbing heat. The liquid gets heated by the block, runs out of the block and into something that cools the liquid, and is then pumped through a he block again.
What are the three main parts of a liquid cooling system?
- A hollow metal block that sits on the CPU
- A pump to move the liquid around
- Some device to cool the liquid