Notes 2: Jesus was a Jew Flashcards
Primary languages of Judaism
Main: Aramaic
Scripture: Hebrew
Out of country: Greek
Scripture and sacred writings
texts they considered inspired
*first 5 books of the OT
*instructions, doctrine, law
*followed by Jews, Christians, and Islam
*large books written over decades
*major, minor, former (stories), later
Writings (3)
*psalms (biggest portion) written by David
*Proverbs (wise sayings of Solomon)
*books of Daniel and Revelation
*OT jewish scriptures begin w/ the beginning of the world (story of Adam and Eve)
what israelites believed
*what israelites repeated daily
*a cry for God to hear or listen to them
created out of nothing, everything that exists
*Day of rest for God = day of rest for everyone
*many rabbinic laws (600+)
Land: called abraham to go to land of Canaan and gave to him and his offspring
Offspring: God promised as many as the stars and sand
Sanctuary/ Sacrificial system
*commanded to build a sanctuary where anytime someone broke a law, they could offer up a lamb to die in their place
*for 1500 years, lambs were offered up for sins
Purity, hygiene, kosher
*if any bodily fluids come in contact with you, you are unclean
*cannot eat split hoofed animals (pigs), or shellfish (but no penalty, you are just unclean and cannot become clean again)
ruling council of the jews
had to be a Levitte or people could buy a genealogy so they could be shown as a Levitte
took the notes, were in line to be pharisees
Sadducees (3)
*religious leaders out in the country side
*didn’t believe that God really cared about the people, just about following the rules
*believed that when you die you’re dead
Pharisees (3)
*ran city from inside under Roman rulers
*were strict, “pure ones”
*just as god spoke through moses, they believed god was speaking through them
Essenes (2)
*moved down to dead sea to copy scriptures (dead sea scrolls)
*John the Baptist may have been one
were willing to fight to get what they wanted (hated roman rule)
means dagger (were undercover agents of the jewish zealots)
What was Jesus’ goal for Jewish people
to try and take them back to the torah’s true meaning and teach them to love their enemies