John Flashcards
*2nd generation who never personally knew Jesus
*ppl who need to believe w/o seeing
*those who need to believe
who was John if not a disciple
*some thought to not be written by the disciple John
*Why: John speaks and refers to J as God, therefore they believe this was written later when J had become more fabled
Who was John if he was a disciple
*brother of james/jacob
*son of zebedee (country folk) considered more lower class
*referred to as a “son of thunder:” means he was loud or always getting into trouble
*late life: lived in ephesus w/ Mary to live as a Christian leader
*patmos: where he received visions of revelation
*Becomes close disciple of J and described as the one who J loved (didn’t start that way)
*john was the last living disciple
*evidence that John wrote revelation and John 1-3
what was the theme of John’s gospel
Authorship: internal evidence
*the disciple was refered to multiple times that John was the one that J loved and the book states it was written by someone J loved (inferring a disciple)
*the locations are so precise (Solomon’s portico)
Authorship: external evidence
polycarp (John’s student) says that John the disciple wrote the gospel of John
*written after revelation and 1st John (we know bc end of John 1 says J is the one to stand beside us. Gospel of John, says God will send another advocate bc John was the 1st.
*written late in John’s life (85-95)
*erliest piece for the book found dates to 125AD found in Alexandrea (potentially 110AD) putting it close to the time of John
outline of John
- John 1:1-11 - Book of Signs (# of signs: 7)
- John 12-21 - Book of suffering
where was John banished to after the early church tried to boil him alive and he lived?
Major themes: 7
logos incarnate
didactic doublespeak methodology
realized eschatology
elevated christology and “I am”
the holy spirit
logos incarnate
*logos: in the beginning was the word
*an intermediary between God and Humans
*John starts: in the beginning was the word and the word became flesh (not Greco roman accepted)
Didactic double speak methodology
*didactic = teaching
*doublespeak = two ideas
*J used this method and bc Jews were so literal they never understood what he was talking about
*ex: being born again
Faith 4
*J healing man at bethesda bc he believed
*Healing boy bc mother believed
*ppl were taking J at his word
*doubting thomas that needed to see in order to believe
Realized eschatology
*eschatology: study of last day events
*w/i adventism: focuses on second coming
*in john: your last day judgement is based on how you receive the word
according to John when will the last day come
when we hear the word of God
Elevated christology, and “I am”
*john elevated/equated Jesus to God
*you don’t say “I am the way the truth and the life” w/o meaning it
who taught the most about the holy spirit
consider contrasts (light/dark, life/death)
What could be the reason there are so many unique stories in John
he was the last to write his gospel and saw it as a last opportunity for the next generation to believe so he includes details he believes were left out of the other gospels
I am statement examples
*John the baptist: he says I am not the messiah.
*Woman at the well: Jesus says “I, the one you are speaking to, am the messiah”
*heavenly bread: Jesus says “I am the bread of life”
*Jesus’ origins: Jesus says “I am the light of the world, you won’t walk in the dark with me, I am from above”
*Jesus and Abraham: Jesus says “before Abraham was, I am”
*Herdsman analogies: J says “I am the good shepherd”
*Lazarus: “I am the resurrection and the life, if you believe in me you will never die”
*Jesus and the Father: “I am going to heaven to prep a place for you…”
*Vineyard: “I am the vine, you are the branches”
*Arrest: response to asking if he was the messiah “I am.”
*Trial: “I am the messiah”
logos meaning
the word
Similarity between John’s beginning and the OT beginning
John: in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god.
OT: in the beginning was god
Signifying Jesus as synonymous with God
what does Skene mean literally, what does it refer back to, and what does it mean in regards to Jesus
tent that is among us (referring back to OT word for Sanctuary), so jesus builds a holy structure around his followers.
Who are prophetic forfunners in John
*JTB: tells ppl that he is not the messiah but came to make a way for the messiah
*Malachi: predicts that someone will come b4 J to prepare his way (JTB)
which prophet is J compared to throughout the gospel
what did the serpent on the pole represent and how does that compare to J
was a symbol of healing just like J would heal us of our sins
what OT story does J feeding the 5000 compare to
when God feeds the israelites manna from the sky in the wilderness
What significant festival does J say he will give the water of life
the feast of booths/harvest
how does j defend the adulterous woman using mosaic law?
He refers to the OT law that whoever is without sin is the only one that can condemn and throw stones. Jesus wrote out the sins the pharisees had committed and they knew they could not throw the first stone or they would be shown to be breaking the law.
Also OT law states there needs to be 2-3 witnesses to accuse someone, and once they all left there was only Jesus.
what are some allusions in John to compare J to the OT
*Zech 9:9 - your king will come riding on a donkey
*Ps 41:9 - even my friend who I shared bread with will betray me (Judas)
*Ps 22:8 - mocked “he who trusts in the Lord, let the Lord rescue him” (mocked at the cross)
*Ps 34:20 - not a bone of the lamb will be broken (none of J’s bones were broken)
meaning of Paraclete
someone who comes to stand and help you. An advocate
What is the role of the Holy Spirit
advocate, teacher, a testament to J, a convictor, to glorify god
what convictions does the HS impart on J’s followers
*Sin: bc ppl don’t believe in me
*Righteousness: bc I am going to the father
*Judgement: bc the prince of the world (satan) now stands judged
what does Jesus’ breath signfy
giving the HS
who was Nicodemus
*pharisee who lived in Jerusalem
*came to J night of night (darkened understanding)
*Stands up for J during his trial
*Provides 75lbs of myrrh and aloes to prepare J’s body for burial (never used)
what was unusual about J’s interaction between him and the Samaritan woman at the well?
*she was a woman and he was a man
*he was a jew and she was a samaritan
*different ethnicities
what law did the Pharisees accuse J of breaking after healing the man at the pool of Bethesda
working on the sabbath
What are unique stories to John
*Woman at the well
*Man at the pool of Bethesda
*Interactions between J and Nicodemus
*Adulterous Woman
*Man born blind
*Lazarus raised from the dead
*Foot washing and meal
*J and Thomas
what does J say to the man at the pool
“be well” and “take up your mat and walk”
what happens as a result of J healing the blind man
he is healed but him and his family are kicked out of the synagog
what was the catalyst event that triggers the plot against J by the Pharisees
bringing Lazarus back to life
what does J washing the disciples feet signify
him coming as a servant
what is the purpose of John’s gospel
to help those to believe w/o seeing
what was John’s bias
I write these things to you so that you will believe
When does J appear to the disciples
at the shore when they are fishing, telling them to cast their nets on the other side of their boat
what love does J say to Peter and what love does Peter respond with
J says agape love (deep love)
Peter responds with phileo love (brotherly love) further denying J
t/f: when peter wants to know what will happen to John and J responds “if I want him to live till the second coming then what does it matter to you” he meant that John will live long enough to see the second coming
False: he basically was just saying ‘worry about yourself’
what was the conclusion of John
that J did so many wonderful things on earth that it is impossible to write them all down.