Notes Flashcards
Which terms cannot use object markers? (8)
2. Descriptive Verbs
3. 많다
5. 아프다
6. 실망하다
7. 이다
8. 어때(요)
Which numbers change when adding a counter and what do they change to?
1 = 하나 -> 한
2 = 둘 -> 두
3 = 셋 -> 세
4 = 넷 -> 네
20 = 스물 -> 스무
How can 의 be used to say ‘2 people’?
두 명의 사람
When are Pure Korean numbers used? (3)
– You are counting things/people/actions
– Talking about the hour in time
– Sometimes used when talking about months.
When are Sino-Korean numbers used? (7)
– When counting/dealing with money
– When measuring
– When doing math
– In phone-numbers
– When talking about/counting time in any way except the hour
– The names of each month
– Counting months (there is another way to count months using pure Korean numbers)
When is 영 the number 0 used?
Points that can be given or taken away, like in a game.
The temperature “zero”
When using numbers in math
When is the number 0 used?
Phone numbers
How can the counter for orders in a sequence be shortened?
Give the first 4 numbers
첫 번째 = 첫째 = first
두 번째 = 둘째 = second
세 번째 = 셋째 = third
네 번째 = 넷째 = fourth
When is the counter for orders in a sequence used? (2)
- when making lists about things that need to be done, and the speaker/writer is indicating “Firstly… and then secondly…”
- when referring to your children
When saying 작년, 내년 and 올해. Which word omits the particle 에?
Attaching ~들 to what is unnatural?
to a noun that is not referring to a person is usually unnatural.
To say “I come from a country” in Korean what must you use?
in Korean the past tense of “come” must be used:
how do you say “from start to finish” ?
처음부터 끝까지
To make a passive verb from a verb ending in 하다?2)
- simply exchange 하다 with 되다 (most of the time)
- switching 하다 with 받다 (can only be done with certain verbs (usually acting on people))
To indicate that something “is in the state” of something in Korean, you must add ?
~아/어 있다
Words ending 나다 are ?
(not all words ending in 나다 have an equivalent 내다 verb (and vice-versa))
passive e.g. to be finished
Words ending 내다 are ?
(not all words ending in 나다 have an equivalent 내다 verb (and vice-versa))
active e.g. to finish
When saying you miss an object, you must use which marker?
Which terms must have 에 attached to their objects? (1)
How do you say you did something for a period of time?
use 동안
What markers can be attached more than once to a noun?
- 도
Notice that when talking about ‘marrying’ somebody, what’ must be used in Korean instead of attaching ‘를/을.’ ?
with - (이)랑/ 과,와 / 하고
What’s the difference between 제가 and 저는?
저는 김치를 먹었어요 - I ate kimchi - more focus on the kimchi. Rather than you who ate the kimchi
제가 김치를 먹었어요 - more focus on you who ate the kimchi
How do you say you have something using 가지다?
가지고 있다
What can you never use 가지다 for?
people e.g. I have a girlfriend
How do you say something is alive ? use X
X 살아 있어요
What can 더 be placed before to mean “more” of something? (2)
How do you say ‘better’ in hangul? (2)
더 좋다
낫다 - (naturally used when a specified comparison is being made. Therefore, it is common to see 낫다 used in sentences with ~보다)
How do you say ‘worse’ in hangul?
덜 좋다
How do you say ‘there is more of something’ in hangul?
더 많다
When conjugating 잘생기다 and 못생기다 how should you conjugate them??
conjugate them into past tense (even when using in the present)
How do you stress that you do something poorly?
include 잘 before 못
How do you make a question in Korean without a question word?
You just raise the intonation of the end of the sentence to make it sound like a question
Which words are usually omitted from using ~에? (7)
- 여기
- 어디
- 거기
- 저기
- 거기서
- 저기서
- 여기서
How do you say ‘How far/until…?’ in Korean
When is it more natural to use 있다 over 어디?
When asking where another person, or an object is - use 있다
When is it more natural to use 어디 over 있다?
When asking where a place is - 어디
When does 누구 become 누가?
is used as the subject of a sentence
Who will study Korean tomorrow?
Who will you meet tomorrow?
Who is that person?
Who is the subject in each sentence and how would you replace them in Korean?
Who - 누가
you - 누구를
that person - 누구이다
What can 어떻게 not be placed before? And what can it be placed before?
not be placed before an adjective or adverb
can use 어떻게 to ask how somebody does a verb
What must you use when asking someone ‘what do you think about…’?
use 어떻게
What must you use when asking someone “how is/was the…?” or “what do/did you think about…?”
(It sounds more natural in Korean for the thing you are asking about with “어때” to not have a particle)
When do you attach particles to 뭐?
when asking somebody what they are referring to in a previous sentence where a noun was omitted. e.g. 뭐를?
What is the difference between 무엇 and 뭐? (2)
- it is more common to attach ~을 to 무엇 than with 뭐
- When used before 이다 to ask what something “is,” it is more common to use 뭐 than to use 무엇
Differences between 무슨, 어떤 and 어느?
How do you ask ‘how many ____?’
use 몇 before the counter
What is the shortened form of 저것이?
What is the shortened form of 이것이?
What is the shortened form of 그것이?
Which question words by themselves to ask for more information about a situation? (6)
- 누구(요)
- 뭐(요)
- 언제(요)
- 어디(요)
- 왜(요)
- 어떻게(요)
What can be placed before adjectives and adverbs to mean “how” ?
When can 얼마나 be placed before verbs?
When the speaker is not making a distinction between countable objects?
e.g. How much (not how many)
When 많이 is used with 얼마나 and verbs what does it do? (Can also use 많은)
많이 just stresses that the speaker knows that the answer is “a lot”
What is added to the end of colour words when referring to a colour on it’s own?
Which term can be used to say ‘Really?!’ , but also to say ‘Sure, that’s fine.” in Korean?
Which word can you substitute with 후 to create the same meaning?
Often times a word that represents a group of people is placed before 모두를 - what is the meaning?
all of (group of people word)
Which word can you substitute with “후” in ~ㄴ/은 후에 to have the meaning of “since (verb)” ?
If 안/이내 are placed after an indication of time, they have the meaning of?
“within” that time period.
Where do you add particles to 아무나?
Which additional particles can’t you add?
는 and 이/가
What must you always use with negative words?
negative endings
Which term do you often omit from locations and which term must you always keep when needed?
- omit 에
- keep 에서
어느 is commonly placed before a broad indication of time or place - when this is done what does it mean?
some random time or place
e.g. 어느 날 = some day (an ambiguous day)
What does ~더~ mean when used as part of a grammatical principle?
it signifies that the speaker is recalling/remembering some fact from the past that was experienced.
What does the usage of ~던 tell us when attached to an active verb?
- gives the meaning of personal experience/memory
- that the action occurred repeatedly
- It is also possible that this “repeated” action is still reoccurring into the present (or whatever current time is being described in the sentence). Unless otherwise specified in other parts of the sentence, this repeated action hasn’t been stopped and is still re-occurring.
What does the usage of ~았/었던 tell us when attached to an active verb?
- that the action has completely finished and is not currently occurring the meaning of personal experience/memory - that the action occurred repeatedly
What does the usage of ~았/었던 tell us when attached to a descriptive verb?
- that the noun was that way in the past, but is no longer that way anymore the meaning of personal experience/memory
What do you add before adjectives or adverbs to change them to? e.g. smartest, prettiest, happiest, fastest
exception - like (like the most)
가장 or 제일
In which grammatical principles is it appropriate to add ~은 to 있다 or 없다 to create 있은 or 없은? (2)
- ~ㄴ/은 후
- ~ㄴ/은 지
What is uncommon to use with ~기 싫다?
What are common words that are used in the ~기 form?
- 달리기
- 줄넘기
- 쓰기
- 읽기
- 듣기
What is the ~기 form commonly used to do? (5)
1) Turning any verb into a noun: 사과를 가져오기, 달리기
2) Put before 시작하다: 먹기 시작했다
3) Put before 싫다: 먹기 싫어
4) Making Lists: 쌀을 사기
5) On buttons: 보내기
When is ~는지 used in a clause?
- If a clause contains a question word (누구, 뭐, 언제, 어디, 왜, etc…)
- There’s uncertainty e.g. a question or a guess
Adding ~도 to ~지 to make ~지도 does what?
When would you not use it?
- uncertain too/ also
If a question word is in the clause
where you can use the bound noun “지.” and what does it mean?
Must follow all 3 rules
1. when placed after a verb with ~ㄴ/은 attached
(use 지 here)
2. and when followed by an indication of time
3.and then followed by 되다 conjugated to the past tense
It means - it’s been this amount of time since this action happened (or stopped - if the action could have continued)
How do you conjugate 이다?
conjugated as an adjective
When used in the same sentence what do subject and topic particles do?
They revert to their actual meaning - the topic particles introduce the topic and the subject particles mark the subject.
How do you use 이다?
1) to talk about who someone is
2) to talk about what something is
Where do you commonly use 입니다?
When introducing yourself
When is it appropriate to add ~은 to 있다 or 없다 to create 있은 or 없은?
When a grammatical principle creates a meaning that specifies that an action was done in the past and we are looking at the time since that action, ~은 can be used.
where you can use the bound noun “적.” and what does it mean?
- First, you need a verb
- Add ~ㄴ/은 to the verb stem
- Add 적: e.g. 먹은 적
적 is a bound noun of experience and refers to the experience of the active verb it is placed before
in this case: experience of eating
Sometimes you will see “중” being used immediately after the noun form of a verb without the use of ~는 것.
The nouns used in these situations are usually ~하다 nouns (that is, verbs that we can remove ~하다 from to form nouns).
E.g. 나는 공부 중이야
E.g. 저는 생각 중이에요
When 중에 is placed after a list of two or more things. Or placed after one noun that represents two or more nouns.
What does it mean?
it has the meaning of “of (those things)” or “among/between (those things).”
e.g. Of all my friends, I like Seulgi the most
e.g. 나의 친구들 중에 나는 슬기를 가장 좋아해
중에 is placed after a list of two or more things. Or placed after one noun that represents two or more nouns.
When the choices/options are given in a previous sentence and they are being referred to in a different sentence or clause.
What is used?
meaning “among/between those things previously mentioned.”
to indicate a limit of time for when some action will be done by
(placed after time)
What sound does a cat make in korean?
colloquial term for ‘actually’
slang for ‘obviously’
What feeling does the future ~ㄹ/을 것이다 conjugation on 이다 give off?
can add the feeling of guessing about a certain situation
Passive sentences indicate that an action is performed on the subject.
Passive sentences indicate that an action is performed on the subject.
what can you use to indicate how/by which means the passive verb occurs if it’s a person?
what can you use to indicate how/by which means the passive verb occurs if it’s a non-person?
what marker must you use when talking about body parts?