NOT EXAM labs 1-3 + appendix A Flashcards
traits that contribute to an organism’s fitness by increasing its chance of surviving and reproducing
Can be physical feature of body (colour of wings) or behaviour (attraction to certain smells)
Not all traits are adaptations
E.g. reduviid bugs (nymphs) have an adaptation that covers their thorax with a layer of dust or sand which allows dead insects to stick to them and camouflages them from predators → increases their chance of survival
New traits and new combinations of traits are created in the population by ________(genetic errors) as well as ______________(mixing of genes through sex)
mutations ; recombination
Fitness can be measured as the number of offspring an individual produces relative to other individuals in the population
In order for a trait to evolve by natural selection, the following three criteria must be met:
The trait is heritable
There is variation between individuals within a population for the trait
Variation in the trait leads to some individuals leaving more offspring in the next gen than others (i.e. some individuals have higher fitness than others)
Population can also change genetically by random processes (_________) or by the influx of migrants from other populations (________)
genetic drift; gene flow
Adaptations for competition for mates
An individual’s fitness depends not only on how long it survives and how well it locates food, but also on how successful it is in competing for mates
An individual that fails to mate will produce no offspring and have a fitness of zero
sexual selection
Natural selection arising from variable mating success is called sexual selection
Sexual selection often results in the evolution of differences between males and females in secondary sexual characteristics (characteristics other than ovaries and testes)
sexual dimorphism
Differences in the shape or size of body called sexual dimorphism
Two principal mechanisms of sexual selection are
intrasexual competition and mate choice
Intrasexual competition
Males fight with other males for access to females
Males that defeat their rivals will sire more offspring (so they possess more adaptations for fighting - horns, tusks)
mate choice
In many species, females/males are choosy about their mates
Thought to increase the fitness of the “chooser” by enabling it to mate only with healthy individuals (which are thus more “attractive” as mates)
Attractive individuals attract more mates → produce more offspring
Adaptations include elaborate structures, colour patterns and courtship displays that might reveal their health and vigour
Phenotype plasticity →
a single genotype can produce different phenotypes in response to its environment
The phenotype is the “outward appearance” or observable manifestation of a specific genotype
overall organism’s phenotype composed of its …
morphological, behaviour and physiology
When variation in the phenotype is observed within a population, the observed variation may result from variation among genotypes (i.e. genetic variation), the environment, or the interactions of both components
Evolution depends on ________ traits being passed down from gen to gen
-It’s an organism’s alleles and not its phenotype that are transmitted directly from parents to offspring
Continuous phenotypic traits are the result of…
interactions between multiple genes and the environment
Continuous phenotypic traits–>height/skin colour)
continuous phenotypic traits
Each of these genes can have a large or small effect on phenotypic expression
These traits referred to as quantitative or polygenic traits
(height, skin colour)
Because both gene expression and fitness are dependent on __________, an individual’s ability to respond to environmental conditions in a way that will increase its ________is an important factor in evolution
the environment; fitness
Individuals that can exploit the appropriate combination of phenotype and environment will gain the ________
Can be achieved by altering the environment (move to suitable habitat) or altering the _______–
highest fitness; phenotype
Alteration of the phenotype, called acclimation, occurs in individuals that are able to modify their phenotype in response to environmental variation in a manner that improves fitness
Individuals don’t adapt but they ______to their environment
________are capable of adapting to changing environments
acclimate ; Populations
phenotype plasticity
When an individual can alter the expression of a phenotypic trait in response to the environment, they are showing phenotypic plasticity for that trait
Ability of one genotype to produce different phenotypes in different environments
Expresses itself as either discrete alternate types or in a continuum
E.g. desert annual plant produces either yellow(dormant) or green(non-dormant) seeds depending upon day length
When phenotype plasticity expresses itself in a continuum, the relationship between the environment and the trait in question is known as a …
reaction norm
Why aren’t all traits phenotypically plastic?
Possible explanation is that insufficient genetic variation exists(in species or trait) for the evolution of plasticity to occur
-even if sufficient variation exists for the evolution of plasticity, costs and limitations may result in a selective pressure against a trait evolving phenotypic plasticity
-costs associated with producing new phenotypes and maintaining the sensory and regulatory mechanisms required for plasticity may offer a significant selection pressure against the evolution of plasticity for a trait
-at a genetic level, linkage between genes might produce a situation whereby genes promoting plasticity might be linked to genes conferring a low fitness for other traits