Nose and Throat (larynx) Flashcards
True/false: Cats and dogs both have paired lateral nasal glands with similar secretions and functions.
False: dogs more serous, cats less overall and more mucus.
IgA in serous fluid may contribute to immunity
What CNS center is associated with positive olfaction?
caudate nucleus
What areas of the nose are primarily dedicated to olfaction?
caudodorsal portion nasal mucosa
True/false: The alar fold is a bulbous extension of the ventral nasal conchae that fuses with the wing of the nostril
true/false: The orbicularis oris acts to increase the diameter of the nares
False: levator nasolabilis m.; levator labii maxillaries m + labial part (caninus m)
Which of the following is most true in regards to palate formation?
A Unilateral cleft lips are usually seen on the right
B The medial nasal and maxillary prominences fuse to form the lip and primary palate in dogs and cats
C The secondary palate is formed by palatal shelves that grow vertically down and then elevate to join with each other above the tongue
D Clefts can occur at from intrauterine trauma at any time before day 25
C true A(LEFT) B form the lip and primary palate in dogs and cats (JUST THE MAXILLARY) D Clefts (MUST BE BETWEEN DAYS 25-28 IN DOGS)
Which TRUE soft palate?
A Blood supply to the soft palate is via the major palatine arteries
B Motor nerves to the palate are an important part of the mechanism to trigger swallowing
C The palatinus muscle elevates the soft palate
D Palatopharyngeus muscles draw the caudal soft palate, palatopharyngeal arches, and caudal pharynx together during swallowing
D true
soft palate is MINOR palatine arteries
SENSORY nerves to the palate are an important part of the mechanism to trigger swallowing
LEVATOR VELI PALATINE muscle elevates the soft palate
find the True?
A Incisive duct communicate with the vomernasal organ and exits lateral to the maxillary PM4
B The minor palatine branch of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve provide motor innervation
C Congenital palatal defects are best closed between 3-4 months of age
D Brachycephalic breeds are at a lower risk of developing defects of the primary and secondary palates
C true
A Incisive duct communicate with the vomernasal organ and exits ROSTRAL TO THE FIRST TRANSVERSE RIDGE [medial to the maxilary PM4 (MAJOR PALATINE FORAMINA)]
B The minor palatine branch of the trigeminal nerve provide SENSORY innervation
D Brachycephalic breeds = HIGHER risk
True or False?
The left recurrent laryngeal nerve arches around the aorta and ascends the trachea and the right recurrent laryngeal nerve arches around the subclavian artery and ascends the aorta
True or False?
Feline arytenoid cartilages lack cuneiform and corniculate processes?
true aryepiglottic folds also absent
Which of the following is false regarding laryngeal anatomy?
A. The larynx is made up from 6 cartilages including the epiglottic, thyroid, cricoid, sesamoid, interarytenoid, and paired arytenoid
B. The arytenoid cartilage has 3 processes including the cuneiform, corniculate, and muscular process
C. The muscular process serves as the insertion point for the cricoarytenoideus dorsalis
D. The thyropharyngeus is innervated by the glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves
B. Arytenoid cartilage also has a vocal process (4 total processes)
When are most corrections for congenital soft palates performed?
3-4 months
What nerve innervates the cricothyroideus?
Cranial laryngeal nerve
its an intrinsic muscle, but the exception to the caudal laryngeal nerve innervation
What muscles does the caudal laryngeal nerve innervate?
intrinsic muscles of the larynx= cricoarytenoideus dorsalis, cricoarytenoid lateralis, thyroarytenoideus, –> ventricularis, vocalis, arytenoideus transversus, hyoepiglotticus
MOTOR function
What are the extrinsic muscles of the larynx?
thyropharyngeus + cricopharyngeus
What nerve is afferent limb of the cough reflex?
vagus –> cranial laryngeal –> internal branch = sensory to laryngeal mucosa
What are the grades/stages of laryngeal collapse?
I = mild, laryngeal saccule eversion II = cuneiform process of arytenoid loses its rigidity and becomes medially displaced III = corniculate processes collapse, resulting in loss of the dorsal arch of the rima glottidis and subsequent airway obstruction
what are clinical signs of brachycephalic syndrome?
Inspiratory stertor, Stridor Coughing, Gagging, Dyspnea Regurgitation, vomiting Exercise intolerance syncope
what are some primary changes for brachycephalic syndrome?
Stenotic nares (43-85%) Elongated soft palate (86-96%) Redundant pharyngeal folds, hypoplastic trachea(38%), nasopharyngeal turbinates
what are the bones in the hyoid apparatus (5)?
the stylish elephant can bewitch thousands
tympanohyoid cartilage–> stylohyoid bone–> epihyoid –> ceratohyoid–> basi hyoid
and thyrohyoid