Esophagus/Stomach Flashcards
Which of the following statements is incorrect in regards of esophageal vascular supply ?
A. cervical esophagus: cr. & cd. thyroid artery, external jugular vein.
B. cranial 2/3rds of the thoracic esophagus: bronchoesophageal a, azygos vein
C. caudal 1/3 thoracic esophagus: esophageal branches of aorta or dorsal intercostal a. and azygous vein
D. Terminal portion: esophageal br. of right gastric artery, portal venous system
D Terminal portion = left gastric artery and left gastric vein –> portal venous system
Factors contributing (5) to healing of the esophagus:
1 lack of serosa, 2 segmental blood supply, 3 lack of omentum, 4 constant motion (swallowing and respiration), 5 tension at the surgical site
T/F: Simultaneous ligation of blood vessels to the cervical and thoracic esophagus, results in esophageal necrosis at the thoracic inlet.
True: BUT
Most cases of ischemic necrosis at the esophageal incision associated w/ damage to the intramural vascular supply of esophagus rather than the segmental vessels.
Which is true?
A 57% of dogs undergoing ortho procedures have a gastroesophageal reflux event
B 35% of these events are recognized.
C Small amounts of food 3 hours before surgery can increase the acidity.
D Ranitidine is a proton-pump inhibitor
A true
B (14%)
C (decrease)
D H 2 blocker
What are 4 branches of the vagus that supply the esophagus
paired pharyngoesophageal
recurrent laryngeal
pararecurrent laryngeal
dorsal and ventral vagal trunks
What occurs in the 3 steps of oropharyngeal phase of swallowing?
oral: prehension, bolus formed, delivered to pharynx
Pharyngeal: prevent nasal reflux(palatal and pharyngeal m contraction) and laryngotracheal aspiration (caudal epiglottic reflection+vocal fold adduction)
cricopharyngeal: bolus delivered to cranial cervical esophagus (relax thyropharyngeus and cricopharyngeus)
What are 2 forms of movement of food in the esophagus in esophageal phase of swallowing?
primary peristaltic wave (large enough bolus)
secondary peristaltic wave (from distension esoph)
Where does aorta cross?
midthoracic esophagus
Name layers of esophagus
What are contributors to the lower esophageal high pressure zone? (4)
1 circumferential striated m. thickening (dogs),
2 diaphragmatic crural muscles
3 angle of esoph+stomach
4 folds gastroesophgeal mucosa
Transit time of liquid/kibble in sternal recumbency?
2.58/4.44 cm/s
slower in lateral 7.23 /8.92 cm/s
name layers of the stomach and sublayers
muscularis: longitudinal, inner, oblique
What structures does the cardiac notch separate? the incisura angularis/ angular notch?
Cardia and fundus
antrum and the body at lesser curvature
where does the hepatogastric ligament come from?
portion of the lesser omentum
Where does the gastrosplenic ligament come from? What does it contain?
splenic portion of the greater omentum
gastroepiploic vessels
What do the following gastric glands produce? cardiac pyloric parietal chief endocrine
cardiac: serous
pyloric: mucus
parietal/oxyntic: pump H+ ions into lumen; intrinsic factor
chief: pepsinogen
endocrine: gastrin; histamine; serotonin
What does intrinsic factor do?
binds B12 to permit absorption in distal small intestine
Why is contractile retropulsion important in the stomach
reduces digestible food particles to 0.1-0.63mm
How is wound healing/collagen production different in GI tract?
fibroblasts AND smooth m. cells contribute to collagen production