Nose Flashcards
The functions of the nose includes
olfaction (smelling), respiration
(breathing), filtration of dust, humidification of inspired air, and reception and
elimination of secretions from the paranasal sinuses and nasolacrimal ducts
The main
components of the nasal septum are .
the the ethmoid,
the vomer, and the septal cartilage
The bony part of the nose consists of the
nasal bones,
frontal processes of the maxillae,
the nasal part of the frontal bone and its nasal spine,
and the bony parts of the nasal septum.
The cartilaginous part of the
nose consists of five main cartilages:
two lateral cartilages,
Two alar cartilages,
and one septal cartilage
The _____cartilages are free and movable
The U-shaped alar cartilages are free and movable
septum broadly consist of ___&___part.
bony part and a soft mobile cartilaginous part.
The nasal septim main components are
The vomer, ethmoid bone and septal cartilage
_____ lines the nasal cavity, except for the nasal vestibule, which is
lined with _____
All the muscles attached to the external part of the nose is innervated by
Facial nerve
The superior concha is small and anterior to the
sphenoidal sinus
and the middle concha has an angled inferior
border and ends inferior to the sphenoidal sinus
The inferior two thirds of the nasal
mucosa is the ______ and the superior one third is the ____
respiratory area,
olfactory area
What are the boundaries of the nose
The Roof: Narrow and formed by forntonasal, ethmoidal, sphenoidal
Floor:Palatine process of the maxilla
Medial: nasal septum
Lat: nasal concha
The nasal cavity is therefore divided into five passages which are?
A posterosuperiorly placed spheno-ethmoidal recess
Three laterally located nasal
meatus (superior, middle, and inferior), and
A medially placed common nasal
meatus into which the four lateral passages open.
The middle and superior conchae are medial processes of the __ bone.
The _____ concha is the
longest and broadest of the conchae and is formed by an independent bone (of
the same name,
inferior concha
The spheno-ethmoidal recess, lying ____ to the superior concha,
Which of the nasal meatus is longest and broader?
The middle
The anterosuperior part of ______ nasal meatus leads
into a funnel-shaped opening, the ethmoidal infundibulum through which it communicates with the frontal sinus
Middle meatus
frontonasal duct runs from
The frontal sinus to ethmoidal infrondibulum to middle meatus
The bulla is formed by_____ that
form the ethmoidal sinuses.
middle ethmoidal cells
What’s the blood supply to the nose
The skin of the external nose receives arterial supply from branches of the ••maxillary and ••ophthalmic arteries
The septum and alar cartilages receive additional supply from the
•angular artery and ••lateral nasal artery. These are both branches of the facial artery
The nasal cavity extends from the ___ to______and has three divisions:
vestibule of the nose to the nasopharynx,
Respiratory region
Olfactory region
What’s nasal concha
These are curved shelves of bone projecting at the lateral wall of the nasal cavity
Functions of concha
increase the surface area of the nasal cavity
They also disrupt the fast, laminar flow of the air, making it slow and turbulent
The air spends longer in the nasal cavity, so that it can be humidified.
___,____,___sinuses open into the middle meatus.
The frontal, maxillary and anterior ethmoidal
The posterior ethmoidal sinuses open out at the level of the ____& meatus.
The middle ethmoidal sinuses empty out onto
superior meatus
ethmoidal bulla.
The only structure not to empty out onto the lateral walls of the nasal cavity is the ________. It drains onto the ______.
sphenoid sinus
posterior roof
In addition to the paranasal sinuses, other structures open into the nasal cavity are?
And they empty into
Nasolacrimal duct – acts to drain tears from the eye. It opens into the inferior meatus.
Auditory (Eustachian) tube – opens into the nasopharynx at the level of the inferior meatus. It allows the middle ear to equalise with the atmospheric air pressure.
What’s incisive canal
And function
incisive canal is a pathway between the nasal cavity and the incisive fossa of the oral cavity.
It transmits the nasopalatine nerve and greater palatine artery.
The nose receives blood from both the internal and external carotid artery
Internal carotid branches of the nose
Anterior ethmoidal artery
Posterior ethmoidal artery
Both branches of ophthalmic artery
Externall carotid branches of the nose
Sphenopalatine artery
Greater palatine artery
Superior labial artery
Lateral nasal arteries
The innervation of the nose can be functionally divided into ____&____innervation
special: olfactory
General sensory innervation to the septum and lateral walls is delivered by thenasopalatine nerve(branch of maxillary nerve) and thenasociliary nerve(branch of the ophthalmic nerve).
The paranasal sinuses are formed during development by the nasal cavity eroding into the surrounding bones
List the para nasal sinuses
2 Frontal (most superior)
Maxillary sinuses
Frontal sinus Drainage is via the____
frontonasal duct
Sphenoid Sinuses open into the nasal cavity via
spheno-ethmoidal recess.
There are ____ ethmoidal sinuses and they open into
Ant. Into middle meatus
Mid. Into middle
Pst. Into superior meatus
Among the para nasal sinuses which is largest
Maxillary sinus
Maxillary sinus is a potential pathway for spread of infection
Which of the sinus can be used to access the pituitary gland
Sphenoid sinus
Inflammation of the maxillary sinus can cause toothache
Muscle of the nose
procerus : originates in the fascia overlying the nasal bone and lateral nasal cartilage, inserting into the inferior forehead. Contraction can depress the medial eyebrows, and wrinkles the skin of the superior dorsum.
The transverse portion of the nasalis muscle assists the procerus muscle in this action